Chapter 399
Chapter 399
"En." Emperor Zhou Cheng replied, and for a moment, the entire hall held its breath and there was no sound except for the sound of the emperor drinking the medicine and the occasional spoon bumping against the wall of the bowl.

The court lady Huizhi knelt on the ground tremblingly, trembling nervously, not daring to raise her eyes. Concubine Lian Shu secretly stared at her fiercely, cursing in her heart, could this hoof be crazy? This matter has something to do with Yixiu Palace , She bit her mouth and didn't speak, who would pay attention to a little maid, but she had so many mouths to cause trouble for her.

When Concubine Shu thought this way, it was because she didn't know at all that Huizhi was someone Feng Qianyue arranged by her side a long time ago.

Time passed slowly, and everyone's hearts floated in mid-air, nervously waiting for the search results.

At this moment, Changchun Palace is a different scene, the people here have no idea what happened outside.

"Mother's queen, mother's queen..." The eleventh princess called softly twice, but the queen was still asleep without opening her eyelids, so she carefully covered the quilt for her, then closed the door, and walked away slowly come out.

Standing at the door and taking a look at the lonely palace, a deep sense of loneliness suddenly rose in her heart.

She and her mother lived in the Changchun Palace. There was no maid or nanny around her, and she did everything by herself. After her mother was thrown into the cold palace, she became less and less talkative, except for occasional Shouting the name of the deposed prince once or twice, and then leaning on the bedside in silence, the Eleventh Princess had no one to speak, and she had no idea what was going on outside, the whole Changchun Palace was like a mess.

Fortunately, however, there is still her fawn.

Thinking of the little deer, she smiled again, now, the little deer has grown a lot taller, with a pair of wet eyes, it seems to understand eleven males, when it sees her coming, it leans its head over and gently touches her body Rubbing.

The Eleventh Princess broke two fresh branches, put them next to its mouth, stroked its back tenderly, and said softly, "Fortunately, you are still here, eat, eat, eat more, Grow taller, grow stronger, and never get sick."

The little deer ate very happily. After eating, he shook his head in front of her and rubbed his head against her stomach.

"Hehehe..." She giggled.

After playing with Xiaolu for a while, Princess Eleven touched her head and whispered:

"Go, go to the rest meeting, I'm tired too."

The deer seemed to understand her words, twisted its buttocks towards her, swayed its body, and then got into its house.

The smile on Princess Eleven's face disappeared. She walked to the gate of Changchun Palace with heavy steps, and sat down with her back against the door. The sun shone on her body.

Such repeated and hopeless days, I don't know when it will be the end.

With her chapped hands, she took out a half-sized Pisces jade pendant from her bosom, put it in her palm, stroked it gently, and looked carefully——

Suddenly, two tears slipped from the eye sockets and fell on the jade pendant.

Wiping the teardrops with her sleeves, she choked up and said:

"Lianjue, I miss you so much." She hugged Yupei in her arms, lowered her head, tears couldn't stop falling down, and it hurt her heart, but she couldn't cry out, because she couldn't let the queen mother listen to her. Arrived.

I don't know how long she cried, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, she took the jade pendant back into her arms, leaned against the door, closed her eyes and fell asleep tiredly.

In the drowsy dream, she suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, and her stomach started to growl because of the fragrance.

She snapped her eyes open—

"Wow, there are really pancakes, so delicious." When she opened her eyes, she saw a pancake filled with a lot of meat placed at her feet, with a layer of paper underneath, exuding a tempting fragrance.

She bent down quickly, picked up the pancake, put it to her nose and smelled it, then closed her eyes immediately, looking like she was enjoying it.

She suddenly remembered something, quickly stood up with the pancakes, and asked loudly, "Who? Who brought me the pancakes?"

However, she asked several times, but no one answered, but her stomach growled.

She hadn't eaten meat for several days, and every day she managed to get some meat back from the imperial dining room, and it was always old and hard. She had to pick and choose for a long time when she got it back, and gave the edible ones to the queen, She eats some steamed buns by herself, or puts some hot water in the selected meat and drinks some "broth".

Now that such a thick meatloaf was placed in front of her, her stomach was growling and she really wanted to bite it down!

"Zhili! Zhili! It's you, you know I like to eat this kind of meat pancake the most." She grabbed the pancake and asked loudly.

"Pa-ta--" At this moment, a stone was thrown out of nowhere and rolled to her feet.

She smiled, "It's really Zhili, it was Zhili who sent it here."

She quickly opened her mouth and took a bite——

"It's delicious, it's really delicious, this is the best pancake I've ever eaten, um..." She was so happy that she cried happily while eating.

In a corner not far away, a smile appeared on Xiao He's face, and he lightly dropped the remaining stone on the ground.

The scent that the thirteenth princess smelled on him just now was the scent of this pancake, which was made from the most famous "Qingde Biscuit" in Kyoto. He specially asked the staff to add half of the meat.

He leaned against the wall, folded his arms around his chest, and watched her eat the biscuits with big mouthfuls. He didn't care if the oil flowed out from the corner of her mouth. He lifted his sleeve to wipe his mouth, and he shook his head helplessly.

However, she only ate a small half but stopped, and wrapped up the rest, Xiao He was taken aback for a moment——

Don't you like to eat?Why don't you eat it?
Princess Eleven licked her lips and said to herself, "Such delicious pancakes, let the queen eat some."

As he spoke, he wrapped the pancakes and held them in his hands, put them on the tip of his nose and sniffed them vigorously, and then licked his lips contentedly.

"..." Xiao He's face darkened, this silly girl, at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet that day, the Empress was clearly using her, how could she still...

"Young Lord, Young Lord..." He was thinking, when a hurried voice came.

He hurriedly dodged, left here quickly, walked over quickly, and asked the visitor in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

The visitor gasped and said, "Something happened, something serious happened, the emperor was injured, and now the whole Quehu Lake is about to be turned upside down!"

"What?" Hearing this, Xiao He immediately suppressed the matter of the eleventh princess in his heart and stopped thinking about it, and quickly asked, "What's going on, tell me about it with Master Ben."


So, Xiao He walked towards Yuqing Palace while listening to the eunuch explain the matter one by one.

When he entered Gongque Lake, he saw a group of guards guarding the lake, preventing anyone from approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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