Chapter 396
Chapter 396
Lian Siyue lowered her head slightly, but her stern eyes were facing him. The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and neither of them backed down. They exchanged fierce murderous aura, and both had a kind of ruthlessness to put the other to death. Absolutely!

They are old enemies that cannot be escaped. From the previous life to this life, they met in this life only to kill. The sky is dark, the blood is bloody!
Lian Siyue thought to herself, so she didn't miss her when she was on the boat just now, the person standing behind the tree showing a corner of his shoe was really Feng Qianyue, so it seems that he witnessed the whole sinking and capsizing process?

Come here now to expose her?
An ordinary person would definitely not be able to recognize that person as Feng Qianyue just because of the corner of the shoe upper, but she can even recognize Siyue, Feng Qianyue turned into ashes, his breathing, everything about him, she is So familiar, let alone the upper.

Hehe, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and a faint, almost imperceptible smile appeared on her cheeks. It seemed that another fierce battle with Feng Qianyue was about to start.

She couldn't help looking at Feng Yunzheng quietly, but she didn't even notice it. Although she returned the cloak and golden hairpin, she didn't know when she started to look at him, as if she could see him from the warm eyes. find what she wants.

Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly towards her as always, with a smile in his eyes, which conveyed a kind of warmth and encouragement.

Feng Qianyue didn't miss the gaze between these two people, the trusting eyes between them, the tacit understanding without words made him feel a deep displeasure, and he was even more sure Today's purpose -

Ruined Lian Siyue!
He withdrew his gaze, walked into the hall with his head held high, with a confident look on his face, knelt down beside Lian Siyue, and said, "Meet the queen mother, father."

"Yue'er, you just said that there is something hidden about this matter?" asked the Queen Mother.

"Did you find anything?" The emperor also asked, since Xiao Shan wrote a disrespectful article, Emperor Zhou Cheng had neglected his fourth son for a long time, not only reduced him to the county king, but also took back many rights in the affairs of the court, just caring about some insignificant matters thing.As for the Wanyan confession letter sent by Feng Qianyue, he only glanced at two pages before throwing it in the corner.

"Father, it's also a coincidence that I just went to the Zhengshitang, and when I passed the Royal Garden, I happened to see Concubine Shu, the thirteenth sister and Miss Lian's family boarded the cruise ship together.

Then after finishing the business in the political affairs hall, he saw Chief Jiang coming up from the lake with his father on his back, and knew that his father's cruise ship capsized, something happened, and he was injured.

Erchen really felt that things were too strange, how could a good boat capsize?So I observed carefully by the lake just now, and went through the whole process of what happened, and finally found the clues. Through these clues, Erchen locked the murderer of the father. "

"Say it to me and the Queen Mother immediately." Zhou Chengdi hurriedly said after hearing it.

The rest of the people heard Feng Qianyue said that they already knew who the murderer was, and they all focused on him. Concubine Shu and Feng Tangyao were close together, looking at Feng Qianyue nervously, with Both look forward to and fear!
"Yes, father, please listen to my son and minister carefully." Feng Qianyue bent down and picked up the ship plank on the ground, pointed to the six holes on it, and said, "Analysed from the time axis, these six holes are not the same. It was not carved out before the father got on the ship, but after he got on the ship."

"Oh? How do you say that?" The queen mother tightened the veil and asked.

Often when things are close to the truth, the more nervous people are. At this moment, almost everyone in the Yuqing Palace held their breath, staring intently at the board in Feng Qianyue's hand.


That is to say, from the time when Concubine Shu left to when Father got on board, even Siyue was alone on board for two quarters of an hour. A little more than a quarter of an hour.

This is enough to show that the hole on the cruise ship did not exist before Concubine Shu and the three of them got on the boat, not after Concubine Shu and the Thirteenth Sister were on board, but after they disembarked.

After Concubine Shu and Thirteenth Sister got off the boat, only the boatman and Lian Siyue were left on board, and one of them must be the one who dug the boat out of these six holes. "

Feng Qianyue analyzed the matter with facts and data, and what she said was well-founded. Everyone nodded in admiration, and even the Queen Mother nodded after listening to it seriously, "Emperor, this analysis is really comprehensive, and the analysis is thorough. Very reasonable."

After hearing Feng Qianyue's words, Concubine Shu breathed a sigh of relief, but when she suddenly thought of the remaining two people, her heart skipped a beat and she looked at Lian Siyue.

The emperor pursed his lips and did not speak. His face became more and more serious. He looked at Feng Qianyue and motioned him to continue talking.

Feng Qianyue looked at Lian Siyue, his eyes gradually became dim and gloomy, like a demon from hell, planning to swallow the person in front of him in one gulp!
And Lian Siyue didn't panic, just looked at Feng Qianyue indifferently with that kind of cold, mocking, and contemptuous eyes as usual.

There is a fight to the death between the two!

It has to be said that Feng Qianyue is an extremely meticulous and patient person, he can find clues that are useful to him by peeling off the cocoon from the clues.

Feng Qianyue frowned slightly, looked back and said, "The boatman has been in charge of paddling for two years, he is just a small slave, and he is directly under the Imperial Palace, and he has never had any problems during that time, so he can be directly ruled out as a suspect.

So, there is only one answer -

Feng Qianyue pointed at Lian Siyue, and said word by word, "So, Lian Siyue chiseled out the holes on the board. She chiseled six holes with knives or other sharp tools after Concubine Shu and Thirteenth Sister got off the boat. She is the real culprit who murdered the emperor this time."

He looked at Lian Siyue, his fingers trembling a little, but there was a trace of loneliness in his ruthless gaze, what a rare girl, it would be great if she could be side by side with him and achieve dominance together, I actually don't want to send you on the road , Lian Siyue!
A mist slowly appeared in his eyes, and he slowly retracted his trembling fingers and put them back to his side.

As soon as Feng Qianyue came to this conclusion, everyone suddenly looked at Lian Siyue, at this pale and weak girl, with shock in their eyes——

(End of this chapter)

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