First-class daughter

Chapter 379 Chapter 379

Chapter 379
Thirty-seventy-nine broken thoughts
Feng Yunzheng has done meritorious service many times in the past year, but he has never claimed to be a meritorious person. Instead, he often deliberately downplays his meritorious deeds. The emperor is very satisfied with this.

"Zheng'er..." Concubine Liang also looked at her son. Suddenly, she felt a little nervous. Zheng'er had told him about the person she liked, and she knew it. That person was the daughter of the Xiangfu. Lian Siyue, what if the emperor refuses to agree?
"Father, I already have someone I like in my heart." Feng Yunzheng replied.

"Oh? The emperor was very curious, and said, "I would like to know who that person is, but he is worthy of my Zheng'er. "

"I think she is the only one who matches my son in this life. It's just that she hasn't reached the age of Ji, and I don't want to scare her. I have to tell her in advance, so as not to miss it. When the time comes, I will kneel down and ask my father to marry me."

The best care for her is that the Ming media is getting married and announce to the world that she belongs to him.

"Hahaha..." Emperor Zhou Cheng laughed heartily after hearing this, and said, "Zheng'er behaves like a loyal son and daughter, well, if that's the case, then I'll wait for your news and see who it belongs to." Girl, it caught Zheng'er's eyes."

"Thank you, Father."

"My concubine, thank the emperor for remembering Zheng'er." Concubine Liang looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng gratefully, and said, "Please also ask the emperor to help Zheng'er a lot." Although she is favored now, in this deep palace, there are many Between the various concubines, interest entanglements are also like walking on thin ice every day. She only hopes that her child will have a relationship that can only be loved by one person in this life.

"Of course this is necessary. Zheng'er will have great achievements in the future, and his concubine Zhen will naturally also pay attention to it. I also hope that he will marry someone I like." The emperor's words made Concubine Liang and Feng Yunzheng look at each other lightly. At a glance, there will be great achievements in the future?Is the emperor implying something?

After leaving the palace, Feng Yunzheng was in a particularly bright mood——

Yes, it's time for him to get married.

In his previous life, he had never been married, and until his death, he was alone, and he never knew what it was like to be with others.

marry?When these two words flashed through his mind, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and the sharp-edged outline appeared extremely soft.

Night Breeze saw that the smile on his master's face hadn't disappeared since he left the palace. Once he changed from his previous aloof and alienated image, he secretly glanced at her, tsk tsk tsk, so happy, probably related to the young lady, so he couldn't help saying :

"Your Highness, you are very happy."

"Night Breeze, this king is going to the Prime Minister's Mansion to propose a marriage, and let Yue'er be my princess." Feng Yunzheng looked at his subordinate with a longing expression on his face.

"That's good, it's really great. Your Highness's hard-working secret love is finally coming to an end. I'm here to congratulate Your Highness and congratulate His Highness. We finally have a mistress in Prince Heng's mansion this time. In the future, the princess will give His Highness a bunch of children." Your Highness, little princess, it will be lively." Ye Feng was also very happy to hear that his master was going to show his heart to the eldest lady openly——

Only he knows how much His Highness the Ninth Prince attaches importance to the eldest lady.

"However, she has not yet reached the age of Ji, so she can only make an appointment first, and it cannot be regarded as a formal marriage proposal. After half a year and the day of Ji, she will be hired again and again, and propose marriage openly." He originally wanted to wait for him to reach the age of Ji. Besides, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes, but today the emperor has urged him to get married, if he does not express his heart, the father will give him another person, he will refuse the marriage at that time, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble to Yue'er, he We must consider all aspects for her, weed out the bad forces around us, and let the idea of ​​the father bestow a marriage be strangled in the cradle.

Prime Minister's House.

In Xianheyuan, Qingdai walked up to Lian Siyue with a happy face, and said, "Miss, I have just seen His Highness the Ninth Prince. In the master's study, there seems to be something very important. I heard that His Highness Ninth Prince is still here Prepared a generous gift for the master."

Lian Siyue was fiddling with a pot of narcissus that had just sprouted flower bones. When she heard the news, she was slightly taken aback, and said, "Maybe I'm looking for my father to talk about political affairs in the court."

She continued to water the flowers, but she couldn't help recalling the two days at the uncle and aunt's house in her mind——

She touched the arm that had been broken, and the arm was already healed, but the painful feeling at that time was still vivid.

After she returned home that day, Feng Yunzheng sent the strange ointment he found specially through Leng Mei, and asked Leng Mei to apply it on her every day, so she recovered so quickly.

Even Siyue's lips could not help showing a slight smile, like fireworks blooming, brilliant and fleeting.

Lian Yanqing's study room.

His Highness the Ninth Prince came to visit, and Lian Yanqing greeted him cautiously. Now that Feng Yun is in full swing, his status in front of the emperor has already surpassed that of the Eighth Prince, Feng Ye, who was once the most popular. Crown Prince.

"Prime Minister, please stand up. You don't need to be polite, please sit down." Feng Yunzheng sat on the red sandalwood chair, raised his hand, and said.

"Yes." Lian Yanqing stood up, sat on the side, and said respectfully, "I don't know if His Highness is here, what orders do you have for my minister?"

Feng Yunzheng gestured to Ye Feng, who had a smile on his face that he never showed in front of outsiders, and brought a big gift to Lian Yanqing with both hands, and said, "Prime Minister, this is His Highness's wish, please Laughing."

Lian Yanqing was very surprised when he saw the big gift in front of him, got up hurriedly, and said, "Well, Your Highness is sending this big gift, and this humble minister is really frightened, please show Your Highness."

Feng Yunzheng said, "You don't have to be nervous, the Prime Minister. In the future, I still have something to worry about."

"Yes, yes." Lian Yanqing murmured in his heart. He had always maintained a distance from the princes and was not too close to any faction. I don't know what the Ninth Highness's sudden gesture of friendship meant.
At this time, Feng Yunzheng stood up, solemnly bowed to Lian Yanqing, and said, "This king intends to marry the eldest lady of your house, Lian Siyue, as the princess. This king wants to greet Lian Xiang first. , wait until the day of Ji to formally propose marriage, please join hands to fulfill my king's wishes."

"……"what?The Ninth Prince is planning to make an appointment for next month?Lian Yanqing's heart trembled suddenly, and his expression changed instantly.

"Today, my father is urging the marriage, and I asked if I have a favorite person. I am worried that my father will give me a marriage, which will cause trouble at that time, so I will first try to get the approval of the concubine, and then I will show myself to the eldest lady, and then go back to the palace to report. Royal father, let him dispel the idea of ​​marrying this king to someone else." Feng Yunzheng explained.

When Lian Yanqing heard this, his face turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he asked nervously, "Your Highness, did you explain to the emperor that the person you want to propose marriage to is Yue'er?"

"Not yet, why does this king have to ask for Yue'er's consent before speaking, and according to the rules, this king must first greet his Lieutenant." Although, no matter in the past or present, all he wants is Yue'er, but From the point of view of etiquette, Lian Yanqing must be passed first, lest someone in the future say that Yue'er has a private life.

After hearing this, Lian Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good, that's good, just, just..." He looked at Feng Yunzheng and frowned, he didn't know what he said next What kind of consequences will it bring, but I have to say——

"Just what?" Feng Yunzheng asked tightly.

Lian Yanqing held the big gift from Feng Yunzheng in both hands, knelt down on both knees, and said, "This minister is guilty, please take back this gift, my minister... I really can't accept it."

Feng Yunzheng's expression froze on his face immediately, and he asked, "Why, is Lianxiang dissatisfied with this king?"

"No no no, Your Highness is a dragon and a phoenix among men, and even a humble minister is too late to climb up, so how dare you dislike him?" Lian Yanqing hurriedly said.

"That's... Yue'er already has someone in mind?" When Feng Yunzheng asked this question, his heart seemed to be stabbed by a needle suddenly, and he shrank into a ball——

Yue'er already has someone she likes?

"Not at all."

"Then why did Lianxiang refuse this king so simply." Feng Yunzheng asked in confusion.

"Because, because..." Lian Yanqing raised his eyes, looked at Feng Yunzheng with some avoidance in his eyes, lowered his head, and said, "Because the emperor has taken a fancy to Yue'er, and intends to recruit Yue'er into the palace as a concubine, not only His Highness the Ninth Prince, Anyone else pleading with Yue'er, the humble official can't agree, so I can only raise Yue'er in the prime minister's mansion, and then send it to the palace in the year of Ji, and give it to the emperor. Therefore, His Royal Highness, please stop talking to Yue'er Think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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