First-class daughter

377 - No need to blame yourself

377 - No need to blame yourself
377 - No need to blame yourself
Lian Shiya only felt a basin of cold water poured down from the top of her head, which made her heart feel cold, and she sat on the ground weakly.

After a while, the butler brought two women over, "Master has an order, Mrs. Xiao has to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion before dawn, please help clean up, hurry up."

"No, I'll do it myself!" Xiao Xianmin stood up staggeringly, leaning on the back of the chair, straightened her back with all her strength, and walked into the inner room with heavy steps.

"Mother..." Lian Shiya followed with a limp.

Seeing everything familiar in the room, Xiao Xianmin suddenly felt sad and lay down on the bed crying loudly. Seeing this, Lian Shiya walked over and stood by the bed, wiping her tears while crying, "Mom, what should I do?" manage……"

"Ma'am, do you want your servant to help?" The old woman asked standing at the door of the room.

Lian Shiya was furious, turned her head suddenly, and cursed, "What are you urging, what are you? No matter how poor we are, we are still your masters!"

One of the women said, "Miss San, don't blame the servants, this is the master's order. Madam is to leave within half an hour. If it takes too long, the servants will be punished."

"You..." Lian Shiya was so blocked that she couldn't speak.

At this time, Mrs. Xiao had wiped away her tears and stood up, saying, "Close the door for me, I have something to say to Miss San, I will leave in half an hour, and I won't embarrass you."

After the door was closed, Mrs. Xiao took Lian Shiya's hand and sat on the edge of the bed, and said seriously, "Ya'er, time is running out, you should listen carefully to what mother said, and keep everything mother said firmly in your heart."

"Mother, tell me, Ya'er, listen." Lian Shiya raised her sleeve and wiped away her tears.

"As soon as I leave, you will be alone and weak. I really don't worry about it. You must act cautiously, observe more, talk less, don't confront Lian Siyue head-on, bear everything more, don't be impulsive, this time is different from the past , you have to be a man with your tail between your legs in the Lian family, and you must not be irritated by Lian Siyue, understand?"

"..." Lian Shiya nodded slowly unwillingly.

"You have to continue to observe the adultery between Lian Jue and Lian Siyue secretly. I will find a way to contact you. You have to find the best time to expose it and let everyone know their ugly face. If you are not sure Pay attention, just find an excuse to come to Xiao Guofu and tell me." Xiao continued to explain.

"Well, I will keep it firmly in mind. I will make everyone aware of Lian Jue and Lian Siyue's adulterous affair. Let's see what face they have to survive!"

"Also, I asked Jiang Xiang to put the three bottles in Lian Siyue's yard. I guess Lian Siyue hasn't noticed it yet. Jiang Xiang doesn't want people to know that she still has this crime. She will definitely not say it. You want Remember to tell that matter when the time comes..." Xiao Shi said, looking outside the door, seeing the two shadows printed on the door, she leaned close to Lian Shiya's ear, and explained slowly and clearly.

"Yes, yes, I remember, mother." Lian Shiya nodded one after another, but tears fell down.

"The fetus in my womb is still there, so there is still a chance!"

Half an hour later, Mrs. Xiao was carrying a bundle and walked outside the Prime Minister's Mansion with two women walking behind and staring at her.

"Mother, mother..." Lian Shiya stood on the threshold of Qingquanyuan, looked at Xiao's back as she went away, and cried.

Xiao Shi turned her head and waved, "Ya'er, go in quickly, don't look!"

"..." Lian Shiya gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly, turned her head, and ran in with a limp.

Xiao felt very desolate, she walked slowly, her eyes fell on the plants and trees of this mansion, her eyes were full of nostalgia, and then she thought that she had been divorced by Lian Yanqing, and this place had nothing to do with her, so Sorrow came from it, and I suddenly felt powerless, the soles of my feet were weak, and I held on to the tree trunk next to me, my heart tightened and hurt.

"Aunt Xiao." At this time, a faint voice came from the front, a voice that Xiao Shi hated deeply.

She raised her head slowly, and saw that Lian Siyue was standing quietly under the moonlight, with a calm expression and a slight smile on her face, which made Xiao Xian's eyes glaringly sensitive.

"Exhausted all your efforts to drive me away, now, are you proud?" Xiao Xianmin looked at the person in front of him coldly, but couldn't hide the deep hatred in his eyes.

"Well, to be honest, I'm a little proud." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"You!" Xiao Xianmin didn't expect Lian Siyue to be so frank and unabashed, "Don't be too complacent, it's not over yet!"

"Aunt Xiao should go back to Xiao's house to take care of the baby. As for the third sister, don't worry. She lost her mother. As the eldest sister, I will take good care of her, just like my aunt took care of me before." There was a spring-like smile on Siyue's face, but when she said the last sentence, there was a trace of coldness in her eyes.

"Lian Siyue, don't even think about Ya'er. Don't forget, she is also the magistrate of the emperor. Even the old lady and the master are always a bit scrupulous. Don't overdo it!" Xiao Xianmin looked at Seeing the smile on Lian Siyue's face, she said warning words, but felt a deep fear in her heart.

"The time has come. If you don't leave, it won't look good if your father comes to drive you away. Hurry up and leave while it's dark." Lian Siyue left a word coldly, too lazy to say more to her.

Xiao Xianmin, who was dismissed and returned to the Xiao family, must not have a good life in the Xiao family, so let her be tortured, and even Shiya will be left to her to be tortured.

"..." Xiao Shi still wanted to say something, but he was blocked and couldn't say a word, so he had to walk out with his bag and head bowed.

As soon as she walked outside, she realized that there was not even a carriage at the door. She was very angry, turned her head, and said, "Why is there no carriage, how can I go back..."

However, as soon as she turned around, the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion was slowly closed.

"Hey, hey, you can't do this to me!" She rushed forward, but it was useless, the door was already closed heavily, no one paid attention to how hard she knocked on the door.

Xiao Shi stood alone at the dark door, the cold wind was bleak, she looked lonely and shivered several times.

There is no carriage, no coachman, she wants to go back to Xiao's house alone, if my brother knows that she has been divorced by the prime minister, how will he scold her?

At this point, there is no other way, but to go back to Xiao Guo Mansion in the dark, otherwise, if people see her standing here early tomorrow morning, and rumors spread, she will have no face to live on.

inside the door.

Lian Siyue looked at the closed door coldly, turned around, and left expressionlessly.

Back at Xianhe Courtyard, Qing Dai stewed soup and said, "Miss, you have been tossing all night, let's drink some hot soup."

At this time, Leng Mei walked in and said, "Miss, Jiang Xiang is dead, he committed suicide, and hanged himself in the grove."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue paused her hands slightly, did not speak, lowered her head, and drank the soup bit by bit, with no expression on her calm face.

"She doesn't want to go on Kangzhuang Avenue, but she is thinking about what she shouldn't. You and Qingdai should bury her together." After drinking a bowl of soup, Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, Miss." Qing Dai lowered her head and raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Lian Siyue looked at her and said, "Pack up her things and burn them all, and take some money from my small warehouse to her parents in the countryside, saying that she found someone to marry here, Master and servant, that's the end of it."

After hearing this, Qing Dai knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said in tears, "Miss, it's Jiang Xiang who doesn't spare her blessings. You treat her so well, yet she betrays Miss. It's also a servant who neglected her duty. When the eldest lady's clothes are used to make sachets, the slaves should tell the eldest lady about it, so that she can stop the horse as soon as possible, and what happened last night will not happen."

"You don't need to blame yourself, it's because of your personality. She found it all by herself and has nothing to do with others. Don't think too much. After you bury her, you will rest for two days."

(End of this chapter)

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