First-class daughter

Chapter 345 Shocked

Chapter 345 Shocked
Chapter 345 Shocked
Concubine Xu Xian let out a sigh of relief, suppressed the fluctuations in her heart, and said with a calm expression on her face, "Ye'er, do you like that girl from the Lian family? Otherwise, why are you so impulsive when talking to concubine mother? You never do that."

Feng Ye was startled.

"Ye'er, why don't you understand that the situation has changed now! It used to be that there were no Nine Kings and Concubine Liang, and you were the emperor's favorite one, but now that we have their mother and son, our position is in danger. They have already surpassed You are above me, why do you still have the mood to care about such matters of love between children? You have to know that mother concubine must have mother concubine's reasons for doing things. You don't need to know too much, as long as you do what you should do. Good. You must not let your concubine mother and grandparents down on you." At the end, Concubine Xu Xian held Feng Ye's hand, looked him in the eyes, and urged earnestly.

She has always thought that Lian Siyue is a good marriage partner. She is calm and smart, has the ability to advance and retreat, and is fully qualified to be a princess. She even thought about going to the emperor to propose Lian Siyue to marry her, but now, Because of Lian Jue, she couldn't let his son have any relationship with Lian Siyue——

I can only reluctantly part with Lian Siyue, a qualified princess!

"..." Feng Ye sat down slowly after hearing this, and said after a long time, "Mother and concubine, don't worry, I know what to do."

Concubine Xu Xian smiled and said, "That's good, you don't have to think about other things, just try to figure out what your father is thinking, understand?"


Yixiu Palace.

The emperor stayed at Concubine Lian Shu's side for dinner, and the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao sat beside him and said, "Father, you eat this, this is my favorite food, and I am not willing to eat it. We have to wait until the emperor comes to eat."

"Tu Yaoer is good." The emperor showed a rare kind smile on his face.

Concubine Lian Shu was sitting at the side, holding vegetables for the emperor, with a slight smile on her face. Although she had no son, she had Tang Yaoer tied to the emperor's heart, which was incomparable to other concubines.

"My concubine, how old is the concubine's daughter?" the emperor suddenly asked.

"..." Concubine Lian Shu listened, her face was stunned, her hand holding the dish trembled slightly, the dish fell into the bowl, she regained her senses, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, forgive me."

"No problem." The emperor himself put the piece of dish into the bowl,
"Yue'er should be fourteen this year." Concubine Lian Shu replied, lowering her head to hide the panic in her eyes.

"Fourteen? Then next year will be Jiji's year. Lianxiang hasn't engaged her yet." Zhou Chengdi asked innocently.

"Yue'er is the legitimate daughter of the Lian family. Her marriage will be decided by you personally, the emperor." Concubine Lian Shu reminded.

"I will kiss you?" The emperor laughed out loud as if he just remembered it suddenly, and said, "I have met that child many times, and she is different from ordinary noble girls, and has left a deep impression on me. , it seems that I have to carefully and carefully consider this marriage of hers."

"Yes, my concubine thanked the emperor on behalf of my cousin." Concubine Lian Shu said, she secretly glanced at the emperor, and saw a smile on his brows and eyes, her hand holding the chopsticks was trembling, her heart was pounding jumping.

As soon as the emperor left Yixiu Palace, she immediately told Nanny Li beside her, saying, "Mommy, go to the Zhengshitang right away and watch over there every step of the way until Lianxiang comes out. So he told him to come to this palace quickly."

"Yes, ma'am." Li Nanny got the order and hurried to go.

Concubine Lian Shu sat on the chair, clutching the handkerchief tightly, her eyes wandered, and she began to think deeply.

About an hour later, Lian Yanqing hurried to Yixiu Palace from the Political Affairs Hall, knelt down in front of Concubine Lian Shu, and said, "Your Majesty is in a hurry to find this minister, what is the matter?"

"Prime Minister, get up quickly." Concubine Lian Shu said hastily.

Seeing Concubine Shu's solemn expression, Lian Yanqing was a little puzzled, and said, "Ma'am, what happened? Did Jue'er and Yue'er come here today and commit something?"

"Brother, I want to tell you some news. This news may be good news for the Lian family, but it may be bad news." Concubine Lian Shu's attitude made even Yanqing nervous——

"Mother, please speak."

"The emperor... has taken a fancy to our Yue'er!" Naturally, the emperor would not say which concubine's family members he has a crush on, but his attitude just now has already made it clear, which is a hint that Lian Shu is about to To facilitate this matter, if she doesn't even have the emperor's thought, she won't be able to reach the status of concubine Shu today.

"What?" Lian Yanqing was startled suddenly, "Your Majesty, he...has he taken a fancy to Yue'er?"

This news shocked Lian Yanqing's heart, and he was stunned for half a moment!

From Doctor Rong's tone, he recalled some of the usual things, and he felt that His Highness Jiu had other thoughts about Siyue. He thought that His Highness Jiu'er is now in full swing, and if Yue'er really married him, it would be a great deal to the Lian family. It is very beneficial, that's why they deliberately let her enter the palace to pay homage to Concubine Xie Liang, but they can't be too obvious, so as not to cause unnecessary gossip and ruin Yue'er's reputation, so they specially called Shang Jue'er to enter the palace together.

No matter what, he never thought that the emperor would be tempted by Yue'er!
"Brother, this matter is absolutely true. The emperor said in front of me that it is always difficult for him to speak, so he wants me to tell you!"

This news made even Yanqing unable to recover for a while, it was really a surprise, "According to your mother's opinion, what should I do now?"

"Yue'er is still a year away from the age of Jiji. In order to avoid the embarrassment, the emperor will not let a child into the palace. However, since he opened his mouth, even if he made Yue'er, no one will move. no.

Therefore, in this year, brother, you must take care of yourself, don't accept any marriage proposals, and the most important thing is to keep a close eye on Yue'er, don't make a private life with anyone, don't get close to any man .This is a good thing for the Lian family. With Yue'er's intelligence and intelligence, she will be at home in the palace in the future.But if there is any deviation, you, me, and the whole family will suffer!Elder brother can understand what I mean. "

Lian Yanqing nodded and said, "I understand your empress' painstaking efforts."

Concubine Lian Shu sat up straight and said, "We don't have to be too nervous. Generally speaking, it's a good thing. My brother has been keeping a low profile these years, maintaining neutrality and not forming an alliance with anyone. It seems right. , the emperor will not exclude my Lian family's daughter from entering the palace because he is jealous of elder brother's power."

When Lian Yanqing walked out of the palace, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he thought of the idea of ​​wanting to please the imperial concubine and marrying Lian Siyue to His Highness the Ninth Prince today.

"Master, I'm back home." Outside the Zhengyang Gate, the groom driving the carriage said.

"No, go to Jiuhua Temple, the truth is to find the abbot for fortune telling!" Lian Yanqing ordered the groom, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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