Chapter 398
Chapter 398
"You, you..." Lian Siyue pointed at Huizhi with a pale face, "No wonder, no wonder you have been evasive to me in Yixiu Palace just now, not daring to look at me, so, so you...made up your mind If you want to frame me, tell me, who instigated you?"

Huizhi hurriedly kowtowed to Lian Siyue, and said, "Miss, servant girl, servant girl is not trying to frame you, servant girl didn't dare to approach you just now because she was afraid, now that she tells you, it's... that she dare not lie to the emperor and the empress dowager. "

"Heh..." Feng Qianyue laughed coldly, cast a disdainful glance at Lian Siyue, and said, "I used time to calculate, and the evidence is convincing. You said that I framed you, and now this maid said she saw you throwing the dagger Into the lake, you said you were framed, dare you, everyone in this world is framed you."

"Your Highness, you..." Lian Siyue was speechless, but Feng Qianyue felt very comfortable seeing her like this. For so long, she had always had the upper hand, He has been repeatedly frustrated, but today he finally got hold of it. She has also experienced the feeling of being pinched by the throat!
He looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng and said, "Father, no matter whether there is a reasonable reason or not, maybe Lian Siyue has a reason in her heart that only she knows, but all signs show that she must have done this matter."

"Emperor, this is the end of the matter, let's draw a conclusion." The Empress Dowager said with a serious expression, frowning.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Lian Siyue, "Maybe Lian Siyue has a reason in her heart that only she knows", he thought back to Feng Qianyue's words in his mind, and the reason was: she didn't want to enter the palace!
That being the case, there is no need to keep her!

Feng Qianyue looked at the change of expression on Zhou Chengdi's face, he knew what his father was thinking at this moment, this sentence "Lian Siyue has a reason in her heart that only she knows", he said it on purpose, he Recently, I just learned that Emperor Zhou Cheng originally intended to seek Lian Siyue's entry into the palace. Although he was quite shocked by this matter, he still said this to him who was very suspicious.

"Your Majesty, this is all just the fourth Highness's guess. This maid is standing on the shore, some distance away from the shipwreck. Maybe, maybe she is delusional?" Seeing that she was about to be convicted, Lian Siyue seemed very anxious and afraid. .

"If you really don't give up, you might as well go down to the lake to salvage it. As long as the dagger is in the sparrow lake, you can find it." Feng Qianyue finally said the most important point!

He saw her sinking the dagger into the bottom of the lake with his own eyes, but he couldn't say it himself, so he arranged Huizhi as a court lady. Huizhi was also his eyeliner by his side long ago. Huizhi conveyed the news to him.

"Father..." At this time, another Qinglang's voice rang out, and everyone saw that it was the Ninth King Feng Yunzheng who stood up, and was different from the Fourth King Feng Qianyue, who was well-dressed and elegant. The flowing hair like black jade sticks to the side of the face, and there are scratch marks on the back of the hand, which is obviously caused by the injury when he went to the lake to save people just now.

Lian Siyue raised her head, and the eyes of the two met in mid-air, and soon separated.

"Yunzheng, did you go down to Quehu Lake just now?" Zhou Chengdi asked. He was too panicked just now, and the scene was chaotic. Followed to Yuqing Palace.

"Yes, my son went down to the lake to save Lianxiang's daughter." Feng Yunzheng said openly, without any cover, appearing very frank.

The emperor looked at Jiang Keji, Jiang Keji was slightly taken aback, nodded, and said, "Your Majesty, it was the negligence of the last general. He only cared about saving the emperor and forgot Miss Lian. The nine kings went to the lake later than the last general, presumably to see Missy has no one to rescue, so I extend a helping hand..."

"En." The emperor nodded and asked Feng Yunzheng, "What did you want to say just now?"

"I also really want to know who the real culprit who murdered my father is, so I ask Rong Erchen to say a few more words." Feng Yunzheng said.

"You say." The emperor agreed.

"Brother Si Wang, how are you?" Feng Yunzheng said while looking at Feng Qianyue, his eyes lightly falling on Ye.

"Father and emperor have agreed, and the interrogation by Ninth Emperor Brother will be done." Feng Qianyue sneered in his heart, this time, let's see how you can save Lian Siyue!

Feng Yunzheng turned around, looked at the trembling maid Huizhi who was prostrate on the ground, and asked, "I'll ask you again, are you sure you saw Lian Siyue throw something like a dagger into the lake with your own eyes?"

His gaze looked very soft, and there was even a hint of kindness at the corners of his eyes, but Huizhi felt a huge oppression from this gaze, she was suddenly a little scared, swallowed, and said, "Yes, yes, I have seen it with my own eyes." saw."

"Then where did she leave the dagger? You should remember it very well, right?" Feng Yunzheng asked again.

"Remember, remember." Huizhi said, her eyes flickering.

"Where is it?" Feng Yunzheng asked, not allowing her to dodge, taking a step forward.

"Yes, it was thrown along the side of the boat. At that time, the eldest lady moved very quickly and sank into the Que Lake." Huizhi thought for a while and said.

"To the Queen Mother and the Emperor, please repeat your words carefully." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince... the servant did not lie, the servant really saw..." Huizhi kowtowed vigorously, and said, Feng Yunzheng was silent, just looked at her quietly, she finally faced the queen mother and the emperor, said:

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, I saw Miss Lian family throwing her dagger near the boat."

A slight smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, and he looked at Feng Qianyue again, and said, "Brother Si Wang, according to what the court lady said, this sparrow lake is not deep, and the dagger is heavy and won't float. Then if it falls, it should be directly near the sunken ship, right?" Feng Yunzheng turned around suddenly, looked at Feng Qianyue, and asked.

With a trace of deepness in Feng Qianyue's eyes, he said, "That's right, I thought so too, so I suggested going to the lake to find a dagger."

"Father, the fourth brother's analysis is very reasonable, and my son agrees with his opinion, then please ask the father to send Jiang Keji and Feng Gonggong to go to Quehu to salvage near the boat. As the maid said, then the dagger must be found." Feng Yunzheng immediately asked for advice.

The emperor's eyes sank, and he ordered, "Jiang Keji, Feng Degui, immediately send people down the lake to look for the dagger, and then pass on an order that everyone must not approach Quehu Lake, or they will be killed!"

"Yes! The last general (slave) obeys!"

Soon, Jiang Keji led a guard team of hundreds of people, together with Feng Degui, and the rest stayed in Yuqing Palace, quietly waiting for news.

The imperial physician hurriedly bowed to the emperor's side, brought over the boiled Chinese medicine, knelt in front of the couch, and said, "Your Majesty, the medicine has been boiled, please drink it while it's hot."

(End of this chapter)

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