First-class daughter

Chapter 395 The fog is heavy

Chapter 395 The fog is heavy
Chapter 395 The fog is heavy
"Feng Degui, what's going on here, tell Aijia quickly, Aijia's heart is really disturbed." The queen mother felt sorry for the emperor's injury, and her majestic voice was filled with reproach.

"I would like to report to the Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, Your Majesty was on a boat trip in Quehu Lake. The boat capsized. His Majesty accidentally fell into the lake and was crushed by the boat. That's why he was seriously injured..." Feng Degui knelt on the ground , said nervously, trembling all over.

"What..." The Empress Dowager was startled, her face turned pale, she looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "It's so good, how could the boat turn over? Emperor, this matter must not be simple, and we must investigate it thoroughly."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's head and legs hurt, especially his calf, which made him tremble.

He also felt that this matter was strange. This boat was specially built by the Ministry of Industry, with excellent craftsmanship. It has been on the Quehu Lake, and it has been used occasionally, but it has never leaked. How could it suddenly leak today?

There must be something hidden in this.

"Jiang Keji!" The emperor frowned and called out.

Holding a wooden board in his hand, Jiang Keji walked in from outside the hall, knelt down on one knee, and said, "I report to the empress dowager, and to the emperor, I have already ordered people to salvage the boat from the lake and inspect it carefully. It was found that there were six holes in the aft compartment of the boat, and water should have leaked in from these six holes."

"What? There is a leak in the stern compartment?" Emperor Zhou Cheng was startled, how could this happen?
"Your Majesty, the last general has ordered someone to dismantle that piece of wood, please have a look at it." Jiang Keji picked up the wooden board next to him, Feng Degui hurried over, and brought the wooden board in front of the Queen Mother and the Emperor with both hands. Look, sure enough, there are six holes on it, which seem to have been chiseled out by sharp tools.

"Emperor, this was deliberately done by someone to murder you." The Empress Dowager's face tightened, and she said in a deep voice.

Zhou Chengdi's pale face was even more ugly due to blood loss. He suddenly felt that the surroundings were full of conspiracies and calculations, and the person who murdered him happened to be hiding in it. This person wanted his life.

His face darkened, and he threw the wooden plank on the ground coldly, and said, "In my palace, there are people who dare to commit murder. Come, bring all the relevant people today into Yuqing Palace! I want Hear the matter with the Queen Mother, and pass it on to Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment!"

"Yes!" Jiang Keji went forward, and soon Concubine Shu, the Thirteenth Princess, His Highness Feng Yunzheng, the Ninth Prince, the boatman and others all came in, kneeling on the main hall together, and after a while, Zhang Yingzhi from the Criminal Department also came .

When Concubine Lian Shu saw that the emperor's head and legs were injured, she was so frightened that she lost her soul and knelt on the ground, crying, "Your Majesty, the concubine is guilty, please punish me."

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at this concubine who had always been gentle and gentle, obedient and reasonable, with a layer of inquiry and suspicion in his eyes——

He mentioned Lian Siyue in front of Concubine Shu two days ago. Concubine Shu knew his intentions well, so she arranged for Lian Siyue to enter the palace, and cleverly arranged this trip to the lake. Something went wrong and he was seriously injured in two places.

"Your majesty, my concubine's heart is piercing like a knife. Is the emperor seriously injured?" Concubine Shu asked with tears in her eyes.

The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, climbed up to Emperor Zhou Cheng's bed step by step, with tears in her eyes and red eye circles, she looked at him worriedly, and asked, "Father, are you in pain? Tangyao'er help you!" Huh, it won't hurt so much." As he spoke, the tears slipped down like crystal pearls, and he looked very heartbroken for his father.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked down at his beloved daughter, her eyes were full of sincerity, his heart softened a little, and he said, "Tang Yaoer, get up first, don't kneel on the ground."

"Father, Tangyao'er is so worried about you, Father must be well." Feng Tangyao stood up, leaned against the emperor, and said softly.

Seeing this, Concubine Shu let go of a stone in her heart, the emperor still loves Tang Yao'er.

"Concubine Shu, how can this matter have anything to do with you? Tell the Ai family what's going on?" The Queen Mother looked at Concubine Shu and asked.

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Concubine Lian Shu lowered her head. She knew that she could not say in front of everyone that the emperor had taken a fancy to her niece Lian Siyue. During a lake tour, she said, "Tangyao'er misses her cousin from her grandfather's family. Seeing that the two children have a good relationship, the concubine ordered someone to bring her into the palace to be with Tangyao'er. On a whim, when it comes to boat trips on Quehu Lake, On the way, the concubine and Tangyao got off the boat in a hurry, leaving Yue'er to wait in the boat. Then the emperor happened to pass by and boarded the boat. When the concubine returned, the boat capsized, and the emperor and Yue'er fell into the water together. The queen mother, the emperor, the concubine...the concubine doesn't know why there is a loophole on the ship, this matter, this matter has nothing to do with the concubine, and the concubine will never murder the emperor, please check it out."

The Empress Dowager looked at Concubine Shu with sharp eyes like a knife. She also heard that the Emperor had said that he intended to recruit the daughter of Lian Xiang's family into the palace. He also said that he wanted to keep two children as companions.

The queen mother also fought all the way in the harem, ups and downs, with countless blood stains on her hands, and she has the status she is today. How can she not see the little Jiujiu in Concubine Shu's heart?

She snorted coldly, and said, "Concubine Shu, you are the fourth concubine, and you are the emperor's assistant in the harem, and you still think of such low-spirited means. The Ai family is very disappointed in you."

"The empress dowager forgives the sin, and the concubine confesses." Concubine Shu prostrated herself on the ground, she really wanted to bite off her tongue, and originally wanted to arrange Yue'er to board the boat to please the emperor, but she didn't expect that not only failed to fulfill the emperor, but the emperor also As a result, she was injured in two places, which was really shooting herself in the foot. No matter how she could not wash away her responsibility, she could only honestly admit her mistake.

The queen mother glanced at the seat, her eyes were majestic, and she asked in a cold voice, "Where is the moon-like man, why don't you see him?"

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, Miss Lian is here!" At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the hall, and Lian Siyue walked in slowly with the support of two maids.

Lian Siyue lowered her head slightly, looking a little powerless, her face was a little pale because she was frightened, she walked into the hall step by step, her eyes fell on Feng Yunzheng inadvertently, and then she took them back lightly .

Seeing the injury on the emperor's body again, the cold smile on the corner of her lips disappeared in an instant——

If she hadn't considered the actual situation at the moment, she would have found a way to drown him today just because this old thing was so disgusting to make her sick!

She walked all the way to the hall, knelt down on both knees, and said, "My lady pays respects to the queen mother, your majesty, cough cough..." After she finished speaking, she coughed hard twice, with a painful expression on her pale face.

The queen mother's inquiring eyes fell on Lian Siyue. Suddenly, her eyes froze for a moment, and she asked sharply, "The emperor was seriously injured in two places, but you just choked on a few sips of water. You are all on the boat. You are a weak woman, and The emperor is a man, so it stands to reason that your injury should be more serious, why is it the emperor who was seriously injured."

Feng Yunzheng's heart tightened slightly, and he slowly clenched his fists. The queen mother meant that the emperor could not be injured, and it didn't matter how injured Yue'er was!

Lian Siyue coughed twice more, and said, "I think back, before the boat capsized, I fell into the water, and the emperor fell into the water with the boat, and the emperor was injured by the utensils on the boat." Yes, the courtier was lucky enough to escape unharmed."

The queen mother looked at the emperor and asked, "Emperor, is that so?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng slowly raised his eyelids, his eyes fell on Lian Siyue, and he searched slowly, recalling every detail that happened with her on the boat in his mind——

"Boatman, tell me." The emperor's eyes suddenly sank, and he asked the drenched boatman.

The boatman was taken aback, and after thinking about it, he didn't dare to say that he was wrong, and said tremblingly, "Back, back to the emperor, the boat hadn't turned over at that time, but a lot of water had entered, even the eldest lady was very scared, so she hurried out of the boat." She ran out of the cabin and wanted to paddle with the servant, but the boat shook continuously, and she lost her foothold and fell into the water from the boat.”

"If this is the case, then your injury, the emperor, is more severe than that of the girl from the Lian family, which is reasonable." The queen mother nodded and said to Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager Mingjian." Lian Siyue hurriedly pressed her forehead to the ground, and said gratefully.

"Concubine Shu, you arranged the boat. What do you have to explain? If you can't explain it, then you will be responsible for the capsizing. After all, someone intentionally made the hole in the cabin." The emperor looked at Concubine Lian Shu's eyes are serious and authentic.

"Concubine Shu, you got off the boat with Tang Yaoer on the way, because you already knew there was a hole in the cabin that would flood and tip over, so you deliberately avoided it." The queen mother also asked aggressively.

Feng Tangyao was startled, and hurriedly knelt down, "Father, my concubine loves you too late, how could you commit such a crime of beheading, please learn from me."

Concubine Lian Shu's face turned pale, and she hurriedly said, "The emperor was injured today, and this concubine has an unshirkable responsibility, and this concubine is willing to bear it all. But, your majesty, the concubine is responsible for the hole being dug out of the stern cabin." I really don’t know, Your Majesty.”

Lian Siyue knelt aside, covered her mouth with a handkerchief and coughed lightly, looked coldly at her aunt's eagerness to defend herself, and sneered in her heart——

Aunt, you underestimate your niece too much. Is my Lian Siyue a tool to pave the way for your mother and daughter?Since you want to use me, you must have the courage to bear the consequences.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the concubine has only one daughter, Tang Yao'er. The emperor is the concubine's heaven. The concubine's glory and wealth are all given by the emperor. There is absolutely no reason for the concubine to harm the emperor." Concubine Lian Shu continued anxiously. To defend herself, what she said meant that she did not have a son, so she had no reason to harm the emperor since she could not compete for the throne.

Inside the Yuqing Palace, there was a sudden silence, even a needle could be heard falling on the ground, everyone tensed up, not even daring to breathe, waiting for the Queen Mother and the Emperor to come to a conclusion.

"Father, Concubine Shu's words are justified. She is not the one who harmed Father. My son has already investigated privately just now, and there is another hidden story about this matter." At this moment, another voice suddenly came to mind in the hall, and everyone turned their heads. Look--

I saw Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue walking in, he was dressed in a dark purple brocade robe, his eyes fell on Lian Siyue's face, and there was a icy smile on the corner of his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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