Chapter 346
Chapter 346
Jiuhua Temple.

In the secluded meditation room, the abbot of nine squares was dressed in a red cassock, with a white beard, holding Buddhist beads, and a fairy-like bone. He slowly opened his eyes, looked at the person in front of him, and said, "Amitabha, Lian Xiang came to visit unexpectedly, I don't know What's the matter."

Lian Yanqing took off the gauze cap on his head, clasped his hands together, nodded, and said, "Abbot, I came here to bother you today because I want to ask the abbot to tell his fortune."

Abbot Jiufang said, "The Prime Minister came here in a hurry. I think this person must be very important. I don't know whose fate the Prime Minister wants to count?"

Lian Yanqing offered Lian Siyue's birth date with both hands, and said, "Abbot, this is the life of my little girl, Siyue, please help me."

Abbot Nine took Lian Siyue's birthday horoscope, unfolded it, and looked at the time of birth on it, etc. Suddenly, Abbot Nine's expression tightened.

"How?" Lian Yanqing asked nervously seeing Abbot Jiufang's expression changed.

"I have seen the lives of countless people in my life, but I have never seen such a strange fate of the eldest lady. It's so weird!" Abbot Jiufang clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and said Amitabha.

strange?Lian Yanqing's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Abbot, please tell me, I would like to hear the details!"

"This fate shows that the eldest lady had a narrow escape."

"Zeng narrowly escaped death?" Lian Yanqing was slightly taken aback, Yue'er had been fine all along, how could she have narrowly escaped death, did she mean staying in Yao City for two months?But this does not constitute a narrow escape.

"Yes, after experiencing nine deaths and dying in his life, he was the reincarnation of Ziwei Xing, who was the reincarnation of Ziwei Xing. He has a very strong and noble life, but also has a very weak time... Weird! Weird! Weird!" Abbot Nine He even said three weird words.

"What else?" Lian Yanqing was a little dazed when he heard that, so he continued to ask.

But Abbot Jiufang folded up the birthday horoscope while speaking, and refused to continue talking.

"Abbot, abbot, please say more." Seeing this, Lian Yanqing hurriedly stepped forward, dragged out Jiufang, and said.

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked!" Abbot Jiufang clasped his hands together and said nothing more.

"Is that a blessing or a curse?" Lian Yanqing asked again.

"Amitabha, is it a blessing or a disaster? You can't avoid a disaster. You don't have to worry about it. All fates are determined freely, and everything is possible."

Everything is possible?

When Lian Yanqing came out of Jiuhua Temple, he looked closely at Lian Siyue's birthday horoscope all the way, recalling what Abbot Jiufang said in his mind, "Ziweixing? Nine deaths? Phoenix Nirvana Fat, extremely strong and extremely weak..."

How can a person's fate be so complicated?
Thinking of what Concubine Lian Shu told her just now, Lian Yanqing's heart became heavy——

It's a good thing that the emperor took a fancy to the daughter of the Lian family, but he couldn't take her into the palace immediately, for fear of accidents. Concubine Shu said that if the accident didn't happen well, the whole Lian family might be affected.

After returning to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he immediately called Lian Siyue to the study room and closed the door of the study room. Seeing Lian Yanqing's heavy expression, Lian Siyue asked:
"Father asked Yue'er to come over, but what's important?"

"Yue'er, my father wants to ask you something, and you have to answer it truthfully." Lian Yanqing sat behind the desk with a dignified expression.

"Father, please speak."

"Do you have someone in mind?" Lian Yanqing asked.

Lian Siyue was startled slightly, and asked, "Father, did something happen?"

"Today, after you left Yixiu Palace, Concubine Shu called Weifu over and told Weifu the news that the emperor intends to invite you into the palace."

"..." Lian Siyue's heart trembled when she heard this, did Emperor Zhou Cheng want to recruit her into the palace?She was immediately shocked. In the previous life, she was his daughter-in-law.

Lian Yanqing continued with a serious expression, "Yue'er, since the emperor has this intention, you can't have any sweetheart in the future, it's best if you don't have one, if you have one, you should stop thinking about him immediately, and don't miss him anymore.

Otherwise, if the emperor finds out, not only you, but our family, Concubine Shu, and the people you like will be implicated.In the future, anyone who comes to ask for a marriage will be rejected as a father. "

"Father, could there be a mistake? How could the emperor...invite his daughter into the palace on purpose?" Lian Siyue asked.

"The emperor has already told Concubine Shu to tell her to be her father, so there is no mistake. As for why you were recruited into the palace, kings have always been like this throughout the ages, and everyone in the world is the emperor's."

"My daughter didn't expect this to happen." A hint of irony flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes.

"Yue'er, listen, this year, my father will train you according to the queen's requirements, and tomorrow I will go to find the best master, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, four books and five classics, classics and history collections, all of which are indispensable." Lian Yanqing Already made up his mind, Abbot Jiufang said, everything is possible, since Yue'er wants to enter the palace, she must look for a high position in the harem.

Lian Siyue heard what Lian Yanqing said, after the initial shock, she really thought it was funny, he is a father, she is the only prostitute daughter in the Lian family, it seems that he intends to "make the best use of everyone" and take her The value is maximized, paving the way for him to serve the Lian family and the concubine Shu in the palace.

She regained her composure. There was no expression of panic or joy on her face. Instead, she looked extremely calm and said, "Father, don't be too nervous. After all, my daughter is still a year away from Jiji."

"Yue'er, you..." Lian Yanqing was surprised by Lian Siyue's calm reaction, it was a big deal for her to be favored by the emperor, how could she be so calm.

"There is still one year to go. There are tens of thousands of beauties in the world, and my daughter is nothing more than an ordinary one. Maybe the emperor just thought of it on a whim, and maybe he will change his mind in the future. So father, you have to treat this matter with a normal mind, otherwise, If the future is not as you expected, wouldn't you be extremely disappointed in your heart?"

Lian Yanqing was taken aback when he heard this. In fact, deep down in his heart, the emperor's thoughts are unpredictable now, and he doesn't know which prince has the chance to inherit the throne. Instead of marrying an unknown prince, it is better to marry the emperor directly, but It seemed that Yue'er herself didn't really care.

How does this work?
His daughter must be of one mind with him!

His face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Yue'er, as my father said just now, in this life, you only have the choice of the emperor. Don't have other thoughts. You are the daughter of the prime minister's family, and your responsibility is to serve you. The Lian family's glorious ancestor, now, although the Xiao family has been severely injured, it is still above the Lian family, but if you enter the palace and become a queen, it will be different! As a prostitute, you should do it for the Lian family ,do you understand?"

A smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, but a trace of coldness had quietly gathered in his eyes, and he said, "My daughter understands, but I'm afraid that if I don't have this ability, my father will be disappointed in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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