First-class daughter

Chapter 404 This Drug Is Poisonous

Chapter 404 This Drug Is Poisonous
Chapter 404 This Drug Is Poisonous
Lian Siyue said, with an illusory and sad expression on his face, and finally, he smiled again, and said, "I want him to go to hell step by step, to be tortured for eternity, and I want to watch them bear what I have endured that day. All the suffering, everything I have to give back to them a hundred times and a thousand times, can only dispel the hatred in my heart!
How I hurt at the beginning, in fact, I have gradually forgotten, I only remember how cruel they are, but I don’t remember how much pain I have, but, my Le Yan, my unborn child, this pain, I will never forget . "

When Feng Yunzheng listened to her confide in the sufferings of her past life, her heart felt like a needle pricking her, it was a sharp, real pain.

He stepped towards her, and the shadow of his tall body covered her under the protective wings. He raised his hand and gently stroked her head, with infinite love in his movements:
"Yue'er, the pain of memories is unbearable, Yue'er. Every time when I dream back at midnight, when I see things and think about others, my body and mind are tortured, and I want to go back to my previous life. I know this, I know everything.

They always say that you look very indifferent, but I always worry that you will be lonely like this.

So, no matter what, don't push me away, don't neglect me, let me walk this journey with you, at least you won't be so lonely, you won't be so pitiful, at least when you turn around, you can see someone standing Behind you, at least when you need help, there is someone who can lead you forward, and it will be easier to walk, at least you will not feel that our rebirth is only revenge, we still have each other, it has nothing to do , we all have each other, don't we?

Yue'er, if you are willing, I will go to you immediately, if you are not willing, I will stand behind you, but don't let me go, okay? "

Tears slowly floated up Lian Siyue's eyes, she didn't speak, turned around slowly, and walked outside the palace step by step, Feng Yunzheng kept a distance from her, followed her, stepped on her All the way, follow step by step.

Tears slipped down, and I raised my hand to wipe them away, a smile appeared on Lian Siyue's lips, and her footsteps became lighter unconsciously, this feeling of being escorted all the way - really not alone anymore.

Watching her arrive at Zhengyang Gate, Feng Yunzheng turned around and left. He still has one more important thing to do now. His father is thinking about Yue'er in his heart, and he can't bear it for a moment!
Night Breeze hurried forward and said in a tight voice, "Your Highness, Master Xuanwei has already entered the palace, and is in the Heavenly Palace."

"The king will go right away." Feng Yunzheng hurried over, and saw a Taoist robe, and the fairy-like Taoist priest was waiting for him with a whisk in his hand. Seeing him, Xuanwei Daoist stood up, and said:

"Pindao has seen His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Daoist, this time, I have something to ask." Feng Yunzheng said.

"In the past, if it hadn't been for His Highness the Ninth Prince's efforts to overcome all opinions and plan secretly, Pindao would have been driven out of the suburbs of Beijing by Xiao Zhenhai and his group of anti-Taoists and Buddhas, and all Taoist temples in the whole country would have been demolished. Xu Guan devotes himself to cultivating, and the Ninth Prince has something to do, and the poor Daoist will do his best to help." Master Xuanwei said with respect in his words.

"This matter, the Taoist priest must come forward." Feng Yunzheng sat down with Master Xuanwei and talked about it in detail.

When Lian Siyue was about to walk out of Zhengyang Gate and was about to go back to Lian's house, she was stopped by Nanny Yu from the Empress Dowager's palace leading her along the way, with a surprised expression on her face.

Nanny Yu bowed, smiled, and said politely, "You have disturbed the eldest lady, it is the empress dowager who invited you to Shouning Palace."

The Queen Mother wants to see her?Lian Siyue felt vigilant, nodded, and said, "Please lead the way."

"Miss, please." Madam Yu and the others led her to Shouning Palace.

Along the way, the weather suddenly turned a little cold, the wind blew, and Lian Siyue shivered——

Today's matter, the emperor was injured, but it became an unsolvable problem. In the end, there was no final solution. The queen mother told her to go over at this time, so there must be nothing good. As she walked, she quickly thought about how to get out.

At this moment, in Shouning Hall, the Empress Dowager is sitting in front of the Buddhist hall, twisting Buddhist beads in her hands, closing her eyes, and reciting Buddhist scriptures with great concentration.

Nanny Wen came in, stood aside, confirmed with the Queen Mother again, and said, "Queen Mother, the medicine has been prepared according to the time when the toxicity occurs, Lian Siyue just needs to drink it, and then the servant will send it back directly in the carriage arranged by the maidservant. The Xiangfu will die of poison in half an hour."

The queen mother slowly opened her eyes, and said, "Go ahead, do it cleanly, don't let your words slip, after all, she is Lianxiang's daughter, and you have to give Lianxiang an explanation when the time comes."

"Yes, servant girl understands." Nanny Wen turned around, walked out of the Buddhist hall, and explained to the court lady who was holding a porcelain bowl, "This is a reward from the Empress Dowager to Miss Lian's family, please take it, don't worry about it." Sprinkle, come with me."

"Yes." The two court ladies followed behind, carefully carrying the medicine bowl and pastries, and walked along the corridor to the other side.

It was getting dark, and the night gradually covered the Shouning Palace, and there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere.
As soon as Nanny Wen left, a figure who was shyly hiding next to the incense altar in front of the Buddhist hall turned around suddenly, and walked away quickly from another road with a heart full of anxiety.

Her whole heart is about to jump out!
"Miss, you sit here first. The Empress Dowager is reciting sutras in the Buddhist hall. After the sutras are finished, she will come to see the eldest lady." Yu Yu led Lian Siyue all the way to the Shouning Hall, and bowed to her Bye, said.

"Okay, I get it, I'm here to wait for the Queen Mother to receive me." Lian Siyue said, she looked very calm, her sharp eyes looked around vigilantly, and her hands were secretly clenched in her sleeves.

After a while, Nanny Wen, the most powerful person beside the Empress Dowager, came in, followed by two maids, holding some food in their hands, Nanny Wen walked up to Lian Siyue, and said:
"Miss, this is specially ordered by the Empress Dowager to do it for you."

Lian Siyue watched quietly, only to see two maids bent over, putting bowls and dishes in front of her.

Mother Wen continued, "Miss fell into the water today, and the Empress Dowager was worried that you would catch a cold, so she specially made a bowl of ginger tea for you, as well as this plate of jujube cake, which she also ordered the Imperial Dining Room to make. "

Even Siyue didn't serve ginger tea or pastries, and said, "Siyue is deeply touched by the empress dowager's trouble."

"Then Miss, please drink this ginger tea while it's hot." Nanny Wen urged.

"It's just..." Lian Siyue said with a embarrassed expression on his face, "The empress dowager doesn't know something. I have been allergic to ginger since I was a child. I accidentally ate ginger last time. As a result, I was allergic and covered all over my body. I had a rash and fell into a coma for a day. Later, I asked the doctor to prescribe medicine and took it for three days. According to my mother, I looked like I was going to die at the time, and my family was frightened."

Lian Siyue shuddered as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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