Chapter 375
Chapter 375
"This Anshen Soup was boiled in time, my head was about to split, and I just drank it." Xiao Shi took the bowl and spoon, scooped up a spoonful of the soup in the bowl and drank it into his stomach.

Bai Wei glanced at it, then immediately lowered her head, her fingers couldn't help but tangle together.

"Why are you nervous?" Lian Shiya asked suddenly when she saw her subtle movements.

Bai Wei suddenly raised her head, her face tightened, and she said, "Miss San, there are no servants."

Lian Shiya looked at Xiao Shi, and saw that she had scooped up the second spoon to her mouth and was about to drink it. Suddenly, she waved her hand violently and knocked Xiao Shi's spoon away. With a "pop", the bowl fell to the ground , The whole bowl of soup was spilled.

She said anxiously:

"Mom, there is something wrong with this medicine, you can't drink it!"

Xiao's heart was startled, and she looked at Lian Shiya in amazement, "Ya'er, what's wrong? What's wrong with the medicine?"

Lian Shiya looked at Bai Wei suddenly with cold eyes, raised her hand, and slapped her hard on the face, "You maidservant, you dare to lay hands on my mother, why don't you kneel down quickly and do it honestly."

Bai Wei bent her knees, knelt on the ground, cried, and said, "Miss San, don't care about the servants, the servants don't know anything, the servants are only responsible for bringing the medicine to Madam."

When Xiao Shi heard this, her heart trembled suddenly, and she immediately understood that there was really something wrong with this medicine.

She looked at Bai Wei sharply, and said, "The eldest lady asked you to do this? What kind of medicine is this?"

"No, it's not, ma'am, please forgive me, I really don't know anything." Bai Wei kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"You don't have to drink a toast! Miss Ben is crippled, don't think I'm just being fooled! Someone, grab her hand!" Lian Shiya shouted.

Immediately, two women came in and held Bai Wei's hands tightly, forcing her to open her hands. Lian Shiya walked to the table, picked up the lamp oil, and poured it sideways, and the hot lamp oil fell drop by drop. In the palm of her hand, she suddenly howled in pain like death, the skin of the palm was burned alive, and blisters appeared one by one after a while.

"Miss San, please forgive me. I said, I said, it was Nanny Song. Nanny Song asked a servant to bring it over, saying it was an anti-fetal medicine." Bai Wei's face was pale, and big drops of sweat rolled down her face.

"Nurse Song, the anti-fetal medicine?" Xiao suddenly felt her heart skip a beat, and cold sweat broke out on her back.

Lian Shiya put down the oil lamp, winked at someone to take Bai Wei down to apply the medicine, and then followed Xiao Shi and asked, "Mother, what Nanny Song meant was what grandma meant. Grandma asked someone to give you an anesthetic." ,this……"

"I'm afraid it's not an anti-abortion medicine, but a miscarriage medicine!" Xiao Shi clenched his fists, eyes slightly narrowed, and said.

"What, miscarriage medicine?" Lian Shiya's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, her eyes flickered slightly, and she raised her voice, "Go and find Madam Dong."

Nanny Dong carefully picked up the medicine left on the tiles on the ground, observed it carefully for a moment, and then put a drop of it in her mouth with her finger.

"How about it, is this an anti-abortion medicine or a miscarriage medicine?" Lian Shiya asked nervously.

"Ma'am, Miss San, this is miscarriage medicine, it will take effect within half an hour after drinking it, first you will have abdominal cramps, then you will see redness, and, judging from the smell, the dosage of this medicine is quite strong." Dong Nai Ma said.

"..." Xiao Shi only felt his body go limp, leaned against the back of the chair weakly, and murmured, "Fortunately, fortunately, Ya'er has discovered the problem. Otherwise, my stomach would not react after drinking this medicine. The matter of the pregnancy was exposed, and the consequences are unimaginable!" Thinking about it, Xiao felt terrified and sweated profusely.

Lian Shiya clenched her fists forcefully, and said, "I never thought that grandma would be so vicious. If Mother is really pregnant, the child in her womb will be the bitter meat of the Lian family. Her own children and grandchildren, how could she be so vicious?" Ruthless!"

"It seems that this old lady is willing to do anything else to keep the Lian Jue. She will not be soft-hearted if she kills the fetus in my womb! How cruel!" Xiao Shi held the chair tightly, but felt So unwilling.

"Hmph, when grandma finds out about Lianjue..."

"Nurse Dong, you go down first, let someone come in and clean it..." Lian Shiya was about to say that Lian's mother would regret it when she found out that Lian Jue actually loved Lian Siyue, but Xiao Shi suddenly said interrupted.

"Yes, ma'am." Mother Dong walked out.

"Mother, what's the matter, don't you believe Madam Dong? That's someone sent by my uncle." Lian Shiya asked after Madam Dong walked out.

"It's not that I don't believe her, it's just that people's mouths can't always be sealed. Look at Bai Wei, she was scalded with lamp oil just now, and she couldn't bear it, so she told the truth. After they couldn't keep it clean, they arrested Nanny Dong." If you go to interrogate, Madam Dong will do the same, so the fewer people who know about such an important secret, the better."

Lian Shiya listened, nodded, and said, "What mother said is reasonable, there is always nothing wrong with taking precautions before they happen."

Qing'an courtyard.

Nanny Song walked in, and Mother Lian asked, "How is it?"

Nanny Song shook her head and said, "Old Madam, I'm afraid Madam and Third Miss will find out, so I didn't drink it down."

After hearing this, Lian's mother sighed and said, "Forget it, it's also predestined."

"Mother, this is better. My daughter is always afraid, always afraid that if your hands are stained with the blood of future generations, you will..." Lian Xi didn't continue, but Lian's mother understood what she meant.

"At that time, the child will be given to you when it is born. You will be the mother of the child, and you will not give it to Mrs. Xiao." Lian Mu said.

Upon hearing this, Lian Xi hurriedly said, "How can this be done? It is absolutely impossible, mother."

"Why can't it be done? Xiao's intentions are not right, and it would be a waste to give the child to her. Although you lost your husband and returned to your mother's house, you have been serving me hard all these years, and you are the child's aunt. As long as I Open your mouth, no one will object to this matter, even your brother, he will agree."


"You don't have a husband, and you have no children. I will leave one day. If you have a child of your own, you will have something to rely on when you grow old." Lian Mu took the poor daughter's hand and said.

After hearing this, Lian Xi's eyes turned red, and she leaned into Lian's mother's arms, "Mother, it's my daughter's life that is not good. She is so old, and she needs to worry about it. It's just that this child belongs to the Xiao family, and I must not take it away." love."

Lian's mother's face gradually turned cold, and she said, "Now, Xiao's role is to give birth to this child. After the child is born...she has no value in living." Lian's mother slowly closed her hand. tight.

"What mother not going to let Mrs. Xiao live." Lian Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm afraid your brother is always thinking about that love. Even though Xiao is such a jerk, he still has times when he can't bear it. As his mother, I have the obligation to clean up the evil spirits around him!" Lian Mu's eyes were cold, and in the past Ci He's face became stiff, she had already made up her mind that she would not keep Xiao Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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