First-class daughter

Chapter 355 Sudden Attack

Chapter 355 Sudden Attack
Chapter 355 Sudden Attack
Lian Siyue was taken aback when she heard the words of the thirteenth princess, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition in her heart. She couldn't help but looked at Feng Yunzheng, who was also looking at her.

I saw that the two falcons flew closer and closer, hovering above their heads, making terrifying noises, and they could still see its sharp claws and sharp mouth clearly.

"Okay, it's scary." Feng Tangyao suddenly felt very scared, and couldn't help shivering.

"Princess, hurry up, leave quickly." The guards and eunuchs were also shocked by the two giant eagles.

At this time, only a cry of "嗤" was heard, and the two falcons suddenly swooped down in the direction of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, their eyes were sharp, as if they wanted to eat these two people !

"Yue'er!" Feng Yunzheng rushed towards Lian Siyue, protected her, and quickly got on the horse with her in his arms, raised the whip, and drove the horse away.

The falcon seemed to be aiming at Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, ignoring Feng Tangyao, only chasing them two.

"Your Highness, miss, be careful!" Night Breeze and Leng Mei shouted loudly at the same time, they immediately ran to the side of the horse, jumped up, and ran towards Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

"Shua!" However, at this moment, dozens of arrows suddenly shot towards them, and the two of them stared intently——

"There are assassins!"

They drew their swords and nimbly blocked all the arrows that were shot. Then dozens of masked men in black descended from the sky and attacked Ye Feng and Leng Mei.

Night Breeze and the cold-browed horse stood next to each other, back to back, narrowing their sharp eyes slightly, staring coldly at the man in black in front of him, while the horse slowly moved its hooves on the spot.

"The visitor is not kind, frown coldly, find a way to break through, leave this to me, you go and save His Highness and Missy." Night Breeze fixed his eyes on the cold and serious man in black who was approaching step by step, and said with his lips.

"Okay." He replied coldly.

"Oh..." The two falcons flew towards Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue with an unstoppable force, their sharp claws ruthlessly grabbed at them——

The horses under their crotches were frightened, and they jumped up vigorously on the spot, trying to dodge the attack of the falcon, Lian Siyue tightly grasped the reins.

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng yelled, and the falcon threw himself on top of him. He lowered his head and leaned over the horse, dodging the first attack, but only heard a ripping sound. A piece of the luxurious robe was forcibly torn off, and the quick steps were left on the sharp claws of the falcon.

"Oh..." Falcon attacked again, pecking it away with his beak.At this time, the horse was frightened again, raised its front hooves high, and entangled with the falcon.

Both of them rolled off their horses.

These two eagles have been specially trained. They are very smart and know how to attack from weak points. Someone must be directing them from the dark!

Feng Yunzheng got up quickly, ran to Lian Siyue's side, and helped her up. At this time, the two eagles flew towards them again, their sharp claws were like sharp weapons, and their sharp mouths opened. As if to peck people off with one bite.

This falcon specifically attacked Feng Yunzheng's eyes, he used his body to protect Lian Siyue, another piece of his robe was pecked off, and his handsome face was scratched with a bloodstain by the sharp claws.

Those men in black who were dealing with Ye Feng and Lengmei were repelled one by one, but they obviously saw through their intentions, so they deliberately adopted a delaying strategy to prevent them from getting close to Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue. Chance.

More and more black clothes surrounded him, forming a thick wall. Suddenly, there were swords and swords, and blood flowed like a river.

"Lengmei!" Night Breeze shouted, raised his chin towards her, Lengmei understood, suddenly, stabbing the ground with a sword, his body quickly rose up, and jumped out of the crowd with excellent lightness. She didn't do anything Thinking, quickly ran to Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

"Kill!" At this time, another group of men in black seemed to descend from the sky. Without any extra movement, they held bows and arrows and pointed them in the direction of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue. Shoot at them!
"Your Highness, be careful!" Lian Siyue screamed loudly, and Feng Yunzheng rolled on the ground holding her—

"Oh!" Feng Yunzheng's body shook, and an arrow shot into his shoulder blade.

"Ah! Your Highness!" Lian Siyue panicked, seeing blood quickly staining the silver robe on his shoulders red, like blooming flowers rapidly, but it was shocking.

"Your Highness! Get up quickly! Let's go!" At this time, Leng Mei had already rushed over, blocking the two masters by herself, and looked coldly at the hard-covered and fierce man in black in front of her!

It seems that these people have made up their minds to kill His Highness the Ninth Prince today!
What followed was Night Breeze who stood out from the encirclement, and the two stood in front.

Feng Yunzheng braced his body, quickly stood up from the ground, Leng Mei put his hand in his mouth, and made a sound, a horse galloped over just now, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue quickly got on the horse, quickly run forward.

"There is a cliff ahead!" Feng Yunzheng remembered the terrain here, and he said loudly.

However, these black-clothed men appeared around them again, forming a siege.

"Do you believe me?" Feng Yunzheng asked in a deep voice while on the horseback.

"I believe." Lian Siyue replied with firm eyes.

"Shoot!" The leading man in black squinted his eyes slightly, with a dangerous and cold glint in his eyes, looked at the two men on the horseback, and gave the order indifferently.

Suddenly, another wave of arrows shot at them!

"Hold tight!" At this critical moment, Feng Yunzheng pulled Lian Siyue into his arms again, and wrapped her in a cloak.

Lian Siyue understood what he meant in an instant, the two looked at each other, and she nodded slightly towards him.

The two hugged each other tightly and jumped down the cliff. At the same moment, the rainforest-like arrow shot over.

The man in black saw the two deliberately roll off the cliff, and quickly ran over——

"Shoot!" The leader spoke again without hesitation!
So, dozens of bows and arrows aimed at the cliff again, swish, swish, swish, and the arrows shot out.

"Master, what should we do now?" asked the masked man in black next to him.

"elder sister!"


"Brother Nine Emperors!"

At this time, in the distant forest, three horses rushed out together and ran towards the edge of the cliff, all of them had anxious and frightened expressions on their faces!

Just now, they watched Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue rolling down the cliff!
"Sister, no, you can't have something to do!" Lian Jue's heart was beating thumping, and his voice was trembling. If something happened to her, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!
(End of this chapter)

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