Chapter 374
Chapter 374
What's more, the clothes also have the scent of balm brought from Yaocheng for incense. This ointment was given by the wife of the Su family. Xiang likes it very much, and no one can touch her ointment. The clothes have the scent of jasmine, so Jiang Xiang is lying when she says that she has not worn the slave's clothes. "

Nanny Song stepped forward and brought the clothes in Qingdai's hands to Mother Lian, and Mother Lian put it in her breath, it really smelled like jasmine.

"Hmph..." Lian Mu threw the clothes on the ground hard.

"Old lady, master, young lady..." At this moment, Aunt Liang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly knelt down and said, "My concubine, my concubine was disturbed by cat meowing one night, so I couldn't sleep, so I got up Walking around, I did see Jiangxiang sneaking out of the madam's yard. I wondered why the eldest lady's maid would go to the madam's room in the middle of the night, so I took a closer look and found that Jiangxiang came out more than once. I have been to Qingquanyuan, I have always wanted to tell the eldest lady, but I couldn't find a chance, and I was afraid that my wife would punish me if I found out."

Mrs. Xiao looked at Aunt Liang sharply, and cursed, "What are you talking about? You bitch, I never thought that you would be so soft and weak that you dare not say anything, but now you are doing something that makes you worse."

With tears in her eyes, Aunt Liang said tremblingly, "Master, I didn't talk nonsense, I just didn't want the eldest lady and the young master to be wronged for nothing, and let the real bad guys go."

"I believe in you." Lian Yanqing asked Aunt Liang to speak, his face was already extremely cold, and a deep chill burst out from his eyes.

"Hmph!" Lian Mu looked at Jiang Xiang coldly, and said, "Bold maidservant, the evidence is convincing, and she dares to refuse to admit it to death! Come on! Drag her down, beat her fifty with a stick, give her dumb medicine, and drive her out go to the house."

Upon hearing this, Xiao's face turned pale, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

"No, old madam, please forgive me. The slave said, the slave said, all of this was instigated by the madam. The madam said to help me become the young master's housemate. If I give birth to a boy and a half girl, I can become the young master's concubine!" Jiang Xiang finally frightened screamed.

Hearing Lian Jue, he immediately felt extremely insulted, and his face turned red.Furious, "Having such an idea is an unforgivable crime, so hurry up and drag it on!"

"Help, help, Sister Qingdai!" Jiang Xiang was dragged off the ground by several nuns, she desperately called for help, "Miss, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong!"

But, it was already too late, and after a while, everyone heard the sound of floor boards coming from outside, and the sound of falling incense and begging for mercy gradually died down, and they didn't know whether they had been given dumb drugs or passed out.

"Master, Madam..." Xiao's voice trembled a little, and sweat began to emerge from his forehead.

"Go back." Lian Yanqing said with a deep sigh.

"..." Xiao suddenly raised his head, and looked at Lian Yanqing in disbelief, he, he didn't pursue it?Tell her to go back?
Is this... She rubbed her belly, probably out of the face of the unborn child.

"Yanqing!" Mother Lian stomped her cane vigorously!
"Mother, my son knows what's in his heart, Mrs. Xiao, you go back." However, Lian Yanqing waved his hand and said.

"Yes, yes." Supported by Bai Wei, Mrs. Xiao hurried out of the Wenhua Academy. When she went out, she tripped over the threshold and almost fell down.

Afterwards, even Yanqing hurried out.

"Confused, confused!" Lian's mother turned pale with anger, "My good grandson, you have been wronged, and you have been abused so badly by the maids for no reason. Grandma's heart is cut like a knife!" Lian's mother walked to Lian In front of Jue, he took his hand and felt it in his palm, feeling distressed.

"Grandmother..." Lian Jue called out.

A thought flashed in Lian Ruyue's eyes——

She noticed Lian Yanqing's expression just now, he didn't seem to believe Xiao Shi, nor did he seem to forgive Xiao Shi, what was he thinking...

Qing'an courtyard.

Lianmu sat on the rosewood chair, with a tense face, silent, with a solemn expression. The candlelight shone on her face, and the expression on her face became even colder.

"Nurse Song..." After a long time, Mother Lian said, "Go to Doctor Lu now and ask her to prescribe a prescription for tire slipping."

"Old madam!" Nanny Song's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

"Xiao's evil intentions are not dead. Before the child was born, he began to mutilate the underage son-in-law. The child born is also a disaster. It is better not to give birth. Give her a bowl of medicine and let her slip." Lian Mu looked at her. There was a slight struggle, but in the end a decision was made to let Xiao's tire slip.

"Think twice, old madam. Although this madam has evil intentions, the fetus in her womb is the flesh and blood of Lian's family and the root of the master." Nanny Song comforted her.

But Lian's mother had already made up her mind and said, "Yanqing will forgive me for my mother's painstaking efforts. This Xiao family is originally a catastrophe with ghosts all over his body. He didn't hesitate at all to give Yanqing the medicine that hurt his body. I Thinking about it makes my heart shudder, I'm afraid giving birth to a child will make things worse, for the peace of the prime minister's mansion, and for my good grandson, let's do this."

"Yes, since the old lady has decided with her eyes, this servant will do it now." Nanny Song nodded, turned and walked out.

Mother Lian sighed deeply, as if she had aged ten years overnight.

Nanny Song went to get the miscarriage medicine and came back. First she tortured it with her own hands, and then she secretly found Bai Wei, Xiao Shi's personal maid, and gave her the medicine, and ordered:
"This is what the old lady used to protect the wife. You take it and watch her drink it. Do you understand?"

Bai Wei took the medicine tremblingly.

Nanny Song glanced at her coldly, and said indifferently, "Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't cause trouble to your upper body, just like Xiangxiang and Hongyu, it's just like being dead."

Bai Wei trembled all over, lowered her head, and said, "Yes, this servant understands, but this servant dare not say anything."

After returning to Qingquanyuan in a panic, Mrs. Xiao sat on a chair, panting heavily, with cold sweat on her forehead, and it took a long, long time to recover.

Lian Shiya stomped her feet angrily when she heard that the plan had failed again, and said, "This pair of siblings can't be killed, it's really annoying."

"Yeah, Lian Siyue is too powerful. She is like a pervasive ghost, sneaking into your surroundings without a sound, and staring at you with wide-eyed eyes! One more hit will make people powerless!" Xiao Shi slumped on the chair, as if all the strength in his body had been emptied, and his clothes were all soaked through.

When Lian Shiya heard this, she trembled and broke out in a cold sweat. She looked around and said, "Mother, you, what you said is so wicked, I, I'm scared."

"Madam." At this time, Bai Wei walked over with her head down, holding a bowl in her hand, and said, "Madam, drink a bowl of calming soup, take it easy."

Mrs. Xiao took a look at the bowl——

At this moment, her heart was still hanging in the air, and even Yanqing didn't pursue her at all, which made her even more uneasy, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

Bai Wei was holding the bowl, but didn't dare to raise her head. Remembering Nanny Song's advice, she said again, "Madam, drink the soup, be careful not to get cold."

(End of this chapter)

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