Chapter 391
Chapter 391
"Princess." With a slight smile on his face, Lian Siyue stood up and saluted the thirteenth princess.

"Tangyao'er, now you have company, why don't you thank your cousin Yue'er for being willing to come to the palace to accompany you." Concubine Shu sat aside, smiling authentically.

"I know Cousin Yue'er treats Tang Yao'er the best." Feng Tangyao took Lian Siyue's hand and shook it lightly, her expression and movements were very affectionate, and Lian Siyue also acted very naturally, a little coy and harmonious. There is no discomfort, in Concubine Shu's eyes, she feels that the relationship between the two children is really good, she is very satisfied——

After all, they are related by blood.

"I saw the princess practicing sword just now, is the princess doing well?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I begged my father for a long time before my father agreed to this. My father said that I was afraid that I would not be able to take it anymore. I said that it was Tianbao General Xiao He who taught me. He must be able to teach me well, so my father agreed. Yue'er Cousin, you saw it, how do you think my practice is?" Feng Tangyao was very happy when she talked about the sword practice.

"I took a look at it just now, and the princess has every move and every move, quite like a woman." Lian Siyue said.

When Feng Tangyao heard this, she was very happy, her face became flushed, and she said, "Really? I just want to exercise more, so I don't want my father and mother to worry about me all the time."

"The princess is so caring and sensible, the emperor and aunt are really blessed." Lian Siyue praised.

"Tangyao'er, you can't practice for too long, you should pay attention to rest, you know?" At this time, Concubine Shu said.

"Don't worry, mother concubine, Tangyao'er is the most measured person." Feng Tangyao walked to Concubine Shu's side, snuggled into her arms, and said.

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Concubine Shu shook her head dotingly.

"By the way, concubine mother, the weather is so good today, it's rare for Cousin Yue'er to come here, how about we arrange a boat to visit Quehu Lake." Feng Tangyao said as if something suddenly sounded.

"Okay! That's an idea! Now is the time when the scenery of Quehu Lake is the most beautiful. If you are lucky, you can see lovesick birds." Concubine Shu very much agrees with Feng Tangyao's travel plan.

"Then let's go, cousin Yue'er."

Feng Tangyao asked someone to bring the Misty Rain Peach Blossom cloak that Lian Siyue had given her to put on, and then she took Lian Siyue's hand and followed behind Concubine Shu, accompanied by some eunuchs, mothers and maidservants.

Walking all the way to the edge of Quehu Lake, it is said that it is a lake, but it is actually a narrow river. When the palace was built here, there was a lake called Quehu Lake. Because the palace was to be built, Quehu Lake was filled. , there is only one river channel left, and this river channel surrounds the entire imperial garden. From a distance, it looks like a green ribbon floating around the imperial garden.

When they arrived at the lake, there was already a boat docked on the shore, waiting for them to go up, and they were very happy to see this Chuanfeng Tangyao.

Lian Siyue always had that faint smile on her face, but she sneered a few times in her heart——

It was said that she came to visit the lake suddenly, but she could tell when she paid a little attention, from the time she entered Yixiu Palace to now coming to Quehu Lake, all of this was obviously arranged by her aunt who is the emperor's favorite concubine.

As for why she arranged to visit Quehu Lake, she wanted to take a look at it calmly.

Hmph, her aunt, what a good plan, now use her to curry favor with the emperor, and then use her to suppress other concubines after she enters the palace. I don't understand, but now that she is a reborn body, she can tell this trick at a glance.

"Yue'er, come on." Concubine Shu and Feng Tangyao boarded the boat with the support of the mother and maids, and even Siyue also boarded the boat.

This boat was specially built by the emperor for swimming in the lake. The bow was shaped like a dragon head, the hull was golden yellow, carved with dragon scales, and the cabin decoration was also very luxurious.

The three sat in the cabin, admiring the surrounding scenery. The boatman slid the boat steadily, and the servants walked along the shore following the boat's position, keeping a certain distance from the boat all the time.

At this moment, it is March in Yangchun, the willows on both sides of the bank are fluttering with the wind, and the peach blossoms in the imperial garden are in full bloom. Looking from a distance, the flowers are clustered and beautiful.

"The weather is really nice, come out and take a look, it makes my heart feel a lot easier." Concubine Shu looked at the swaying willow branches of the willow tree in the distance with a pair of smiling eyes, and said.

"It's really comfortable." Lian Siyue agreed.

Feng Tangyao happily pointed to the tree, and said, "Mother Concubine, look quickly, lovesickness bird, we saw lovesickness bird."

Lian Siyue looked at it, and sure enough, she saw two lovesick birds with gorgeous plumage and graceful posture perched on the treetops, making melodious calls.

The boat traveled half way, Feng Tangyao suddenly said, "Stop, dock."

"What's the matter, Tangyao'er?" Concubine Shu looked back from the willow and asked.

"Mother Concubine, I, I..." Feng Tangyao's face turned red, she lowered her voice, and said, "I drank too much water when I was practicing sword just now, now..."

"Hehehe, so that's the case, then first dock the boat aside and let the thirteenth princess disembark." Concubine Shu ordered.

So, Feng Tangyao helped the mother get off the boat.

The boat stopped at the same place and waited. After a while, Concubine Shu said to Lian Siyue, "Yue'er, you stay here for a while, and I will come whenever you go."

"..." Lian Siyue's heart skipped a beat, and she said, "Okay, Auntie, I'll wait for you here."

Concubine Shu was about to disembark, walked to the bow, walked back, and lowered the curtain of the cabin, blocking even Siyue's sight in the cabin.

After getting off the boat, Concubine Shu glanced at the cruise ship, quickened her pace, and left.

Lian Siyue sat alone in the cabin, slowly closed her eyes, clenched her fists slightly, after a while, she heard a footstep, opened her eyes, and listened attentively——

This is not the footsteps of concubine Shu, nor the footsteps of the thirteenth princess. The sound of these steps sounds calmer and slower, but also stronger.

She was slightly startled, opened the cabin curtain and looked out, and saw that Zhou Chengdi, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, had come to the lake, and was walking towards this side, he left the guards and eunuchs on the shore , was about to board the boat, but Concubine Shu and the Thirteenth Princess were still missing.

"..." Lian Siyue quickly put down the curtain!

She understood that this was deliberately arranged by her aunt, not in Yixiu Palace, nor in Rongyuan Hall, but on a boat. Once the emperor boarded the boat, there were only the two of them left besides the boatman who was in charge of steering the boat. People are lonely, men and women, and as long as the boatman sails the boat to the middle of the lake, it is impossible to escape even with wings.

Lian Siyue opened a corner of the curtain again, seeing that Emperor Zhou Cheng had already boarded the bow and was about to walk towards the cabin.

A gleam flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes, she pulled out the dagger hidden in her sleeve and held it tightly. This dagger was given to her by Lian Jue before.

(End of this chapter)

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