First-class daughter

Chapter 380 You Are Well

Chapter 380 You Are Well
Chapter 380 You Are Well
Feng Yunzheng's shocked expression immediately froze on his face. Father unexpectedly took a fancy to Yue'er?

This was really beyond his expectation, this kind of thing had never happened in the previous life, at that time, the royal father probably didn't even see Yue'er a few times before he was alive, and he didn't really care about her as the fourth daughter-in-law.

But now such an absurd idea came up!

"When did this happen?" Feng Yunzheng asked, his fists in his sleeves clenched slowly, and there was a chill in his voice.

Lian Yanqing bowed and said, "On the day when Yue'er and Jue'er went to Linhua Palace to thank the imperial concubine, the emperor expressed this intention to the humble minister through the empress Shu. Years, I'm afraid he has already been recruited into the palace."

He said, looking at Feng Yunzheng nervously, and said cautiously, "Your Highness's love, I am grateful, and it is also a great blessing, but, regarding this matter, I can't think about it, I can only obey." Emperor's order. Therefore, please Your Highness take back the gift, for the sake of the reputation and safety of His Highness and Yue'er, please don't announce the purpose of His Highness's visit today, on behalf of Yue'er and everyone in the Lian family, I am grateful."

Feng Yunzheng only felt a breath of cold air intrude into his heart, and his eyes gradually turned cold. He came here with great interest before, but he never expected that things would develop to this point——

As a prince, he actually wanted to compete with his father for a daughter!
It seems that he is going to change his strategy and direction.

His eyes gradually became dark, and there was a chilling gloomyness in his eyes. At this moment, he exuded a faint aura, which made Lian Yanqing's back break out in a cold sweat, and suddenly there was a big feeling in his heart. Disrespectful thoughts, these nine princes are really not ordinary people, they are better than the current emperor, if they sit on the throne one day, their achievements will definitely surpass the current emperor.

Feng Yunzheng finally spoke, and said, "Since the great gift has already been sent out, I will definitely not take it back, so please take it away."

"Your Highness..." Lian Yanqing's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Feng Yunzheng had already turned around and walked out of Lian Yanqing's study room, a gust of wind blew up from the corner of the robe, making Lian Yanqing shiver.

"Injustice! Injustice! Abbot Jiufang is right. There are times when he is extremely powerful and noble, but at the same time he is extremely weak. Now His Highness the Ninth Prince is also so frighteningly powerful. He left a big gift and refused to take it away. It is clearly an order. It means that Yue'er refuses to give up, what will happen in the future!" Lian Yanqing's feet softened, his knees bent, and he sat on the chair, beating his chest and said——

Originally both were good things, but when the two good things came together, it became the worst thing.

Night Breeze followed closely behind Feng Yunzheng. He looked at his master with some concern, thinking about the way he came just now, His Highness was as happy as a child, but now...

He sighed softly. Could it be that His Royal Highness and Missy really lacked some fate?Otherwise, how could such a ridiculous thing happen.

Let His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and his own father compete for the eldest lady, is it possible to succeed?
Feng Yunzheng walked out of the study room, and saw Lian Siyue standing on the arc-shaped corridor at a glance, wearing a snow-blue skirt, with jade hairpins inserted in her bun, and the winter jasmine behind her swaying in the wind, exuding a burst of fragrance .

She is like an orchid, standing quietly, noble and beautiful, cold and mysterious, clearly inviolable, but everyone is thinking about her.

Feng Yunzheng walked towards her and walked in front of her, Qingdai and Lengmei hurriedly bowed their knees and backed away a little.

"Your Highness, you are here." Lian Siyue opened her mouth and asked, when the wind blew, her hair fluttered and brushed her cheeks, creating a hint of coquettishness.

However, Feng Yunzheng didn't reply, his leisurely eyes seemed to penetrate past and present lives, looking at her.

Behind him, he took off his white fox fur cloak, carefully draped it over Lian Siyue, tied the cloak straps carefully for her, then took out her hair buried in the cloak, and put it on her head. Finally, he closed the cloak again.

He didn't say a word, just tied the cloak for her silently.

Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, His Highness the Ninth Highness had always been calm and self-reliant, cold and distant, this is the Xiangfu, why did he do such a scandalous behavior towards her at this moment.

Then, Feng Yunzheng took out a gold hairpin wrapped in silk and inlaid with beads from his sleeve, and raised his hand to insert it in her hair, adding a touch of prosperity to her coldness.

"Your Highness..." Lian Siyue looked at the strange man in front of him with some doubts, what's wrong with him?
This is absolutely not allowed in the deep house.

"It's okay, you are fine, the wind is strong, don't be too cold." Feng Yunzheng showed a little smile on his face, raised his hand, and straightened her golden hairpin, then turned around and left quickly.

When he turned around, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and his face was expressionless.

Lian Siyue raised her hand and touched the golden hairpin on her head, with a puzzled expression on her face, what happened to him.

Lian Yanqing stood at the door of the study, witnessed all this, the tension and uneasiness in his heart increased even more, he walked over quickly, and stood in front of Lian Siyue, with a solemn expression and a little annoyance.

Lian Siyue was slightly stunned, and asked, "Father, why is His Highness the Ninth Prince here?"

"Yue'er, don't forget that you are the one the emperor wants. Father has warned you not to have any intimacy with other men, not even His Highness the Ninth Prince. Distance, refuse any hint from them, understand? Don't get yourself into trouble." Lian Yanqing shouted in a low voice.

"Father, what if the daughter really doesn't want to enter the palace?" Lian Siyue looked at Lian Yanqing's almost out of breath look, suddenly felt a little ridiculous, but still asked softly.

"You... this..." Lian Yanqing was taken aback, he had never thought about whether Lian Siyue was willing or not, he only knew that this daughter must enter the palace for the Lian family, serve the emperor, and gain honor and favor.

"Father, will my daughter be happy with the emperor?" Lian Siyue asked.

Lian Yanqing didn't expect his daughter to have such thoughts. After a while, his eyes turned cold, and he said, "Yue'er, you should know that this is not a question of whether you want it or not, it is the emperor's will. People can object, you have to enter the palace to serve the emperor, unless you want to lose your life and the entire Lian family! Your happiness is that the Lian family is good, and the Lian family is good, you will be happy. Besides, you are not in my position. Father's, don't you care about your own mother? She still has a fetus in her womb."

Lian Siyue smiled suddenly, this father was secretly warning her and threatening her.

An expression of knowing that she was wrong slowly appeared on her face, and she gave Lian Yanqing a reassurance, and said, "Father, don't be angry, my daughter is just asking this question, after all, my daughter is only 14 years old, and I don't care about the relationship between men and women." I don’t know, I don’t know about marriage, and I feel a lot of fear, and it’s in the deep palace, so I’m even more uncertain, and I can’t help but feel scared. Father shouldn’t blame Yue’er for my daughter’s slip of the tongue.”

(End of this chapter)

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