First-class daughter

Chapter 403 Let's go

Chapter 403 Let's go together

Chapter 403 Let's go together

Before Lian Siyue left the palace, when she went to Yixiu Palace to bid farewell to Lian Zhaoyi, Lian Zhaoyi was sitting on a chair, the crown on her head that symbolized a concubine Zhengshu had been removed, and the robes on her body were also removed , and changed into Zhaoyi's attire.

At this moment, with his head supported on his hands, the brows were tightened, the former cheerful expression was gone, and the expression in his eyes was also covered with a layer of gray mist, giving him a sense of despair.

"Aunt..." Lian Siyue looked at the helpless woman, and called out, but there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth. She had been planning for more than ten years, and she had been successful for more than ten years, and now she finally tasted the taste of despair.

Hearing this voice, Lian Zhaoyi slowly raised her head, her heart tightened suddenly, as if a cold blade had severed her body, and she shrank all over.

She suddenly realized that the niece in front of her had become very strange, completely different from the well-behaved and obedient person in her impression. This look should belong to a child, but it was calm and indifferent beyond ordinary.Looking at this look, she even felt a kind of timidity for a moment, and this timidity came from the bottom of her heart.

"Honestly speaking, the hole in the boat was caused by your hands and feet." Lian Zhaoyi finally asked the question in her heart, her voice trembling uncontrollably, even a little excited.

After she received the imperial decree to become Zhaoyi, she sat here for a long, long time, thinking, thinking, and finally figured out what happened today.

"Why can't Yue'er understand what my aunt is talking about?" Lian Siyue stood quietly in front of Lian Zhaoyi, with a very calm expression on her face, but unusually indifferent eyes.

"The analysis of the Fourth Highness today is all correct. There must be no problem with the ship itself. There was no problem when I, you, and Tang Yaoer were on board. After Tang Yaoer and I left, something happened when the emperor boarded the ship again. Now, you are the only one on board during this period, and no one can touch the bed except you, am I right?" Lian Zhaoyi's voice trembled a little, and she suddenly felt that the child in front of her was very scary.

"Auntie, you brought Yue'er into the palace on purpose, and you specially arranged for such a cruise. If Yue'er did something wrong, the queen mother and the emperor will definitely think that aunt ordered Yue'er. Yue'er is a child. , I don’t have the guts.” Lian Siyue said lightly, with a slight smile remaining on the corner of her lips.

"You..." Lian Zhaoyi's face turned pale, trembling, and asked in a low voice, "You did it, you caused me to lose my position as one of the four concubines, which is of no benefit to the Lian family, but you The eldest daughter of the Lian family, what is not good for the Lian family is not good for you, why do you do this?"

"Auntie, this is all just your speculation. At the same time, Yue'er advises you not to talk nonsense, otherwise, if Zhaoyi's position cannot be kept, what will the thirteenth princess do in the future?" Lian Siyue said to Lian Zhaoyi He was noncommittal, but in the faint reminder, there was a bit of undisguised indifference.

Only then did Lian Zhaoyi realize that she had completely misread Lian Siyue for so long!
But, she was right, she called the man into the palace, if even Siyue was exposed, and the entanglement would be even wider, then she might not be able to keep her position as Zhaoyi, then her Tang Yaoer would be better than eleven The princess was no better.

"You, aren't you afraid that I'll tell your father?" Lian Zhaoyi couldn't believe that she had fallen into the hands of a 14-year-old child, she stood up abruptly, and asked.

"Auntie, rest early, the palace is deep like the sea, you must go well." Lian Siyue showed a faint smile on his face, curtseyed slightly, then turned and left.

"..." Lian Zhaoyi's knees gave way and she fell onto the chair. She was really not afraid. There was no fear in the child's eyes, and she didn't even see the absolute authority of the Lian family.

how so……

Lian Zhaoyi thought about today's events again in her mind, and this was reversed step by step until Feng Qianyue was imprisoned by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Even like the moon.

And Huizhi, was she from Feng Qianyue or Lian Siyue?

Lian Zhaoyi shuddered all over, suddenly felt that this palace was very unsafe, she tightly twisted the handkerchief in her hand, her expression was like seeing a ghost.

Coming out of Yixiu Palace, Lian Siyue saw His Highness Feng Yunzheng standing at the door. He had already changed out of his soaked clothes. The blue auspicious cloud pattern is like a beautiful picture scroll, pleasing to the eye.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and called out, "His Royal Highness."

"Lian Zhaoyi suspects you, right?" Feng Yunzheng looked at her face and asked.

Lian Siyue nodded and chuckled, "It's not doubt, it's certainty, but she dare not do anything, she will secretly eat this yellow lotus."

"It's better like this. She will definitely not dare to think of you again in the future. Even if there is no such thing as today, I plan to let her stop thinking of using you." Feng Yunzheng's eyes overflowed with a trace of coldness.

"..." Remembering that he had returned the cloak and golden hairpin, Lian Siyue opened his mouth and said, "Your Highness..."

Feng Yunzheng seemed to know what she was thinking, with a relieved expression on his face, and asked with concern, "Are you tired?"

"Fortunately, I'm used to it. If it's not so exciting, I'm not used to it." Lian Siyue lightly curled her cherry lips and said with a slight smile.

"The most exciting thing should be Feng Qianyue. From the prince to the county king, and then to the prisoner, his speed of venting thousands of miles in a short period of time is exciting." Feng Yunzheng thought of Feng Qianyue today. The expression on his face when he was taken to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he laughed.

"However, he definitely won't just admit defeat like this. Besides, there is Xiao Zhenhai, and now their interests are closely related, Xiao Zhenhai will definitely find a way to rescue." Lian Siyue knows Feng Qianyue's nature well, he is like a nine-headed Snakes penetrate everywhere, and he is like a fox with nine lives, extremely cunning.

She had to admit that if she hadn't been reborn, she wouldn't even be his match for Siyue. No wonder she was eaten in the previous life without even bones left.

"Actually, it's not impossible for him to end his life in prison this time." Feng Yunzheng said, looking at Lian Siyue with deep eyes.

"No, my purpose was never to let him die, death is the best relief, Feng Qianyue is not worthy of such relief, even Shiya, Xiao Xianmin, and Xiao Zhenhai are not worthy of such relief!
In the previous life, when my limbs were cut off, my eyes were gouged out, my ears were cut off, and I was locked up in a livestock shed in the suburbs of Beijing. I still had a mouthful of breath, and I couldn’t get up. When I couldn’t let go, the only thought I had every day was Let me die quickly, let me die quickly, I will be free when I die, and I can turn into a ghost to take revenge after I die. "

(End of this chapter)

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