Chapter 348
Chapter 348
In the deepest part of Lian Siyue's heart, the identity of Lian Jue's younger brother has never changed. In her mind, he is still the child she wants to protect.




Before Xiao Shi entered the door, he heard a crackling sound coming from Lian Shiya's boudoir. It was not known how many times this day.

She sighed helplessly, pushed open the door, and saw the maids Bai Wei and Xiu Ling standing in front of the bed tremblingly with their heads bowed. It was a broken bowl, the dregs of the medicine were scattered all over the floor, and a strong smell of medicine filled the room.

Lian Shiya was lying on the bed, her nose was still bruised and her face was swollen, the bloodstains on her face hadn't disappeared, her chest heaved and heaved with anger.

"What's the matter? This is the first bowl. If you don't drink it, do you really want to become a cripple?" Xiao Shi frowned, walked over, and asked.

"Mother! This lowly servant girl actually laughed just now! My foot is hurt like this, and she dared to laugh!" Lian Shiya pointed at Xiuling and said, "Come on, give her dumb medicine and give her [-] slaps." , Throw it out!"

"Okay, okay! It's about this time, if something happens again, it won't end well, you two go down quickly." Xiao Shi repelled the two maidservants, walked in front of Lian Shiya, and sat down. down, patted her heart, and said——

"Ya'er, mother knows that you are depressed, but this is of no help. You can only calm down and drink the medicine properly, then you will have a glimmer of hope."

"Mother." Lian Shiya fell into Xiao Shi's arms, crying, "My feet hurt so much, how could I, will I become like Xiao Rou? I don't want to be like this, if If I become a cripple, then I really have nothing. Wouldn’t it be like a moon? I’m not reconciled, I’m not reconciled! I haven't even received any punishment! Mom, you must help me out."

Xiao patted Lian Shiya's back distressedly, leaving two lines of tears, and said, "Mother understands your feelings, you hurt me, I hurt you, you hurt me, you hate Lian Siyue, why not me?" But you lose your temper all day long, it doesn't help your leg injury at all, Ya'er, listen to your mother and drink your medicine properly, only when you are in good health can you have the energy to deal with the bitch, yes no?"

"Woooooo..." Lian Shiya clutched Xiao Shi's skirt tightly with both hands, and cried intermittently, "I will never let Lian Siyue go, if I become a lame person, I want her to be a lame one too. If she goes to hell, she will go to hell with me, I won't just let it go, never just let it go!"

"Good boy..." Xiao Shi caressed Lian Shiya distressedly, his heart clenched.

The servant girl boiled the medicine again and brought it in. This time under Xiao Shi's persuasion, Lian Shiya finally swallowed it with the feeling of nausea, and then burst into crying, Xiao Shi wasted her strength , before coaxing her to sleep.

When Xiao Shi walked out of the room, it was already dark. She was sitting on a chair, covering her belly with her hands, her eyes were extremely cold. Now her most powerful and trustworthy mother Zhen has become a useless person and has been sent out, Ya'er After seeing so many doctors, she said that her feet would not return to their original appearance. For the first time, she felt so desolate in her heart.

"No, we can't just let it go!" She said fiercely.

"Ma'am, someone is looking for you outside." At this moment, Bai Wei walked in and said.

"Who?" Xiao said without raising his eyelids.

"It's Xiangxiang girl from Xianheyuan."

Xiao Shi was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, and then, a smile appeared on his face, "There is no such thing as a unparalleled road! Let her in quickly."

After a while, that Jiangxiang walked in with her head down, bowed, and said, "Ma'am."

Xiao got up hurriedly, helped Jiangxiang up with her own hands, motioned for the others to retreat, and said in a low voice, "Did anyone notice when Miss Jiangxiang came?"

Jiang Xiang was still a little apprehensive, her hands were trembling slightly, and she said, "The time has been found, the young lady has already fallen asleep, and the servant came here after wearing Qing Dai's clothes secretly, no one noticed."

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao showed a smile on her face, nodded and said, "Miss Jiangxiang is really a person who does great things, and she is only a maid beside the eldest lady, and she really condescends."

"Ma'am, can I really trust you?" Jiang Xiang raised her head and asked.

"When Miss Jiangxiang decided to come to find Mrs. Ben, didn't she already have the answer?" Xiao's lips curled slightly, she took a sip of tea from the side, and said.

"This servant has no other ideas. I just want to be the young master's liaison girl." Jiang Xiang summoned up her courage as if she was going all out, and said, her face flushed. I had no choice but to ask Mrs.

"Tongfang girl?" Xiao Shi covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Miss Jiangxiang's goal is too low. With your intelligence, you are even condescending to be a concubine."

Jiang Xiang's face turned red, her eyes showed excitement and longing, but she said in her mouth, "Slave, servant, I don't dare to think too much about it."

Mrs. Xiao saw all her words and deeds, and said calmly, "Miss Jiangxiang, don't underestimate yourself, my wife has seen so many maids, your qualifications are definitely first-class, then Aunt Su, Aunt Yao , and Aunt Zhao, who is not a maid? Besides, I have been a concubine for more than ten years, and now I have become an ordinary wife, sitting on an equal footing with the eldest lady, and even my daughter has changed from a concubine to a concubine. Second daughter. So, as long as you dare to do it, you can imagine that nothing is impossible in this prime minister's mansion."

Xiao Shi is the best at reading people's minds. She guesses Jiang Xiang's heart and seduces her step by step. She believes that no one will resist such a temptation.

"It's just that the servant has a condition." Jiang Xiang's heart thumped when she heard Xiao Shi's words.

"Tell me." Xiao said in her heart, this Jiangxiang is indeed the person next to Lian Siyue, and she didn't forget to mention the conditions, but the moment she walked into the gate of Qingquanyuan, she became the one on her chessboard. pawns, fish meat on a chopping board.

"No matter what..." Jiang Xiang bit her lower lip, raised her head, and said, "No matter what, you can't hurt the young master."

The corners of Xiao's eyes twitched slightly, and the smile on his face deepened, and he said, "It's only natural, after all, the young master is the one Miss Jiangxiang likes."

"Then madam...what are you going to do so that I can become the young master's man?" Jiang Xiang asked, thinking of Lian Jue's demeanor, her heart couldn't restrain its beating.

"Because Miss Jiangxiang came here in a hurry, let me think about this matter a little bit more, you have a lot of time to come, you go back first, don't make people suspicious."

"But..." Jiang Xiang opened her mouth, and finally said, "Well, I will go back first, I will wait for Madam!"

"Okay, let's go." Xiao said with a smile. In fact, she had already thought of a plan, but now, she had to be more cautious——

What if this fragrance is Lian Siyue's bait?

(End of this chapter)

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