Chapter 371
Chapter 371
But how...

Jiang Xiang was taken aback, what about the chest of this body... It's a bit strange, it doesn't look like a man's chest, it's soft, like——

She opened her eyes suddenly!
"Stinky and shameless little bastard, you are the only one, if our painting-like Master Jue is humiliated by you, it will be really bad luck for eight lifetimes!" Suddenly, the person she was holding sat up suddenly and grabbed his hand. She threw it hard into the bed!
Jiang Xiang's head hit the bed frame, and stares flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, with a snap, the candles in the room lit up, Jiang Xiang looked, and when he saw Nanny Tai on the bed, he screamed in fright, and shielded himself violently.

"Just now when I thought it was the young master, I kept taking off my clothes. Why are you so shy now that it's me? You little bastard, if you die, you will die!" Taimao spat on Jiang Xiang, and then Jumped out of bed.

The person Jiang Xiang hugged just now turned out to be this buffalo-like Thai nun——

How is this going?

Jiang Xiang instinctively felt that she had fallen into a certain trap, and suddenly she was covered in cold sweat. She got up suddenly and lay down on the ground to pick up the clothes she had taken off, but Nanny Tai took the clothes away first. Throwing it outside, he scolded, "You little slut still wants to wear clothes, so just saunter!"

At this time, only a "squeak" was heard, and the door opened.

Jiang Xiang hurriedly pulled the quilt over her body, and when she looked up and saw the person walking in step by step from the door, she froze in fright, her face was pale, her whole body trembling, and her mouth murmured:
"Big, miss..."

Lian Siyue slowly walked towards Jiangxiang, her gaze fell on her like a cold blade, she only felt that her bare shoulders had been stabbed to pieces.

Qingdai followed Lian Siyue, lowered her head, looking at Jiangxiang with a bit of heartache.

"This..." What's going on?

Didn't Qingdai cough after eating peanut water and go to rest?

Didn't the young miss smell the incense in the room and fell asleep?

How... how could this happen?Could it be...Could it be that the eldest miss has seen through everything long ago, and just silently played this scene with her, and then watched her take the bait?
Lian Siyue walked in front of Jiang Xiang, looked down at this personal maid, Jiang Xiang trembled all over, "Miss, slave..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Lian Siyue shook her head, regretfully said, "You have been with me for almost a year, you should know my methods well, I am cruel and ruthless, you don't know, I didn't expect you to Dare to commit such a betrayal, it seems that your courage is really not small."

"Miss, miss, please spare me, this servant is just... just..." She hugged the quilt tightly, kowtowed vigorously on the bed, and said in a panic.That's right, she is well aware of the frighteningness of this eldest lady, and once someone feels sorry for her, she will take the sword down without hesitation!

This time, she might die!
"Just what?" Lian Siyue's eyes seemed to have been frozen, without any waves or emotions.

"It's just that this servant really falls in love with the young master, that's why he committed such a wrong thing. Miss, please forgive this servant, it's all because this servant can't help herself, this servant can't control her heart." Tears rolled down Jiang Xiang's cheeks.

"Jiangxiang!" Qing Dai walked over and said, "How dare you talk nonsense! You are a maid in the eldest lady's room, but you sneaked into the young master's yard in the middle of the night to, have you ever thought about it? What about the reputation of the eldest lady? What about the reputation of the young master?"

"Sister Qingdai, you, you lied to me too?" Jiang Xiang didn't expect that Qingdai, who usually looks simple and honest, had fooled her without any flaws.

"I don't know how to self-criticize, but blindly blame others, and I don't know how to live or die, it's extremely stupid." Lian Siyue said coldly.

"Jiang Xiang, I didn't lie to you, it was you who lied to me!" Qing Dai said, unable to hold back her tears.

She came to the Prime Minister's Mansion together with Jiangxiang, and she had long regarded her as a sister. When she made a mistake, she had been hoping that she would find her way back, but she finally came to this point. I don't know, I'm still stuck!
"Come here, pull her down, change all the young master's bed and bedding, don't let any dirty things stay in the young master's room." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes! You dirty bastard, you've polluted the young master's place!" Nanny Tai immediately stepped forward, snatched the quilt from Jiangxiang's body and threw it on the ground, then pulled her off the bed vigorously, while the other maids I packed up the sheets and the like and went out.

After the apron on Jiangxiang's body was pulled several times by Nanny Tai, one side of the belt was broken, and her obscene pants were torn in two places. Now she is almost naked and curled up on the ground, which is extremely ugly.

"Miss! Miss! This servant knows she's wrong, and I don't dare anymore. Miss, please let this servant go." Jiang Xiang didn't care about so many images, she crawled to Lian Siyue's side, and reached out to grab her feet .

"Miss, is it something you can touch?" However, before his hand touched her shoe, Leng Mei came out in time and kicked her hand away, causing her pain as if her hand bone was broken.

"Miss, this servant was distracted for a while, please forgive me." Jiang Xiang knelt on the ground, kowtowing like garlic.

"Forgiveness?" Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and said, "You have been with me for more than a year, have you ever seen me give someone a chance to forgive?"

"..." Jiang Xiang's body trembled violently, that's right, once the young miss makes a move, she won't give anyone a chance.

"Come here, tie her to the tree in the front yard." Lian Siyue gave the order, and Nanny Tai carried her to the backyard without saying a word.

"Lengmei, Biran, the two of you immediately invited the old lady and the prime minister to come to Wenhuayuan respectively. Lengmei, you and the old lady said that there was a dirty maid in the young master's room, and Biran, you and the prime minister said that something happened to the young master. I'm throwing a tantrum and going to run away from home."

Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes, miss, I understand." Leng Mei and Bi Ran hurriedly split up.

"Je'er..." Lian Siyue called out, and Lian Jue came out of the room with a gloomy face and said, "Sister."

"Go and smash everything in your house, the more you smash the better, the more angry you are, the better."

"Okay." Lian Jue already understood Lian Siyue's intention.

The coldness in Lian Siyue's eyes grew stronger, she dared to move on Lian Jue, tonight, she was going to make a good break with Xiao Shi, who has always lost her sister and brother's heart!
The maids and women have already laid out new sheets and quilt covers, and cleaned up the traces left by the incense.

All the servants in the front yard and Wenhuayuan woke up. Standing in the yard, everyone was trembling, not daring to make a sound. Now they all know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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