Chapter 401
Chapter 401
"Servant, servant..." Huizhi finally raised her head, glanced at the thirteenth princess, and immediately lowered her head, "Servant, I'm sorry for your empress and princess."

"Come on!" The emperor had lost his patience, and ordered in a cold voice, "Come on! (Pinch your fingers)"

"Yes." After a while, two thick-faced nuns walked over with a stick in their hands. These two were the nuns who were in charge of executions in the harem.

Seeing the frightened look on Huizhi's face, Feng Qianyue's eyes showed a hint of cruelty and ruthlessness. He was sure that Huizhi would not betray him. Therefore, Huizhi, no matter how much pain you have, bear it. For the king to bear.

"No, don't, don't..." Huizhi wanted to withdraw her hand, but the two nuns were very proficient in using this clasp, and caught her hand in it with a few strokes.

"Torture!" One of the nuns gave an order, and clamped it hard——

"Ah!" Huizhi immediately uttered a heart-piercing scream, she raised her head, her lips lost all color, Feng Tangyao was so frightened that she crawled into Concubine Shu's arms, not daring to look at this cruel scene.

The screams spread from inside the hall to outside the hall, and the hearts of everyone outside the hall were immediately lifted into the air, and Xiao He's heart also trembled violently——

Is this a woman's voice?

Could it be that Lian Siyue is being tortured?He pursed his lips tightly and listened attentively!

"Torture again!" The nanny ordered again, this time, their subordinates were stronger, and pinched four times in a row, everyone could almost hear the sound of bones and flesh being crushed together!
"Ah!" Huizhi let out a sharper scream again, and she fell powerlessly to the ground, her hands drooping as if they were broken, but her hands kept shaking, and the blood fell down, staining the ground red. .

"Speak! Why did you lie to Aijia and the emperor?" Queen Mother asked.

"Slave... Slave..." Huizhi curled up on the ground, her face was pale, and big drops of sweat fell down, as if she was about to die.

"Hurry up, Huizhi!" Even Concubine Shu urged sharply.

At this time, the two nuns glanced at each other, nodded, opened a pot on the ground, and poured it on Huizhi's bloody hand, which was mixed with chili, salt, oil, etc. Juice together.

"Ah!" She, who was almost unconscious, suddenly felt a sharp prickling pain in her fingers, and her whole body began to convulse in pain. The pain made people lose their will. Your Highness..."

At this time, Huizhi suddenly started calling Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue's heart trembled suddenly, and he clenched his fists.

"Your Highness, the servant can't hold on anymore, it's the Fourth Highness, it's the Fourth Highness who asked the servant to do this." Huizhi raised her hands, shaking abnormally, her whole body was convulsed and almost huddled into a ball, shouting with all her strength said a word.

The queen mother and the emperor stared at Feng Qianyue suddenly——

Feng Qianyue lifted up her robe, knelt down, and said, "Grandmother, Father Huang Mingjian, I have no acquaintance with the maid in Concubine Shu's palace. She is in pain, so she is talking nonsense."

"No, no... Fourth Highness, I am a member of Fourth Highness, and my servants don't know anything, I haven't seen anything, it's Fourth Highness who asked my servants to say that..." Huizhi's eyes darkened, and she finally fainted from the pain dead past.

Concubine Shu was taken aback. Huizhi had been by her side for many years, but she was actually a member of the Fourth Highness?And she didn't notice it.

Seeing that the emperor's face became more and more gloomy, more and more terrifying.

Feng Qianyue turned his head abruptly and looked at Lian Siyue. He suddenly found that the original fear, panic, and worry on her face had disappeared from her eyes, leaving only boundless indifference and sarcasm in her eyes. Even with a slight smile.

As for Feng Yunzheng, he was standing behind Lian Siyue, they seemed to be on one side, they were attacking him with all their strength!

Feng Qianyue looked at the fainted person on the ground, shook her head, and said firmly again, "I don't know her, she is deliberately slandering me."

But Concubine Lian Shu absolutely didn't want Hui Zhi to have anything to do with her. She seized the opportunity and said, "Your Majesty, this concubine finally understands that Hui Zhi will stand up at such a critical moment to frame Yue'er. Everyone in the family kept their duty and never showed their heads. According to the concubine's understanding of Huizhi over the years, she is timid and cautious, and she is afraid of getting into trouble. She is like this today, so she was instructed by others. Moreover, she just said, She...she belongs to the Fourth Highness, could it be that she has been monitoring the courtiers and concubines for the Fourth Highness all these years?"

"Concubine Shu!" Feng Qianyue said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense and slandering this king."

"Auntie, Huizhi has been in Yixiu Palace for many years. If she has anything to do with the Fourth Highness, there will always be clues. Yue'er begged Auntie to investigate Huizhi's residence and search her." Said.

"Your majesty..." Concubine Shu looked at the emperor pleadingly.

"Search." The emperor issued an order.

"Yes." The search was carried out on two sides. On the one hand, Jiang Keji led people to search Huizhi's residence, while the two nuns searched Huizhi's body. After searching for a while, one of the nuns took out a piece from Huizhi's body. Jade, presented to Emperor Zhou Cheng with both hands.

The emperor took a look at the jade pendant, his expression changed immediately, and he was furious. He threw the jade pendant on Feng Qianyue's body and said, "What is this? How could it be on this court lady!"

Feng Qianyue took the jade pendant and looked at it, her face turned pale with shock, this jade pendant is... It belongs to her, it belongs to that person!He has been wearing it all the time, how could it be on Huizhi's body?Huizhi is his man, but he never gave her jade pendant.

"If you weren't someone close to you, how could you get this piece of jade from you? It's something you treasure!" Emperor Zhou Cheng slammed the porcelain bowl on the ground and snapped.

"Father, this is my son's personal property. I will never give it to a court lady. There must be something hidden in it. I ask my father to investigate." Feng Qianyue quickly thought about how this jade pendant came to Hui Chi's body?
"Your Majesty, all the maid's belongings are here." At this moment, Jiang Keji and the guards came in and put a bundle on the ground.

"Open it and have a look!" The Queen Mother ordered with a gloomy face, frowning.


After the bag was opened, the eunuch stepped forward and took out the contents one by one for public display. To Feng Qian's great surprise, besides Huizhi's personal belongings, there were three things related to him in the bag, one It was the tiara he had worn, one was the palace fan he had used, and there was a love letter written to him by Huizhi, but it was not finished, only a few words were written, and it was not obvious what to say. what.

But there are these things on a court lady, which is enough to show that there is an affair between the prince and the court lady——

As a prince, but having such inextricable involvement with the concubine's maid, it is really a scandal in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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