First-class daughter

Chapter 347 It's so nice to have you

Chapter 347 It's so nice to have you
Chapter 347 It's so nice to have you
Lian Yanqing thought that the daughter in front of him was the one the emperor wanted, and his face became softer, and he said, "Yue'er, you don't need to think too much, you just need to be of one mind with father, you are from the Lian family, you and the Lian family Destiny is closely related, one prospers and one loses."

"Yes, daughter knows, father rest assured." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"Well, that's right. In the future, we just need to wait and plan slowly, everything is possible." Seeing Lian Siyue's obedient appearance, Lian Yanqing knew that he was thinking too much, Yue'er was also his daughter after all, With the blood of the Lian family running in his bones, he would definitely not have other thoughts.

"It's just that my daughter has a request."

"Tell me." Now, Lian Yanqing regards this daughter as a golden phoenix.

"Don't say anything about it beforehand, don't let other people know, because if the future fails, Yue'er doesn't have to be a laughing stock." Lian Siyue said.

"Yue'er is right. I understand for my father. Apart from your grandmother and your mother, no one else will know about this matter." Lian Yanqing nodded.

"Daughter, leave." After Lian Siyue walked out of Lian Yanqing's study, the smile on her face disappeared, the sun shone on her, and it was warm and harmonious, but her face looked very cold——

Although it is a rebirth, but not everything is under control. For example, Emperor Zhou Cheng intentionally recruited her into the palace, but he never thought of it.

As soon as she returned to Xianheyuan, Nanny Li and the servants in the palace brought two huge boxes and sent them directly to her yard.

The nanny smiled flatteringly and said to Lian Siyue, "My congratulations to the eldest lady. The bigger box was given to you by the emperor, and the smaller one was specially sent to the empress's storeroom." The ones chosen for you are all cherished by the empress."

Nanny Li ordered the box to be opened, and at a glance, there were rare jewelry, gold, silver and jewelry, everything that one could expect was enough to dazzle the eye.

After finishing speaking, Nanny Li secretly stared at Lian Siyue's expression. Concubine Shu had already told her that she must check out the eldest lady's tone and see her attitude towards this matter.

Lian Siyue pretended not to see what Nanny Li was thinking, looked at the gold and silver jewelry, with a faint smile on her face, and told Qing Dai, "Go and get my box."

"Yes." Soon, Qing Dai turned around and entered the inner room, took out a box of silver, and handed it to Nanny Li.

Seeing the box full of silver, Li Momo could not conceal a gleam in her eyes, she thought to herself, this eldest lady's handwriting is bigger than that of Concubine Shu, it seems that she has no other thoughts.

She knelt down hurriedly, took the box with both hands, it was heavy, touched it lightly, and there was a rustling sound inside, she glanced at it, it turned out that there were some jewelry under the silver, she was overjoyed, said, said, "Thank you, old slave." Miss reward, congratulations Miss."

Lian Siyue bent down, and personally lifted Nanny Li's hand, as if she was very fond of her, and said, "Mommy is an old man next to my aunt, Concubine Shu, and she is also a person Yue'er respects. There are many things that need Mammy's help, Mammy is welcome."

"Missy has something to tell, and this old servant will do his best." Nanny Li said with a smile while holding the box.

Even Siyue had a smile on her face, looking very satisfied, but the fists in her sleeves were slowly clenched.

As soon as Nanny Li left, the smile on Lian Siyue's face disappeared. She took out two accessories from the box respectively, then closed the box with a bang, and said coldly, "Move to the third cabinet inside, close the door. Lock it."

The emperor sent things in the name of Concubine Shu, it seems that he really meant it.


Even Siyue was sitting in front of the window, without any expression on her face, looking at the few ornaments taken out of the box on the table in front of her, her eyes became more and more indifferent, and the whole Xianhe courtyard exuded a cold atmosphere.

"Yes." Qingdai, Jiangxiang and several other maidservants moved the box in one by one.

Jiang Xiang approached Qing Dai's side and asked in a low voice, "Qing Dai, why do you think the emperor suddenly rewarded us with so many valuable things?"

Qing Dai glanced at her, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Xiang, if the master doesn't say anything about the matter, we slaves don't ask too much, you have to remember."

"I know, I'm worried about the eldest lady, but let's lock up the things that the emperor bestowed." Jiang Xiang hurriedly said.

"Miss is free to arrange."

"Well, that's true." The two carried the box and walked inside, Jiang Xiang didn't speak anymore, but stared at the box and turned around.

"Where's sister?" The two carried the box in and came out, only to see the young master Lian Jue appearing in the Xianhe courtyard.

"Master, Missy is inside." Qing Dai said with a bow.

Lian Jue walked past them, Jiang Xiang lowered her head slightly, but her gaze stayed on Lian Jue——

The young master has grown taller again, and he is even more handsome than when we met at the beginning of last year.

"Jiang Xiang, it's time to go!" Qing Dai said, looking into her eyes with a heavy look.

"Sister Qingdai, I see, the young master is here, let me make him a cup of tea, I remember that the young master loves West Lake Longjing the most." Jiang Xiang was immersed in Lian Jue's prosperous beauty, did not notice Qing Dai's eyes, and was busy Turned around and walked out to make tea for the young master and miss.

Inside the house.

Hearing this, Lian Jue stood up abruptly, "What? The emperor...he actually...made such a thought, my sister is only 14 years old!" He looked at Lian Siyue in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock , Distressed again.

But Lian Siyue's expression was very indifferent, and said, "Father also said that this world belongs to the emperor, and everyone in this world belongs to the emperor. If the emperor has thoughts, it doesn't matter if he is 14 years old."

"No! No matter who asks, I will never let you enter the palace..." Lian Jue's voice trembled, fists clenched in his sleeves, he would never allow that person to hurt his sister, "I really didn't expect that he was Such a person! And such a person is mine..."

"Je'er!" Lian Siyue uttered immediately, and pressed Lian Jue's hand.

Lian Jue knew what she meant, but his whole body trembled violently, because of the emperor's blood relationship with him, he felt that the embarrassment and pain brought to Lian Siyue were also caused by him.

He slowly bent his knees, squatted in front of Lian Siyue, and said firmly and forcefully, "Sister, I don't want you to suffer this, you are the best person to me, I will protect you, you deserve it The best person in the world deserves the best happiness in the world."

He spoke emotionally, and a thin mist appeared in his eyes.

After Lian Siyue heard this, a smile appeared on her face. She stretched out her hand, helped Lian Jue to sit on the chair, and said, "Jue'er, it's great that sister has you."

(End of this chapter)

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