First-class daughter

Chapter 336 Makeover

Chapter 336 Makeover
Chapter 336 Makeover
"General nursing home?"

Lian Tian never had any superfluous expressions on his face, especially at this moment. He looked at the cold eyebrows and said, "I don't care who you are or what you usually do, but I am the chief nurse of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Never allow anyone to do anything against the prime minister under my watch!"

Leng Mei was not flustered, and with a cold face, he raised the sword in front of him with one finger and said, "Then the Chief Nursing Court saw me sneaking into the prime minister's study last night, why didn't you catch me on the spot? And why didn't you testify against me in front of everyone?"

Lian Tian withdrew his gaze and said, "I turned a blind eye last night, not to help you, but because that thing is harmful to Master's body, Master should know the truth. But next time, I won't sit idly by."

"The only person I want to protect is Missy, as long as it's not good for Missy, I won't sit idly by!" After speaking, he gave him a cold look with cold eyebrows, then turned and left.

Lian Tian looked at the icy back, and couldn't help looking at the sword in her hand, and stopped at the place where she touched it with her fingertips.

Lian Jue ran to the well water in the backyard, scooped up ladle after ladle of cold water and poured it over his head, soaking himself completely.

Seeing Sijiu, she was startled, hurriedly snatched the water ladle, and said, "Master, what's wrong with you, the weather is still very cold!"

"I..." Lian Jue's face was still red.

"What's wrong?" Sijiu asked worriedly.

"I, I, I really deserve to die!" Sitting by the well, Lian Jue slapped himself so hard that his jade-like face turned red.

"Master..." Sijiu didn't know anything, and looked at the abnormal young master stupidly.


Aunt Zhen was carried away to some unknown place, and even her mother got so angry, this Aunt Zhen couldn't do anything good, and she would never appear in Qingquanyuan again.

Lian Shiya was hurriedly carried back by the servants and put on the bed. Doctor Lu prescribed medicine to apply on her leg. She cried out in pain, but now she dared not move her leg. When the legs are well, the legs can return to normal, and they will not walk with a limp.

Thinking that she was inexplicably beaten up by a group of slaves, but did not seek justice, she felt very uncomfortable.

After a while, Xiao stumbled and came back in a daze, without a single servant by his side.

"Mother..." Lian Shiya was shocked when she saw Xiao Shi's appearance, and saw Xiao Shi's face was swollen like a pig's head, "Did father beat you?"

Xiao Shi slumped on the chair, with a look of death on his face, "Your father is really a heartless person. He was so kind to me at the beginning, and even gave me this unique glazed lamp. Now, because of a medicine, he put the Everything about us in the past was wiped out, treating me like a femme fatale, slapped me more than a dozen times, ignoring my pleading, my ears are probably going to be deaf, and now my ears are still buzzing listening to you ring."

"Mother, then, what should we do now? Is there no way for us to go? I heard that my uncle was also punished by the emperor this time, and my eldest cousin was arrested for offending the emperor." Shi Ya only felt that a mountain behind her had collapsed, and she was also on the verge of falling.

"Now, your uncle and we have been hit hard at the same time. He has to be busy saving your eldest cousin for a while, and he might not care about us. We can only rely on ourselves." Xiao looked at his bruised appearance in the mirror, and then Seeing how Lian Shiya was lying unable to move, he said, "We must hurry up and get rid of Lian Siyue and Rong Xue, otherwise, there really is no place for us in this Prime Minister's Mansion."

"But now, what else can we do?" Lian Shiya felt disheartened like never before.

There was a sneer in Xiao's tearful eyes, and he said, "We still have the trump card of Lian Jue, didn't you notice just now? Lian Jue's flustered look, he smelled the love potion. Like the moon, he has a wrong idea. As long as the adulterous relationship between these two brothers and sisters is exposed, the two brothers and sisters will no longer be able to live in the Xiangfu, and we will be able to turn defeat into victory. Rong Xue, so what if you gave birth to a pair of children? Unethical people, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Xiao Shi tightly grasped the comb in his hand, raised his head and laughed, his expression was almost crazy!
The next morning.

Lian Siyue had a good night's sleep, feeling refreshed. Standing in front of the window, the pot of crabapple flowers that Lian Jue gave her bloomed again, very delicately.

She couldn't help chanting, "Try the man with the curtain, but the begonia is still the same. Do you know? Do you know? It should be green, fat, red and thin."

"Miss, this servant will comb your hair." Jiang Xiang came over and said respectfully.

"Miss, I heard that Miss San cried all night last night, complaining that her feet hurt, so Dr. Lu was called again this morning, and invited a famous doctor from the capital." Qing Dai took a handkerchief for her Lian Siyue wiped her hands and said.

"What did the famous doctor say?" Lian Siyue raised her hand, fiddled with the jade butterfly hairpin on her head, and asked.

"It's roughly the same as Doctor Lu's statement. I'm afraid the third lady will really become a lame in the future, and she won't be able to dance anymore. The third lady has always been proud of her dancing posture."

"What does that matter, isn't she also good at medicine?" Lian Siyue said indifferently.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Miss San hasn't seen anyone for a long time." Qing Dai recalled.

"Let's go, it's time to go to grandma's place to say hello." Lian Siyue said with a light smile.

Mother Lian sat on the sour pear wood chaise longue, and Lian Siyue stood aside respectfully, patiently brewing a cup of fragrant tea for grandmother, and then adding two slices of ginger.

Mother Lian sighed deeply when she thought about the matter of Cui Qingyao, and said, "It's really unfortunate that such a shameful thing happened to the family. People from the Xiao family shouldn't have been allowed to enter the house in the first place."

"Grandmother, you drink tea." Lian Siyue held the teacup in both hands and handed it to Mother Lian, said.

"Mr. Xiao is really daring. For his own selfishness, he actually disregarded your father's health and did such a harmful thing..." Lian's mother said, as if she realized that the granddaughter in front of her was underage, so she couldn't continue talking.

"Grandmother, now that father knows the truth, he will naturally deal with it. Grandmother doesn't need to worry too much. Your health is the most important thing."

"Too many things have happened recently. My head hurts every now and then." Mother Lian frowned, and supported the forehead on her head.

Lian Siyue silently observed Lian Mu's face, Lian Mu was indeed feeling tired recently, and she heard her say that she had a headache several times.

"Mother, what Yue'er said is right, you're welcome to take a break. Elder brother knows how to do other things, so you don't have to worry too much, just take care of yourself." Lian Xi also comforted him.

The maids came in one by one and began to beat Lianmu's legs and light incense. Lianmu felt better and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

Lian Xi ordered everyone to move all the flower pots in the courtyard outside, and Lian Siyue followed behind and walked forward, calling out:

"Aunt Xi, please stay."

"Yue'er, what's the matter?" Lian Xi stopped in her tracks.

"How long has grandma been suffering from weakness and headaches?" Lian Siyue asked.

Lian Xi thought about it for a while, and said, "It's almost half a month, and I asked Dr. Lu to look at it during the period, and there was nothing wrong with it. Dr. Lu told me privately that the old lady is getting older and her body is starting to weaken. It's better to worry about it. Yue'er, what's the matter?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "No, it's nothing, maybe I was thinking too much. Grandma is getting old, and it's normal for her to start showing some old symptoms."

Lian Xi continued to direct everyone to make flower pots, Lian Siyue stood where she was, with a pensive expression on her face, her gaze slowly passed over every place in Qing'an Courtyard——

Grandma is like this, is it really because of old age?

"Yue'er, so you are here, my father was looking for you." At this moment, Lian Yanqing happened to come over.

"I don't know why father is looking for his daughter?" Lian Siyue asked slightly rudely.

"The Imperial Concubine sent Imperial Physician Rong to take care of your mother's pregnancy. This is a great favor to the Lian family. I think you and Lian Jue should go to the palace to thank the Imperial Concubine in person. .correct……"

He looked Lian Siyue up and down, and said, "Go change into brighter clothes before entering the palace. You are always so plain, making people think that you are too cold-tempered to get close to you."

When Lian Siyue saw the eagerness in his father's eyes that could not be concealed, he knew the wishful thinking in his heart. Now that Lian Shiya could not be counted on at all, he began to count on her to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was reading an official job in the study. After reading it for a while, he didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly smiled and laughed out loud. He raised his head, his eyes rested on the picture scroll in front of him, and he felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

At this time, Night Breeze ran over like a gust of wind, leaned against the door, and said out of breath, "His Royal Highness, good news, the eldest lady has entered the palace today to thank the imperial concubine."

When Feng Yunzheng heard this, he stood up suddenly, dropped the pen and paper, and ran out of the study like flying.

However, he just ran to the door, walked back, stood by the door, put one hand on the back of the waist, one hand on the front of the abdomen, straightened his body, and asked, "How is this king dressed?" ? Is there a jade tree facing the wind, handsome and unrestrained?"

"Well..." Night Breeze bit his index finger, pretending to think, and looked up and down.

"How?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"It seems... something is missing." Night Breeze said, frowning.

"What's missing?" Feng Yunzheng asked nervously.

"His Highness prefers white, silver, and moonlight, so he often shows others in white robes and silver robes. Of course, with His Highness's demeanor, he is absolutely worthy of the words "unmatched in the world."

"Just what?"

"This white and silver color always gives people a feeling of repelling people thousands of miles away. Maybe it will make the eldest miss misunderstand that His Highness is too indifferent, and dare not talk to His Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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