First-class daughter

Chapter 367 Sleeping in the same bed

Chapter 367 Sleeping in the same bed
Chapter 367 Sleeping in the same bed
Fortunately, she stood still just now, otherwise if she was seen, her lameness would be exposed, which made her feel so embarrassed.

She hated Lian Siyue even more, if she hadn't broken her leg, she would be able to speak freely to His Royal Highness, how could she just stand motionless like now.

A month later.

"Hey! Ha!"

Lian Siyue came out of Fu'an Courtyard, and when she passed by Wenhua Courtyard, she heard the sound of martial arts practice coming from inside, so she stopped.

Her hand has healed after these days and returned to its former state.

Seeing Lian Siyue, Na Biran quickly bowed and said, "Miss, you are here."

Lian Siyue was about to nod, but heard a cheerful voice, "Sister, are you here?" Lian Jue ran over, his face dripping with sweat.

"Just passing by, I heard that you are practicing martial arts again, look at your sweat." Lian Siyue took two steps forward in the posture of an elder sister, and wiped off the sweat on Lian Jue's face with a handkerchief. She blushed slightly, took a step back, wiped the sweat off her face with her sleeve, and said, "I'm a man, it's okay to sweat a little."

"Je'er has really grown up now." Lian Siyue put away the veil without thinking too much, and said in relief.

"Sister, you came just in time. Last time I went to the racecourse, I picked a lot of yellow mulberries. They looked delicious. But at that time, you had an accident and lost the mulberries. Today, Sijiu and I ran to pick some. You come to eat." Eat and see." Lian Jue wiped the sweat off his face and said.

"Okay." Lian Siyue followed Lian Jue into the room, and Biran washed the mulberries that had just been picked, and put them on a white porcelain plate, one by one, plump and firm, crystal clear, yellow-orange Orange, really attractive.

Lian Siyue picked up one of them, put it in her mouth, and when she bit it, the sweet and sour juice flowed out, filling her mouth with a fresh taste.

"Delicious." She nodded and ate another one.

"As long as you like it." Lian Jue smiled like a child, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"This sweet and sour taste is very refreshing and fresh. My mother is pregnant, so I will send some to her later." Lian Siyue ate a few more, then stopped and said.

"I've sent my mother-in-law to my mother's place. This is all for you. You like to eat more."

"Je'er is a caring man." After hearing what he said, Lian Siyue ate two more.

Lian Jue smiled a little embarrassedly, a trace of redness appeared on his slightly sweaty face, and said, "I just want my sister to eat something delicious."

"Hehe, it's really delicious." Lian Siyue ate another one, she looked around Lian Jue's room, and asked, "Jue'er, you've been particularly obsessed with martial arts recently."

"Anyway, I'm fine, so I'll practice more." Lian Jue said.

Sister, the purpose of practicing martial arts is to protect you well. I don’t want to be that useless person every time you have something to do. I hope that one day, I can become your mountain like His Highness Nine, and become what you want when you are in danger. The person to rely on.

Lian Siyue smiled, put down the fork, turned to look at the door, but suddenly saw a figure flash past inadvertently.

She was startled, and the smile on her face froze for a moment.

She turned her head and asked while eating mulberries, "Jue'er, are the maids and mother-in-law in your yard still suitable? Is there anyone who is not suitable?"

"I always spend a lot of time with me every day, and the maid takes care of changing clothes and eating, and I don't feel uncomfortable. What's the matter, sister?" Lian Jue asked when he noticed that Lian Siyue's face was a little strange.

"It's okay, I think it's time for me to go. By the way, you can send your maid to Xianheyuan later. I have something for you." Lian Siyue stood up and said.

"Okay, I'll take you out." Lian Jue stood up, supported Lian Siyue's arm and let her go out.

Lian Siyue had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes fell sharply on the maids and mother-in-law in this room. All the servants felt the eyes of this young lady, and they all felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. move.

After Lian Siyue returned to Xianhe courtyard for half an hour, Biran and Hongyu, the maids from Lianjue's courtyard, came over and knelt down in front of her.

"Miss, your tea." Qing Dai handed the teacup to her hand, she picked it up, took a sip, and asked:
"How long have you been with the young master?"

"Back to Miss, the slave girl Biran, it was Missy who went to the Young Master's yard when she just returned from Yaocheng."

"Slave Hongyu also went to the young master's yard at that time."

"Yeah." Lian Siyue nodded, Aunt Xiao arranged for the people in Lianjue's courtyard before, and when she came back from Yaocheng, she used some opportunities to change all the people.

Lian Siyue motioned to Qingdai, and Qingdai took out a prepared box, and Lian Siyue said, "You take care of the young master and do your best, I can see that the young master is the son of our prime minister, you are bound to You have to take good care of them and don’t make any mistakes, these are my personal rewards for you.”

"Thank you, Miss." Biran and Hongyu happily accepted the gift from Lian Siyue with great apprehension.

"And the things in this box are for the young master, you take them back to him." Then, Lian Siyue gave them another box and explained.


After Lian Siyue warned the two of them again, they went back. As soon as they left, her face darkened, and she ordered, "Lu Zhi, follow up secretly, and get them out of the room until Lian Jue's room." Tell me exactly what you do."

"Yes." Leng Mei followed quietly immediately.

After a while, she came back and reported, "Both of them were very happy to receive the reward from the young lady. It was called Hongyu. After returning to the young master's room, I opened the box you gave the young master to have a look."

"..." Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I see."

Jiang Xiang has been waiting for more than a month, and Xiao Shi finally saw her again.

"Congratulations, Miss Jiangxiang, your dream will come true tonight." When Xiao saw Jiangxiang, she congratulated her.

"I don't understand Madam's meaning..." Jiang Xiang asked cautiously with a little expectation in her heart.

"I've already made arrangements. You can go to Young Master Jue's room at [-] o'clock tomorrow night. Once you go in, you can sleep in the same bed with him. At that time, you will become his housemate. A man and a half woman, you are my aunt."

When Jiang Xiang heard this, she was overjoyed and said, "Really?" She had been waiting for a long time.

"Of course, how could I lie to you, Aunt Jiangxiang has developed in the future, don't forget about our Qingquanyuan people?" Xiao said deliberately.

"Ma'am, you also made fun of the servant girl." Jiang Xiang bowed her head, blushing, but her heart was full of joy, as if she had eaten honey.

"However, I took a risk to help you in this way. You have to do something for me." Xiao Shi took the opportunity to say, hmph, she has fought so many aunts, and also the eldest lady. In her hands, it is for her to rub round and flatten.

(End of this chapter)

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