First-class daughter

Chapter 352 Riding a Horse Riding a Horse

Chapter 352 Riding a Horse Riding a Horse
Chapter 352 Riding a Horse Riding a Horse
"You two, master and servant, worked hand in hand and made me into what I am today. If I don't kill you, it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart!" Lian Shiya suddenly raised her head, gritted her teeth, and stared fiercely at Lian Siyue and Leng Siyue. Mei and Mei wished that they could turn into hungry wolves, gnaw their bones and drink their blood.

"Shut up!" At this moment, an anxious voice came from outside the pavilion, and everyone looked back.

Lian Yanqing was dressed in court clothes, walked quickly into the pavilion, looked at the dagger that fell on the ground, and saw Lian Shiya laying on the ground with a wicked face, he immediately understood what was going on.

His face turned cold, and he scolded, "What are you going to do to your eldest sister? Are you holding a knife, are you going to kill her?" Thinking that Lian Siyue is now the emperor's favorite person, the third daughter dares to be rough on her , Lian Yanqing was immediately furious, if this daughter made any mistakes, he would lose everything.

"Father, I, I..." Lian Shiya was startled when she saw Lian Yanqing suddenly, and clenched her fist tightly.

"Ya'er, Ya'er, what's the matter with you?" Here, Xiao Shi hurriedly walked to Lian Shiya's side, helped her up vigorously, turned her head and explained to Lian Yanqing, "Master, don't be angry, Ya'er I will definitely not have any thoughts about my eldest sister, she is just lame and in a bad mood, and she just speaks out of words, please be considerate of her."

"Hmph." Lian Yanqing snorted coldly, and said, "It's just indiscriminate words? Then what is this?" He pointed to the gleaming dagger on the ground and questioned.

"This...this is..." Xiao Shi bit her lower lip, and suddenly she was at a loss for words.

"Deliberate murder can be dealt with according to the family law!" Lian Yanqing said with a deadpan expression and a cold voice. Now, when he looked at Lian Shiya, he really looked at Lian Shiya.

"Master, don't, Ya'er knows she's wrong, her feet are just right, and now she's limping when walking, please forgive me, Master." Xiao Shi begged hurriedly, but as soon as she opened her mouth, even Yanqing couldn't help it. He glanced at her coolly, that gaze was as hard as black iron——

I'm afraid that even Yanqing will never forgive Xiao's mistake of using aphrodisiac on him!Even Yanqing would not listen to what she said.

"..." Lian Yanqing glanced at Lian Shiya, sighed, and said, "I never imagined that you would become what you are today. Tell me, who do you blame for your lameness? It's all the consequences of your willful actions and your own fault!"

Xiao Shi secretly pinched Lian Shiya, and Lian Shiya leaned on Xiao Shiya's shoulder and began to cry, "Father, my daughter is limping. My daughter is really sad. My daughter was beaten. Yes, I can't swallow this breath in my heart."

"Come here!" Lian Yanqing turned his face away, and ordered, "Send Miss San back to Qingquanyuan, without my permission, you are not allowed to go out."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without looking back!

"Father! Father! It was Lian Siyue who harmed me. I am like this now. Does father really care about it? Father, father..." Lian Shiya chased after Lian Yanqing's figure, and shouted hysterically, But after running a few steps, she fell to the ground, and two guards came over and dragged her up from the ground.

"Let me go, let me go! Let me go!" Lian Shiya had never been treated so rudely before, so she struggled to break free, and yelled at Lian Siyue, "Lian Siyue, listen, don't be too Proud, one day, I will get back everything I lost, even if I can’t get it back, you can’t have it!”

No matter how fierce her reaction was, Lian Siyue remained calm and said, "Third sister, the future will be long, you should take a good rest first, this limp, you should walk less, as for these angry words..." She As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "It sounds a little ridiculous."

"You! Lian Siyue, you are making fun of me!" Seeing her expression, Lian Shiya trembled angrily.

"Ya'er! Don't talk anymore, go back first!" Xiao Shi covered Lian Shiya's mouth to prevent her from continuing. Now, she has more important things to do, so she can't mess up.

Lian Shiya felt the strength coming from Xiao's hands, and finally held back her anger, limped, holding back the hatred in her heart, and walked back step by step.

That appearance really looked a bit desolate. Who would have thought that the once glorious third lady would end up in such a state?
Lian Siyue watched their backs go away, and there was a voice in her heart saying silently——

Lian Shiya, as I said, I will take back the pain and suffering you inflicted on me in the previous life, bit by bit, thousands of times. What you are receiving now is just a small reward from me. After that, there are many, many more!

"Sister, are you okay?" Lian Shengru asked in a low voice.

Lian Siyue came back to her senses, shook her head, and said, "I'm fine."

"Fortunately, Luzhi shot quickly, otherwise the eldest sister would be stabbed by the third sister. Eldest sister, you should stay away from the third sister in the future. I think she seems... as if she is crazy." Lian Wanyin looked at the gun on the ground. Dagger, thinking about Lian Shiya's appearance just now, he said with lingering fear.

"Sister!" Lian Jue, who had just received the news, rushed towards Lian Siyue like a gust of wind. He ran up to Lian Siyue, looked her up and down anxiously, and asked, "Lian Shiya just stabbed you with a knife. ?Are you hurt?"

"Luzhi reached out quickly and stopped her in time. I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all..." Seeing that he was worried, Lian Siyue said comfortingly.

"I'll go find her!" Lian Jue turned around immediately, he definitely couldn't ignore someone in the prime minister's mansion who was doing something to her.

"Hey, Jue'er!" Lian Siyue hurriedly stopped him, and said, "Father has already punished him, you don't have to go anymore, that's enough."

"But..." Lian Jue was unwilling!

"By the way, didn't you want to go out to ride a horse with His Highness Six? Why are you back again?" Lian Siyue changed the topic.

"I came back to ask if you want to go with me. I just heard from someone sent by His Royal Highness that the Thirteenth Princess and the others will also go. I thought since there are other female relatives, why not come together?" Lian Jue said Only then did I talk about the reason for going and returning.

"Okay, I haven't ridden a horse for a long time. It's good to exercise my muscles and bones. You can wait outside for a while, and I will come when I change into my riding clothes." Lian Siyue was quite interested when she heard about horse riding.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

In that corner, Xiao Shi Jiangtou quietly retracted, with a gloomy sneer on his face——

Just now, she saw all the scenes of Lian Jue worrying about the moon, and what was conveyed in those eyes was not a brother's concern for his sister at all, but a man's strong and forbearing love for a woman!

Hehe, come on, come on, let me collect more evidence, once the secret of Lian Jue is revealed, the world will be shaken!
(End of this chapter)

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