Chapter 372

Chapter 372


Jiangxiang was tied to the camphor tree in the center of the yard with her hands turned upside down. She was hung in the air, her body was still naked, and her body was curled up together. It was midnight, and the cool breeze was blowing, and she was shivering from the cold. trembling.

"Papa papa!" Nanny Tai came over and slapped her face several more times, left and right, causing Jiangxiang to scream, her face was swollen, and traces of blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.

She scolded angrily, "Such a good young master, if you defile him, it won't be enough for the old lady to slap you a hundred times."

As he spoke, he pinched her waist twice more forcefully.

"Mother Tai, be merciful, be merciful..." Jiang Xiang was afraid of her, she was so strong that she almost crushed her to death.

At this time, Qing Dai walked over with a blank face, Jiang Xiang looked at her, her head was congested and uncomfortable, and said, "Sister Qing Dai, we are good sisters, we came from Yaocheng together, the eldest miss trusts you, you will replace me I will go to the eldest lady to beg for mercy, and let her let me live."

"Missy trusts me, but I can't take advantage of her trust. I told you earlier that our slaves should behave like slaves, but what are you doing?" Qing Dai said.

"...Missy will definitely kill me, what should I do, what should I do?" Jiang Xiang was incoherent in fear, wondering if there was a way to escape.

"If you don't want to die so ugly, you should know how to do it later." Qing Dai said coldly.

Moling Courtyard.

Lian Yanqing came to Aunt Ling's place after leaving the study room. When she came in and saw Mrs. Xiao was there, her expression turned cold and she asked:
"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Shi's face was a little stiff, Lian Yanqing shook her face in front of an aunt, deliberately to make her feel better in the future.

"Master, you're here..." Aunt Ling glanced silently at Xiao Shi, with an imperceptible smile on her lips, then she went up to greet him as usual, and unbuttoned his neckline familiarly.

A hint of resentment and loss flashed in Xiao's eyes. In the past, she was the one who did these things, but now that she thinks about it, she doesn't know how long it has been since she did this for Lian Yanqing.

Seeing Xiao Shi still standing here, Lian Yanqing frowned and said, "Why don't you leave?"

"Master, Madam is here to deliver snacks to my concubine, Madam really has a heart." Aunt Ling said softly.

Lian Yanqing glanced at the food box on the table, and said, "Don't eat indiscriminately, after all, you don't know what other people care about."

When Xiao Shi heard this, she couldn't help it anymore, raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and said, "Master, you really hurt my heart by saying that, even though I had many problems in the past, but I, I did it because I cared too much. Master just did those stupid things, I already know that I was wrong, and I dare not do it again. Besides, I still have Master’s child in my belly, how could I do something harmful, am I not afraid that the child will be punished by heaven?”

"Okay, okay!" Seeing her crying again, Lian Yanqing raised his hand impatiently, "If you have nothing to do, go back to Qingquanyuan. I'm here for peace, not to hear you cry."

Now, in Lian Yanqing's mind, she is already so worthless, Xiao feels sad for herself, but the most important thing today is to stay with Aunt Ling intentionally, so as to get rid of the suspicion of framing Lian Jue and Jiang Xiang fooling around , creating an illusion that she was always with Aunt Ling and didn't know about other things.

She smiled and said, "Yes, I'm leaving, Master and Aunt Ling have a good rest." After saying that, Mrs. Xiao turned around and prepared to leave.

"Master, master..." At this time, a maidservant in green clothes hurried in, ignoring etiquette, out of breath, and said next time, "Master, he, he..."

Xiao Shi immediately pricked up his ears when he heard that it was a Lianjue.

"What's going on, why are you in such a panic?" Lian Yanqing frowned.

"Young master...he, he...Master, you should go and have a look, the young master lost his temper so much that he almost smashed the whole yard, shouting to run away from home..."

What?After Lian Yanqing heard this, he didn't care about anything, and hurried out of the Moling Courtyard. Xiao Shi came to his senses and immediately followed.

There was a smile on her face, she must have been found sleeping in the same bed with Jiang Xiang, she must have become angry from embarrassment, she wanted to go and see.

"Auntie..." Mother Guo walked to Aunt Ling's side, "Why don't you go and have a look too, this young master is the only legitimate son in the house, we have to rely on him and the young lady."

"The Qingquan courtyard bullies me every day. If I find an opportunity, I will definitely ask the eldest lady and eldest lady for help. Let's go and have a look!"

Immediately afterwards, Aunt Ling followed.

Lian Yanqing hurried all the way to the entrance of the Wenhua Courtyard, and before he opened the door to go in, he heard the sound of crackling vases being smashed, his eyes narrowed, and he walked in, Xiao naturally hurriedly followed go in.

However, as soon as they saw the situation inside, the two of them were stunned at the same time——

I saw a nearly naked person hanging from the camphor tree in the courtyard. Xiao took a closer look and found that this person was not Jiangxiang. Her feet were weak and she almost fainted. Fortunately, Bai Wei helped her in time. her.

No, it's... this can't be...

"What's going on here? Is this person Siyue's maidservant? How could he be hanging here?" Seeing the situation in front of him, Lian Yanqing was furious.

"Oh, what's the matter? I heard that Jue'er's maid is not clean, so I hurried here." At this time, Lian's mother also rushed here overnight. She was finally Lian Jue, and she liked Lian Jue the most. .

"Bang!" At this time, there was a sound of throwing things in Lian Jue's room, accompanied by Lian Jue's roar, "I'm going to kill her!"

"What happened here? It caused my obedient grandson to lose his temper. He never loses his temper. He always knows how to restrain himself." Mother Lian asked anxiously.

"Grandmother, father." At this time, one of the doors in Lianjue's courtyard opened, and Lian Siyue's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing her figure, Mrs. Xiao was startled, and quickly looked at Jiang Xiang, who was already trembling with fright, and dared not look at her anymore.

Xiao Shi was startled, it seemed that Lian Siyue had figured it out!How to reverse it now?She held the handkerchief tightly with her hands, and the back of her hand was bruised because of nervousness.

"Yue'er, you are here too, what happened?" Seeing that Lian Siyue was here, Lian Yanqing had an intuition that something serious had happened.

"My younger brother has been wronged, how can the elder sister not come?" Lian Siyue's piercing eyes fell on Xiao Shi's face.

At this time, Lian Jue opened the door with a bang, and quickly walked in front of Xiao Shi, his eyes were like torches, Xiao Shi was startled, and he turned his face away involuntarily——

"Young master, what's the matter with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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