Chapter 356
Chapter 356
Feng Ye raised the bow and arrow in his hand, shot continuously with a cold face, one of the two falcons hovering in the air was shot down, and the other flew away.

"Evacuate!" Seeing these three people coming, Xiao He immediately and decisively ordered to evacuate, which meant that more rescuers were coming.

The speed is as fast as lightning.

This death-defying lightning team is all elites, trained by him personally, and has always been used to break through the most difficult fortresses on the battlefield. Their characteristic is - fast!quick!quick!

Today it was specially used to deploy to kill His Highness Nine and Lian Siyue, hmph, it's cheap for them, there was an arrogant and wanton smile in his eyes, Xiao He was invincible on the battlefield, Lian Siyue underestimated him!
It's just that Feng Yunzheng's two subordinates were really not simple, and they actually broke through his Lightning team's attack twice.

Feng Ye, Feng Yu, and Lian Jue ran to the edge of the cliff, they all got off their horses and looked down, only to see the fog below, and they couldn't see clearly.

At this time, a large number of guards had arrived, and they were standing on the edge of the cliff, waiting for orders.

"Brother Eight Emperors, the group of people just now moved so fast, and they didn't leave any traces. In a short while, there were no traces to be found." Feng Yu saw those people disappearing in front of her eyes, the speed was inconceivable.

Because of the speed, they were caught off guard. They rushed over as soon as they heard the abnormal sound, but they still couldn't catch up.

high speed?Thoughts flashed across Feng Ye's eyes.

"Master!" Leng Mei and Ye Feng hurried over, their expressions tense.

There was a hint of determination in Lian Jue's eyes, "Lead people down to find it, no matter what, we must find it!"

"Everyone listen to the order, immediately go down the cliff to find someone!" Feng Ye raised the long sword in his hand and ordered loudly, his voice trembling unconsciously.


Everyone immediately went down the cliff to look for people, Lian Jue walked in the front, and the yellow mulberries that Lian Siyue picked fell all over the ground.

Not far away, a black figure turned and left with no expression on his face.

Lian Siyue, you forced me to do this. Since you chose to stand on the side of Jiuhuangdi, then I can only choose to kill you.

After Xiao He led the troops and quickly disappeared on the riding ground, he disbanded the Lightning Team and went to Zhengyangmen to reunite with his father and three places. Now he will accompany them into the palace to plead guilty before the emperor, and then take his eldest brother Xiao Shan back to the palace up.

The eldest brother was imprisoned for a whole month, and the mother pleaded in every possible way in front of the queen mother to allow the emperor to temporarily pardon him. However, the fate of not being allowed to participate in the rural examination will not be withdrawn. From then on, the Xiao family lost a capable leader.

The most important thing is that the emperor no longer trusts the Xiao family as before. This is what disturbs his father Xiao Zhenhai the most.

However, even Siyue and His Highness Jiu's life and death are uncertain this time, so it can be regarded as revenge!

However, there was a complex look in Xiao He's eyes, but!He gritted his teeth, and erased the thought of being sorry for Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng that shouldn't be in his mind.

As the old saying goes, since Yu Shengyu, He Shengliang——

Lian Siyue, Master Ben appreciates your intelligence and skill, but we are born enemies, with you without me, with me without you.

And Your Highness Ninth Prince, you may be a wise county king, but unfortunately, the person supported by our Xiao family now is His Highness Fourth——

Everything is due to fate.

As he thought about it, the expression on his face became even more gloomy. He gritted his teeth and went straight to the palace. On the galloping horse, he tore off the black clothes on his body, threw them into the air, drew out his sword, and brushed the place. The clothes shattered into fragments and fell to the ground. Once he wore a purple robe, he passed through the fragments and walked straight forward.

"How?" Xiao Zhenhai stepped forward and asked in a low voice when he arrived at Zhengyang Gate.

"Fell off a cliff." Xiao He jumped off his horse and replied.

"Did you hit the arrow?" Xiao Zhenhai asked.

"His Royal Highness Ninth carries an arrow on his back."

"That's great. The arrow was poisoned. The poison was the idea of ​​the Fourth Highness. Now they fell down the cliff, and they couldn't find a doctor in time to treat them. They were close to death." Xiao Zhenhai clapped his hands, showing a comfortable smile on his face.

Xiao He was taken aback, "Poison? Father, Team Lightning never use such indecent methods, this is my rule!"

"He'er, it's an extraordinary time, an extraordinary means! Father knows that you have your principles and rules for your lightning team, but that Lian Siyue is extremely cunning, and conspiring with His Highness the Ninth Prince is even more invincible.

You also saw it at the Empress Dowager’s birthday banquet last time. They just turned the white into black, and the black into white. People with such ruthless methods must fight back with even more ruthless methods. This is what my father taught you since you were a child. . "Xiao Zhenhai said.

"Yes, second brother, what father said is reasonable, don't mind it." Xiao Hu persuaded from the side.

"Yes, father." Xiao He slowly lowered his fist.

"Let's go, I'm entering the palace. Going in at this time can clear away your suspicions today. I have to say that His Royal Highness's plan is also very meticulous and perfect. He specially asked your mother to ask the queen mother to let your eldest brother out today." Xiao Zhenhai patted He patted Xiao He on the shoulder, and walked forward with big strides.

When they arrived at Rongyuan Hall, Xiao Zhenhai led Xiao He and Xiao Hu to kneel outside the hall. About half an hour later, Xiao Shan was finally brought out of the prison.

When Xiao Zhenhai saw him, in just one month, the eldest son was already so thin that he was almost out of shape, and his eyes no longer had the pride of the past, but were full of anxiety and cautiousness.

What an excellent son he is, what a person he is proud of, he was tortured into this appearance, and he became a useless person when he was picked up.

He took a deep breath, and the father and son went to the emperor to plead guilty and thank him. The emperor said some words of kindness and power before letting them leave.

Xiao Shan trembled all the way, trembling all over, he didn't dare to say a word, it seemed that he was very frightened.

When leaving Rongyuan Hall and rushing to Zhengyang Gate, Xiao He glanced inadvertently, and found a figure in a cloth shirt running past from the other side, with an anxious expression on his face.

His heart trembled slightly, and he continued to walk forward. The four of them, father and son, reached the gate of Zhengyang.

Xiao He turned his head, took a look, finally stopped, and said, "Father, elder brother, third younger brother, I still have something to do, you all go home first." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"He'er, don't do anything stupid, your elder brother was released from the dungeon." Xiao Zhenhai watched his son walk away, and said loudly.

"Yes, Father." Xiao He's figure quickly disappeared from their sight, Xiao Zhenhai frowned, looking at the son's back.

"Father, where is Second Brother going?" Xiao Hu asked.

"This kid is so sentimental, I don't know who he resembles?" Xiao Zhenhai sighed.

Tai Hospital.

A figure in a cloth shirt hurried over, shouting eagerly, "Prince doctor, doctor, my mother is sick, come with me to Changchun Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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