Chapter 353
Chapter 353
Lian Jue ordered Sijiu to prepare two horses from the stables, one red horse for himself, and the other snow-white horse specially selected for Lian Siyue.

He stood in front of the white horse, carefully inspecting the saddle and stirrups to make sure everything was safe.

"Jue'er, I'm fine..." He was supporting the horse with one hand and checking the stirrup with the other, when a voice called him from behind.

He looked back and saw his sister walking towards her. She was wearing a bright red riding suit with narrow sleeves, a snow-white fox fur cloak, a long jade braid around her waist, and her hair was tied It's in a bun, with only a golden hairpin made of nine white beads pinned to it.

She was facing the sun and the wind, with a flowery smile on her face, and she walked briskly towards him, her cloak fluttering gently, she exuded a pretty and smart aura, like a fairy who suddenly fell into the mortal world , the beautiful otherworldly fireworks.

Lian Jue's hand froze slightly, his heart skipped a beat, and his eyes seemed to freeze. Her every frown and smile made his blood spurt, and he was almost intoxicated with happiness.

"Can we go? Jue'er..." Lian Siyue came over, Lian Jue quickly lowered his head, hiding his overly enthusiastic eyes, and said——

"Okay, let's go!"

"Okay!" she said briskly.

The two siblings got on their horses respectively, with Lian Jue in front and Leng Mei behind to protect them, and they galloped towards the riding ground in the suburbs of Beijing together.

When the two arrived at the destination, they found that there were already several fine horses galloping on the racecourse. Guards stand guard.

Lian Siyue glanced over and saw that the Sixth Highness Feng Yu, the Eighth Highness Feng Ye, the Thirteenth Princess Feng Tangyao and others were already galloping on horseback, and the horse that the Thirteenth Princess rode was much shorter than everyone else. It looked like a little pony.

In the past, the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, was always with the elder brothers, but now, she is nowhere to be seen in these figures, and it is the thirteenth princess, who appears to be in high spirits and very happy.

Lian Siyue couldn't help but sighed slightly.

"Drive! Drive!" When she was feeling a little emotional, suddenly, there was a sound of driving approaching in front of her, and she looked up.

I saw that the man in the silver robe embroidered with green patterns was galloping towards her on a steed. Like hair flying up, wearing a white jade hair crown on the top of the head, like a god descending.

There was a slight smile on his face, and the light of colored glaze flashed in his eyes. His gaze had been glued to her body since the moment she appeared on the racetrack, and he never moved away.

The black steed raised its high hooves, kicked and kicked, and galloped towards her like flying. He exuded the most arrogant and domineering arrogance in the world, and the high dust raised behind him screamed all over the sky.

The strength with which he holds the rein seems to hold the whole world in his hands.

It's Feng Yunzheng!

He also came to the racecourse.

Lian Siyue got off the horse and stood quietly, watching him getting closer and closer, she saw the jade pendant of longevity and well-being dangling around his waist, at this moment he was carrying all the memories of his previous life rushing towards her.

"Woo!" Here, here!

Feng Yunzheng clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and leaned back slightly. The horse stopped and turned twice on the spot.

At this time, he still didn't know anything about his father's intention to recruit Siyue into the palace. After all, such a thing had never happened in the previous life, and even Siyue rarely talked to the emperor. few.

Lian Jue, who was standing not far away, watched this scene, quietly turned around leading his horse, and walked towards the Sixth Prince and the Eighth Prince.

He still had a bright and bright smile on his face, no different from the young man who was like the wind and fire back then, but who would have known that every time he took a step, his heart would ache.

Sister, it seems that only turning around is the greatest love for you.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyue, jumped off the horse, stood in front of her, saw her attire, and the smile on his face deepened.

To him, Yue'er is still a child growing up, and her current height is still a little away from his chest.

Therefore, standing in front of her, Feng Yunzheng bent down habitually, saving her the effort of raising her head when talking to him.

He leaned forward with a handsome face and said:
"You came."

"Well, Jue'er said that His Royal Highness invited him to ride a horse, and the princesses were also there, so he called me. I didn't expect you to be here, Your Highness. What a coincidence." Lian Siyue played with the whip in his hand, probably after riding Along the way, her face was a little flushed, and she looked brighter and more attractive.

"Yeah, coincidence." At this moment, all of this made Feng Yunzheng feel a deep, deep sense of happiness that was found again.

What he didn't dare to hope for in the previous life, is now in front of him in this life. In a trance, he actually felt unreal.

Ye Feng, who was not far away, had excellent ears, and when he heard Feng Yunzheng say "Yeah, coincidence", he couldn't help complaining in his heart——

Are all the coincidences in the world intentional, Your Highness?Who was it? He was originally on business, but when he heard that the eldest lady would go to the racecourse to ride a horse, he came to the racecourse like lightning before he even had time to lose his writing brush.

I came early just now, and I have been standing by the tree, looking at the entrance without blinking, and rushed out as soon as the figure of the eldest lady appeared.

Ah, if such a highness ascends to the throne one day in the future, will he be a fool who only knows how to follow the queen's ass all day long, do what the queen says, and give what the queen wants.

Thinking about that scene, it was so terrifying, Night Breeze couldn't help shivering.

"Are you afraid of riding a horse?"

"Of course I'm not afraid! Do you want to compete with me, Your Highness?" Lian Siyue raised her chin slightly, held the horsewhip in her hand, met his gaze, and said, there was a rare girl's clarity and stubbornness in that gaze.

"Hehehe..." He laughed, his voice was low and full of magnetism, and his eyes were about to overflow with indulgence, "Okay, then let's compete?"

Riding a horse with Yue'er?Never had, seems like a good proposition.

"Then what about winning or losing?" The racecourse seemed endless, with the blue sky and the breeze blowing. At this moment, she felt very comfortable in her heart, and it was rare for her to play like a child.

"Win or lose?" Feng Yunzheng blinked those eyes that seemed to be filled with autumn water, and said, "It's all up to you, okay?"

As he spoke, he naturally raised his hand to pick up the strands of hair that were close to her cheeks, and put them behind her earlobe. The fingertips inadvertently touched the skin of her ear, and Lian Siyue suddenly felt that the earlobe was about to burn ——

(End of this chapter)

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