Chapter 390
Chapter 390
Lian Siyue put down the loquat in her hand, took the wet handkerchief handed over by the maid Biran, slowly wiped off the ten jade fingers, stood up, and said, "Get ready, I'm going into the palace."

"Sister!" Lian Jue hurriedly stood up.

"Anyway, it's just eight words: when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil, and let's talk when they go, let's see the tricks." Lian Siyue said indifferently.

Seeing that Lian Siyue left with the maidservant, Lian Jue stood where he was, clenched his fists and frowned.

When Feng Degui saw Lian Siyue, his face was more flattering, he stepped forward and bowed, and said, "Miss, the sedan chair is ready, please go ahead."

"Please trouble Eunuch Feng for a trip, thank you very much." Lian Siyue motioned to Qing Dai, and Qing Dai handed the prepared box to Feng Degui with both hands, heavy.

The smile on Feng Degui's face bloomed like a flower, and he held the box in his hands, saying, "Missy has a bright future."

"Borrowing my father-in-law's auspicious words." Lian Siyue said with a smile on her face.

"Please get on the sedan chair." Feng Degui personally supported Lian Siyue into the carriage. After the sedan chair curtain was lowered, the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by a refreshing coldness.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Feng Yunzheng was looking at an account book that he had obtained these days. The more he looked at this account book, the more excited he became, and it was not in vain that Night Breeze risked his life to get the account book.

At this time, Night Breeze walked in quickly and said, "Your Highness, Master Jue is here."

"Lian Jue?" A thought flashed across Feng Yunzheng's face, he closed the account book, and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Feng Yunzheng came out of the study and went all the way to the front hall, and saw Lian Jue standing in the middle of the front hall, with an unusual anxious look on his face.

"Lianjue." He walked into the front hall and called out.

As soon as Lian Jue saw Feng Yunzheng, he took two steps forward, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Lian Jue has seen Your Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Get up, why did you come here suddenly?" Feng Yunzheng realized that Lian Jue must have something important to come, so he saved some greetings and asked directly.

"Your Highness, Aunt Concubine Shu sent someone to pick up my sister into the palace. She said she was playing with the Thirteenth Princess, but the person who came to pick her up was Eunuch Feng who was beside the Emperor." Lian Jue's voice seemed anxious, "I You can't enter the palace at will, so you have to come to His Highness, the emperor's thoughts... His Highness should know."

When Feng Yunzheng heard this, his heart tightened, and he said, "Lian Jue, don't worry, this king will enter the palace right away."

"Hmm!" Lian Jue breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed a little because of Feng Yunzheng's words, and watched Feng Yunzheng go out with worry in his eyes——

After passing through the Jingde Gate, Lian Siyue stepped on the eunuch's back and got out of the carriage. Nanny Li from Yixiu Palace had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Lian Siyue, she smiled and said:

"Miss, you are finally here. The thirteenth princess has been looking forward to it all the time. Please come this way."

Lian Siyue nodded slightly and said, "Please lead the way."

"Yes." Nanny Li and the palace maids led the way, and walked slowly behind, all the way to Yixiu Palace. The sunlight fell on them, making them look a bit cold.

"Miss, we're here. The princess is practicing swordsmanship. You can enter the hall first. The empress is already waiting." After entering Yixiu Palace, Nanny Li led Lian Siyue into the hall.

Lian Siyue really heard the sound of practicing kung fu, she followed the sound and found that the person who taught Feng Tangyao how to practice swords was none other than Xiao He who made a big fuss in the Xiangfu this morning:

The dignified general Tianbao came to be the sword master of the thirteenth princess. Didn't he look good to the eleventh princess in Menghua Palace that day?

Xiao He seemed to feel a strong gaze, his hand holding the sword tightened slightly, and he looked towards that gaze, Lian Siyue turned around slowly, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his lips. .

Xiao He's hand tightened suddenly, and a feeling of displeasure surged in his heart.

"Xiao He, what's the matter?" Feng Tangyao asked when she saw Xiao He stopped suddenly.

"The princess has a visitor, let's practice here today." Xiao He put the sword into the scabbard, took a step back, and kept a certain distance, said.

Feng Tangyao looked at the entrance of the hall, only to find that Lian Siyue had already arrived, she was a little bit reluctant, and said, "Every practice time flies so fast. Xiao He, what do you think of my practice?"

"Princess is diligent in studying and willing to practice, and has made rapid progress." Xiao He replied politely.

"I'm really happy that you praised me so much. You don't know, I was weak since I was a child, and my father and mother always watched me very closely. This is the first time I have touched weapons." Feng Tangyao said with a face A little flushed, he couldn't help but took two steps towards Xiao He's side, but suddenly asked for a hint of fragrance, "Hey, it smells so good, did you bring something delicious with you, it's so fragrant, give me some, OK?"

Xiao He took two steps back without any trace, and said, "Princess, I will take my leave, please return to the palace." After saying that, he nodded, turned and left.

"..." Feng Tangyao looked at his leaving tall figure and felt a little lost in her heart. Although Xiao He promised to ask him to practice swords and come every three days, his attitude was always very alienated, never much. To say a word, sometimes she really said too much, and he only responded a little bit, politely and almost indifferently.

I really don't know when he will be more enthusiastic towards her, not like this across a glacier.

"Princess, Your Majesty told you to go there. Miss Xiangfu has arrived." At this moment, Nanny Li came over and bowed.

"Let's go." Feng Tangyao remembered what her mother and concubine had told her that she wanted to have a good relationship with Cousin Yue'er, try to be as close as possible, and let her come to Yixiu Palace from time to time, so she had no choice but to look away reluctantly, and walked back into the palace.

Concubine Shu was very happy to see Lian Siyue coming, let her sit on the chair, and said, "I didn't bother you."

"No, aunt." Lian Siyue silently looked at the expression on Concubine Shu's face, and said quietly.

"The emperor's meaning, your father has told you, Yue'er, what do you think?" After all, even Siyue is still a 14-year-old child, Concubine Shu is still a little worried, afraid that she will have someone else. If some troubles arise, happy events will turn into bad ones.

"My father told me about going back to my aunt, and I will obey the arrangements of my father and my aunt." Lian Siyue behaved very well-behaved and obedient.

Concubine Shu heard this, the stone in her heart fell to the ground, and she smiled and said, "It's so good! Yue'er, this is your great blessing, and it is the good fortune of our family. After you enter the palace, my aunt will also have someone to rely on." .”

"Mother Concubine." At this moment, a voice like a nightingale came to mind.

Feng Tangyao walked in, saw Lian Siyue and Concubine Shu were talking, so she restrained the lost emotions in her heart, walked over with a happy smile on her face, and said:
"Cousin Yue'er, you're finally here. Tang Yao'er misses you so much every day. I'm so happy to see you." She held Lian Siyue's hand with an innocent and yearning expression, her eyes full of love and affection. Enthusiastic, it makes people feel that she has no tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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