First-class daughter

Chapter 366 1 Once and for all

Chapter 366 Once and for all

Chapter 366 Once and for all

However, when he heard the news of Lian Siyue's death, why... did he feel a little sad?My heart was blocked by something heavy, and I was almost out of breath, and my walking steps were even a little staggering.

Suddenly, his feet went limp——

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong hurried forward, supported him, and called out in a low voice.

"It's okay, she's dead, it's fine, this world is quiet." That's right, these days, his mind has never been occupied by this vicious woman, every day, every night, she is like a demon The same is boiling in his mind, so that he can't have a moment of peace, and often can't sleep at night!
He was almost driven crazy by her!
Here, at the prime minister's mansion, Lian Yanqing heard that the Fourth Highness was coming to visit, so he immediately came out to greet him. He had been waiting in the mansion for the news that Jue'er sent Yue'er back, but he couldn't wait. Unexpectedly, he came here first. The king of Yuejun.

As soon as Feng Qianyue walked into the prime minister's mansion, she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"I don't know what is the reason for the sudden visit by His Royal Highness?"

"This king..."

"Siyue pays homage to Fourth Highness, Your Highness is well." At this moment, a soft and clear voice like an oriole came from behind Feng Qianyue.

Feng Qianyue was shocked all over, and turned her head suddenly, only to see Lian Siyue standing in front of her, standing in front of him alive, not a corpse, not anything else, just a living person, and standing beside her The one was her brother who was like a loyal dog. There was a chill in his eyes, as if he was about to tear him into pieces.

Lian Siyue was wearing a blouse embroidered with red begonia flowers, a moon white long pleated skirt, and a silver hairpin with butterfly flower tassels pinned to her bun, which complemented the pearl pendant on her earlobe, bringing out the dusty look on her body. The refined, icy and delicate temperament is vividly displayed, unconsciously, Lian Siyue has become a first-class beauty.

"Yue'er, you..." Lian Yanqing was worried about his daughter, but when he suddenly saw a real person appearing in front of him, he was overjoyed.

"You're not dead!" Before Lian Yanqing, Feng Qianyue took two steps forward and grabbed Lian Siyue's hand regardless of his appearance, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"..." Lian Siyue looked at him blankly, what was he doing?Is it a serious illness to look like you lost and found it?

"Your Highness!" Seeing Feng Qianyue grabbing Lian Siyue's wrist, Lian Yanqing quickly stopped him, "Men and women can't kiss each other."

And Lian Jue, before Lian Yanqing could speak, unceremoniously pushed Feng Qianyue away forcefully, and said coldly, "Let go, don't touch my sister, otherwise, I will fight you desperately!"

"Jueer!" Lian Yanqing heard this, and quickly stopped him, "Don't talk nonsense."

And Feng Qianyue came back to his senses, didn't mind Lian Jue's movements, but looked closely at Lian Siyue again.

Lian Jue suddenly stood between the two of them, blocking Feng Qianyue's sight, and looked at him closely with the eyes of an enemy!
"Je'er..." Lian Siyue called softly, and then Lian Jue slowly let go of his fist and moved away, "Sister, I'll wait for you inside first, if someone feels sorry for you, I will definitely kill him. One day I will kill him!" As he said, he turned around fiercely and walked away coldly.

"Your Highness must be very disappointed to see me standing here." Lian Siyue looked at Feng Qianyue indifferently, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

"Yue'er, don't be rude." Lian Yanqing didn't know the inside story, so he stopped him.

"... Lianxiang, could you let me and the eldest miss have a few words alone." However, Feng Qianyue raised her hand to stop Lian Yanqing from continuing.

"Your Highness, do you have anything to say to me?" Lian Siyue looked at him quietly.

" how could you..."

"How can I be alive?" Lian Siyue interrupted him with a cold snort, and said, "This is what the Fourth Highness wants to ask, right? Why? Because God sees that I am so pitiful, so I let you I survived, let me find those who have wronged me, cut them into pieces, let them die without a place to die one day!"

"Lian Siyue!" Feng Qianyue interrupted her rudely, "I never thought of wanting you to die. Pulling you to go together. But you, you are against me again and again, and you give me Xiaorou, the person who makes me want to throw up when I look at it, and you will be my wife for the rest of my life. You know that the person I hate the most is Jiu Brother, but you are very kind to him, why, why do you want to fight against me?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "Why? Can't your Highness figure it out? Because, if I don't treat you like this, I will die a very miserable death in the future."

Feng Qianyue is a cruel and ruthless person through and through. Those who have helped him now, once he turns his back on him one day, he will suffer endless pain and despair.

"Lian Siyue!" Feng Qianyue roared.

"Sorry to disappoint you again, His Highness Jiu and I are living well." Lian Siyue smiled, then turned cold, turned and left.

"Lian Siyue..."

"Stop!" Lian Jue immediately came out from the side, pulled out the dagger from his waist with a swipe, and placed it in front of Feng Qianyue. "

"..." Feng Qianyue looked at Lian Siyue's disappearing back, raised her eyes to look at Lian Jue, then turned around abruptly——

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong lowered his head.

Feng Qianyue gave her a cold look, and walked out of the yard quickly.

But at the corner, she ran into the third lady, Lian Shiya. When Lian Shiya saw Feng Qianyue, she was taken aback, turned around and was about to leave.

"This is Miss San?" However, Feng Qianyue stopped and called her.

Lian Shiya had no choice but to turn around slowly, with a trembling smile on her face, and said, "Your Highness, yes, it's Ya'er." She stood where she was, not daring to move, lest she take another step, She saw that her foot was lame.

However, Feng Qianyue walked towards her, she tightly clenched the hand by her side, her nervous heart almost jumped out of her mouth.

Now that she looks at these four highnesses, she feels that he is more and more handsome. Although she has been demoted to the county king, it is good to be able to marry a county king in her current situation. What's more, she was at the banquet in Xiao Guofu that day She had already fallen in love with him, but unfortunately, she was preempted by Xiao Rou, a little bitch.

"Your hairpin..." Feng Qianyue stopped in front of her, then raised her hand to straighten her crooked hairpin.

"Your Highness, thank you, thank you..." Lian Shiya felt the aura emanating from his body, her whole body blushed, and her heart pounded wildly.

"It's easy to do." After saying that, Feng Qianyue smiled lightly, then turned and left.

Lian Shiya took two steps back when she saw him go far away, her hands tightly covering her chest, her face was blushing, her heart was pounding, she beat her leg hard——

(End of this chapter)

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