First-class daughter

Chapter 337 meet again

Chapter 337 meet again
Chapter 337 meet again
Linhua Palace.

Concubine Liang sat on the huanghuali wood chaise longue, with a gentle smile on her face, nodding her head and looking at the two kneeling people in front of her with satisfaction.

Lian Siyue knelt on the ground, put her hands on her forehead, and bowed her body. She was wearing a long dress of rose red flowing color and dark flowers, and she was combing a bun near the clouds. Plum blossom drop earrings adorn the rounded earlobes.It's not as cold and elegant as in the past, but a bit more justly luxurious, that hibiscus-like face, with willow eyebrows and almond eyes.

Next to her is her younger brother Lian Jue, dressed in a brocade robe, as beautiful as a crown jade, already elegant.

Lian Siyue said: "The imperial concubine is auspicious. Siyue and my younger brother Lianjue came here to thank you for saving our mother from danger. Your kindness to us will never be forgotten."

"If the empress hadn't helped her in time this time, the consequences would have been disastrous." Lian Jue continued.

Concubine Liang raised her hand and said, "There is no need to be too polite, you two sisters and brothers should get up quickly."

"Thank you, ma'am." Lian Siyue raised her body, and seeing Concubine Liang's kind expression, she smiled slightly, her face was like a flower bud blooming in spring, fresh and tender.

"Come here, give me a seat." Concubine Liang ordered, two eunuchs immediately moved two chairs and placed them on the left side, Lian Siyue and Lian Jue sat down on the chairs.

"Is Mrs. Lian still in good health?" Concubine Liang asked with concern.

"Thank you for your concern. Fortunately, your mother sent Imperial Physician Rong here in time. The mother saved the fetus in her womb. Now the situation has stabilized. The mother also said that she should actually enter the palace today to thank you, but she is afraid of taking medicine. I bumped into the empress, please forgive her and stop the medicine before coming to worship." Lian Siyue said slowly and politely, her words and deeds were dignified and elegant, both respectful and modest, neither humble nor overbearing, let Concubine Liang treat her in her heart Much appreciated.

"Speaking of which, you are the savior of Bengong and Zheng'er. If you hadn't noticed that there was something wrong with Fangyou, you would have taken out the wooden man buried under the tree and replaced it with an iron birch tree. On the night of the queen mother's birthday, I would have I'm afraid Gong and Zheng'er will suffer, this crime of witchcraft is a serious crime of beheading." Concubine Liang still has lingering fears when she thinks about the situation that day, if Lian Siyue hadn't discovered the problem in time, the fate of the empress and the deposed prince would be her and the deposed prince. Zheng'er's fate is over.

"That day, Siyue accidentally discovered that Fangyou was absent-minded, so he became suspicious. The one who really found the wooden man was His Highness the Ninth Prince himself." Of course, Lian Siyue did not intend to tell Concubine Liang that she found Fangyou from the wound on his tiger's mouth. She is a member of the Fourth Highness, so she found the flaw.

"You, don't be humble. Bengong has decided that you are the savior of our mother and son. Don't worry, Bengong won't delve into how you discovered the flaw. Your heart is for Bengong and Zheng'er. That's enough." Concubine Liang Hui felt Lan Xin, she saw that Lian Siyue had something difficult to explain, so she didn't ask any further questions.

"Your Majesty knows everything in her heart." Lian Siyue smiled shyly. Lian Siyue found that when she was with Concubine Liang, she would not have the feeling of being oppressed by honor and power. A feeling of talking with parents and elders.

"And you, Lianjue..." Concubine Liang looked at the young man in front of her with loving and gentle eyes, and said, "You spoke for the Ninth Prince several times that day, and I will remember it in my heart. You two are very affectionate." Yi, different from the children of ordinary families, I like you, so I will come to the palace more in the future and see me more often."

Lian Jue got up, bowed and nodded, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm flattered, Lian Jue just did what I thought I should do at the moment."

"This is not something anyone has the courage to do." Concubine Liang looked at Lian Jue, and also liked it very much. She felt that this young man was different from others. He was noble and elegant, with a particularly pure and clear temperament in his bones.

"His Royal Highness is here!" At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the door, and a figure came in hurriedly. Concubine Liang looked up and was taken aback for a moment. superior.

Even Siyue turned her head to look over upon hearing the sound, her eyes were obviously stunned for a moment, this, is this His Highness the Ninth Prince?
But Lian Jue turned his head and saw the man who came over, his eyes wide open, with a look of surprise on his face, he blinked vigorously——

I saw that Feng Yunzheng was wearing a dark red brocade robe with flowing clouds and python patterns, and the whip was inlaid with dark golden velvet trim. He came like a hot flame, and his eyes exuded the faint brilliance of the Milky Way. , lips Rudanzhu, high spirits.

When the servants at the side saw Feng Yunzheng's attire, they also suspected that they had read it wrong. Is this person who is so festive in front of him really the Ninth Prince who was indifferent and alienated in the past?He always dressed coldly, white clothes better than snow, spotless——

Today it became like this, this is... what's wrong?
Feng Yunzheng's eyes have silently fallen on Lian Siyue's body since he came in, and now the two of them know that each other is a reborn body, when they meet again, there is a strange feeling in their hearts, a kind of joy of reunion after a long absence, and coincidentally--

She was also in red, and she looked like a peony in full bloom. Thinking of what Night Breeze had said, his heart blossomed with joy——

Is Yue'er also like him, abandoning her usual simple and elegant clothes, and wearing red clothes on purpose, because she doesn't want him to feel too unapproachable, is this a hint?

Thinking of this, his smile became even more doting.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince." When he was approaching all the way, Lian Siyue and Lian Jue recovered from the shock and stood up to greet him at the same time.

"Exemption." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, he walked all the way in front of Lianggui Concubine before withdrawing his gaze from Lian Siyue, and said, "Mother Concubine."

Concubine Liang couldn't help but looked her son up and down, covered her mouth and smiled, "Zheng'er, why did you come here suddenly, and no one said hello in advance."

Feng Yunzheng smiled slightly, "My son wants to come."

"Come on, come on, sit down." Concubine Liang looked at Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Look, what a coincidence, both of you are wearing red, it seems that It's also very harmonious, if you don't know, I thought you two made an appointment."

Lian Siyue listened, lowered her head slightly, and said, "Siyue didn't expect His Royal Highness to wear red."

At this moment, thinking that Feng Yunzheng was the one who was reborn with her, when she saw him again, the feeling in her heart also changed.

It seems that the two of them are holding a secret that only they understand each other, and no one else knows about this secret, but it is shared by the two of them, so they somehow feel that they are getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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