Chapter 378
Chapter 378
Lian Siyue said, got up and walked into the inner room.

Aunt Xiao kept walking, and when it was almost dawn, she finally saw the three characters of "Xiao Guofu".

After walking such a long distance, she was almost exhausted. Holding her last breath, she walked to the door and knocked on the door. When the servant opened the door and saw Xiao Shi in this appearance, she was shocked ——

"Miss, you, why are you back at this time?" The slave looked out, there was no carriage, no coachman, not even a maid.

"I..." Xiao's feet softened, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

"Master, master, my aunt has fainted..." the servant shouted hastily.

When Xiao Shi woke up, it was already an hour later. She was arranged to sleep in the room before she got married. When she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Zhenhai standing beside her bed with an angry face. Jumping, hurriedly got out of bed, nodded, and said, "Brother..."

"Crack!" Xiao Zhenhai slammed the divorce letter that fell from Xiao Shi's body on her body, and said, "What's going on? Are you already a flat wife and pregnant again? How could you be given a divorce letter?" Sent! Why did Lian Yanqing divorce you?" Xiao Zhenhai was furious, his younger sister, who married in the prime minister's mansion, was driven back without even a carriage to escort her, which hit Xiao Guo's mansion hard s face.

"Because, because..." Xiao was trembling, speaking tremblingly.

"It's so embarrassing for a pregnant person to be divorced and returned to her natal family. How will you see others in the future? My younger sister who lived in the family but was driven back to her natal family by her husband's family, where do you want me to put my face?" Xiao Zhenhai He raised his hand angrily and slapped Xiao Shi on the face, "You kept telling me to rest assured that you would win the position of Mistress of the Prime Minister's Mansion, but what's going on now? You've been dismissed!"

"Brother!" Miss Xiao ignored the pain on her face, knelt on the ground, and said, "I was thinking that Xiao Shan was hurt so badly by His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue, ruining his whole life. I, as an aunt, I really couldn't swallow this breath, so I thought about expressing my anger for Xiao Shan. I secretly let Lian Siyue's maid and Lian Jue have sex. Die, can be regarded as a bad breath for Shan'er, who would have thought that not only did not move this pair of siblings, I, I... also ended up in the current end, this Lian Siyue is really too evil, it seems, it seems that the body There's a ghost living in it."

Xiao Zhenhai heard her say that he planned such an outburst to vent his anger on Xiao Shan, the anger in his heart was a little lighter.

"Let's not talk about you, this time, the plan between me and the Fourth Highness has been broken. You can't die if you fall off the cliff!" Xiao Zhenhai gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for Xiao He's early accuracy, I'm afraid they would have exposed their elite daredevils.

"Brother..." Xiao Shi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, she had already thought about it on the way back to Xiao Guofu, and she used the reason of wanting to vent her anger for Xiao Shan, so that her brother would be less angry after hearing this.

Xiao Zhenhai glanced at her, and said, "You stay here for now, but you are not allowed to step out of the room door, let alone go out to meet guests, I don't want you to go out and lose face!"

"Yes, brother and sister know." Xiao Xianmin's face turned pale for a while, deeply humiliated.

Royal Palace.

Just now at the Golden Luan Hall, the emperor rewarded Song Qingyang, an official of the bureaucracy, and Feng Yunzheng, the Ninth Prince, who had made great contributions to the disaster relief.

After a while, Xiao Zhenhai quickly caught up with Lian Yanqing, stopped him, and said in a low voice, "Lian Xiang, what you have done is too wicked. Xian Min was originally the daughter of the Xiao family, and she was willing to be a concubine for you." After many years, now that she is pregnant, you actually sent her a letter of divorce, you are worthy of her!"

Lian Yanqing stopped in his tracks, turned around, glanced at Xiao Zhenhai lightly, and said, "The Xiao family has repeatedly harmed his son-in-law, for his own self-interest, and he even did not hesitate to harm me. It is just a letter of divorce, and he has missed the old relationship. Otherwise, the truth will be handed over to the clan government."

"You! What about the child in the womb? You drove a pregnant person back to the Xiao family, but you have never thought about the situation of the Xiao family!" Xiao Zhenhai asked in a low voice.

"The Xiao family has nothing to do with me now, and the situation of the Xiao family is not something that should be considered. If Xiao Guogong is dissatisfied, he can go to the queen mother and the emperor to ask for justice like last time."

"..." Of course, Xiao Zhenhai can't go to the queen mother and the emperor for a mere younger sister. Besides, he was a meritorious minister before, and the queen mother and the emperor would give him a little favor, but now, it's different from the past. How can he take such a Little things about the house to bother the Queen Mother!
"Truth leave first, Xiao Guogong will also leave." Lian Yanqing left without expression, without giving Xiao Zhenhai any face.

Xiao Zhenhai stood in front of the palace gate, clenched his fists, frowned, thinking that now that Xian Min lives in Xiao Guofu with a big belly, it is really immoral and very bad luck.

Menghua Palace.

After Feng Yunzheng came down from court, he came to Concubine Liang. He was injured last time when he fell off the cliff, and he came to pay his respects when he recovered from the injury. Concubine Liang pulled him to watch carefully, and said:

"Zheng'er, Concubine Mother is very worried, and it is very inconvenient to go out of the palace to see you."

"Concubine Mu, I'm all well. It's not a serious injury. Don't worry." Feng Yunzheng comforted Concubine Mu.

"Who did it?" Concubine Liang asked in a low voice.

"Brother Four, the Xiao family must also be involved." Feng Yunzheng said, a trace of coldness reflected in his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Why didn't you report it to the emperor?"

"I don't want to wear down my father's trust in me, so I don't want my father to participate until there is no conclusive evidence to wipe out my opponent in one fell swoop." Feng Yunzheng is well aware of the emperor's nature.

Concubine Liang nodded and said, "What you said is not unreasonable, it's better to act when you have the other party's full support, but you have to be careful in everything."

"The emperor is here..." The mother and son were talking when they heard the emperor's hearty laugh.

Concubine Liang hurriedly got up, and knelt on the ground with Feng Yunzheng to greet her.

"Get up." After solving the major issue of the victims, the emperor Longyan was very happy, and Feng Yunzheng's plan to cure the disaster came from Feng Yunzheng, so the emperor was even more gracious to Concubine Liang, "Concubine Liang, I will stay here for lunch today. Wake up, I haven't had a meal with you mother and son for a long time."

"Yes, the concubine will go and give orders." Concubine Liang bowed and said.

At lunch, the three of them ate at the same table. The emperor was in a good mood and his appetite improved. He drank two bowls in a row and talked with Concubine Liang from time to time, accompanied by Feng Yunzheng.

"By the way, it's time for Zheng'er to get married." At this moment, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked suddenly.

"Father..." Feng Yunzheng paused slightly with his chopsticks.

"Zheng'er, do you have someone you like in your heart? Tell Father, Father will marry you, and then arrange a grand wedding ceremony for you." Zhou Chengdi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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