First-class daughter

Chapter 400 Interrogating Huizhi

Chapter 400 Interrogating Huizhi
Chapter 400 Interrogating Huizhi
Jiang Keji led the guards to search around a sunken ship, while Feng Degui, the chief eunuch, stood on the shore. After a while, Jiang Keji walked to the shore. He didn't know what he said to Feng Degui, but Feng Degui nodded with a serious face. , then turned around and hurriedly walked in the direction of Yuqing Palace.

Xiao He also turned around, and quickly arrived at the Yuqing Palace from another road, only to see that there were many people kneeling in the palace, almost all the concubines were there.

He found a place and knelt down on one knee, paying close attention to the situation in the hall.

"Continue to expand the scope of the search!" After a while, a majestic order was heard, which was the voice of the emperor——

Then, I saw Eunuch Feng hunched over and ran out of the hall in a hurry, continuing to walk towards the Que Lake.

About two quarters of an hour later, Feng Degui hurried all the way from Quehu to the hall again. While running, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and the hearts of the kneeling people on both sides were lifted up again.

Xiao He's head turned rapidly, analyzing whether the situation in the hall at the moment is beneficial or not beneficial to His Highness the Fourth Highness.

"Expand the scope of the search and continue the search!" Not long after Feng Degui entered, he heard the emperor's voice again, and then saw Feng Degui running out in a hurry again, grabbing everyone's heart and running back to the Que Lake.

The faces of the concubines in the harem were all pale, kneeling until they were about to faint——

"Plop!" Only a sudden sound was heard, and the oldest Concubine Feng De's eyes went dark, and she fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty!" The maids and nuns behind her rushed over, helped her onto the palanquin, and carried her back to Jingde Palace.

The rest of the people were all nervous and didn't dare to breathe, and frequently raised their hands to touch their sweat.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the hall was almost frozen. Not only the people outside the hall who didn't know the inside story were sweating, but also Feng Qianyue. Fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. These sweat beads became more and more, more and more. Big one, clenched fist in sleeve.

For the first time, searching around the boat, no dagger was found;

The second time, expanding the scope of the search, Mei still found the dagger;

Now it is the third time to search, and according to Zhou Chengdi's order, the scope has been doubled. If you can't find it this time——

How is this going?He clearly saw Lian Siyue throwing the dagger along the side of the boat into the lake with his own eyes, so how could he not find it nearby?
He looked at Lian Siyue who was kneeling on the ground, and the expression on her face seemed to be a little nervous, not like the sinister expression she used to have when she was dug into a trap, and Feng Yunzheng was still calm, Very calm, as if this matter has nothing to do with him, just quietly waiting for the result.

And that Huizhi... He glanced at her, she bit her lower lip tightly, and knelt down on the ground.

The emperor pursed his lips and sat on the dragon couch, and the empress dowager's face became more and more gloomy.

Concubine Lian Shu held Feng Tangyao's hand tightly, she was very nervous now.

Time passed slowly, and the air in the inner hall was so frozen that it was almost suffocating——

"Your Majesty!" Finally, Feng Degui trotted in for the third time. At this moment, his whole body was drenched in sweat, the eunuch hat on his head was tilted, and he was panting heavily.

"How? Did you find it?" the emperor asked coldly.

Feng Degui raised his hand to wipe his sweat, and said, "Report to the emperor, but I still haven't found it. Chief Jiang is still looking for it."

As soon as Feng Degui's words came out, Feng Qianyue staggered a step back slightly, beads of sweat slipped from his cheeks, he clenched his hands secretly, how could this be?He clearly saw Lian Siyue throwing the dagger into the lake.

Lian Siyue didn't miss the wonderful expression on Feng Qianyue's face——

Hehe, Feng Qianyue thought that he was hiding in the dark to observe, but he didn't expect that she was planning to play tricks. She just pretended to sink the dagger into the bottom of the lake, making him think that he had lost the dagger. In fact, she quietly put away the dagger She came back and stayed on her body.Just now in the lake, taking advantage of the chaos, she had quietly handed over the dagger to His Highness Jiu, and said that Feng Qianyue had seen it.

Then, the two teamed up to invite Jun into the urn, which attracted Feng Qianyue to jump into the trap.

Huizhi, who was kneeling on the ground, had already started to cry, and she was so nervous that she was about to pass out.

"Father, the water in Quehu Lake flows very slowly. If there is no time, it is almost forbidden. Since daggers or knives are made of iron, it is difficult to flow if they sink into the bottom of the lake. What's more, in Quehu Lake, the water is not too deep. Then there is no possibility of moving, and besides, there is no place that has been searched so far, so between Yi Erchen, the fourth brother may have misread it." Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly, and said to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers did not intend to murder the Emperor. There is no dagger or any other knives. Your Majesty, the Fourth Highness framed me." Lian Siyue said "excitedly" in a timely manner.

"Emperor, what do you think?" The queen mother was also a little confused, she asked Zhou Chengdi, and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue's heart trembled, he quickly knelt down on his knees, lowered his head, and said, "Father, I didn't intend to frame anyone, but just based on the time at that time, and the people related to this matter. Reasonable speculation, help the father to find the real culprit, please learn from the father."

At this time, Na Huizhi was already trembling with fright.

"What's the name of this court lady?" the queen mother asked.

"Slave, Hui, Huizhi..." Huizhi stammered.

"Just now you swore to Aijia and the emperor that you saw Lian Siyue throwing the dagger into the lake, didn't you?" asked the Queen Mother.

"Yes, slave girl, that's what slave girl said." Huizhi swallowed forcefully, and said with a trembling voice, "It's just, just maybe slave girl... just misjudged."

"Bold! How dare you speak nonsense in front of Ai's family and the emperor. This is a great crime of deceiving the emperor." Suddenly, the queen mother's face darkened, and she sternly shouted, and the whole hall trembled three times. Everyone waited, immediately All knelt down.

"Mother, empress dowager... yes, yes, this is what the servant said." Huizhi kowtowed repeatedly, her face pale.

But Concubine Shu tightened the veil. In her mind, Huizhi was from Yixiu Palace, and she couldn't get away from her. She might not be able to wash away even jumping into the Yellow River. Now she is extremely annoyed by deception and calculations Lian Siyue, is this God's revenge on her?

The most important thing now is to get rid of the suspicion that Huizhi was instigated by her. She said to Huizhi seriously, "Huizhi, the Queen Mother asked you something, why don't you answer it honestly? You just said that you saw Yue'er lost You took the dagger, and now you say that you may have misread it, what are you thinking? You are from this palace, but this palace has never ordered you to do anything."

Huizhi still kept her mouth shut and did not speak.

"Huizhi, why didn't you say something to your mother and concubine? This matter is very important, and silence can't solve any problems, so you can say it quickly." Feng Tangyao was also in a hurry, this Huizhi was originally very close to her among all the court ladies. The one who is close.

(End of this chapter)

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