First-class daughter

Chapter 407 Let it go

Chapter 407 Let it go
Chapter 407 Let it go
"Rou'er, don't worry!" Xiao Zhenhai hurriedly called the servant girl over to support her, and said, "Rou'er, you are right, the Fourth Highness is the future son-in-law of the father, and the father will try his best to save her, you Don't panic, take good care of your body."

"Yeah!" Xiao Rou nodded vigorously, "Your Highness will depend on your father."

Xiao Zhenhai hurried out of Xiao Guofu together with Xiao He, his face was extremely dignified, his brows were tightly knit together, and he said, "He'er, tell me about this in detail again."

"Yes, father."

On the carriage rushing to the palace, Xiao He said the matter again.

Xiao Zhenhai slapped his thigh suddenly, and said, "Your Highness the Fourth Highness has been duped by His Highness Ninth Highness and Lian Siyue! He'er, after you enter the palace, immediately find someone to investigate the whereabouts of that maid named Huizhi. Don't let the dead body go."

"Yes, father." Xiao He clenched his fists and said, "It is rare for His Majesty the Fourth Highness to have such a thoughtful mind. Not only that, but his strategy is also first-class, but he has repeatedly lost to the ninth prince." Your Highness and Lian Siyue!"

"It's just that they are too cunning. They pretended to be too good in the past. The foundation is buried much, much deeper than we imagined. It is difficult to pull it out!" Xiao Zhenhai said.

"Then what should we do?" Xiao He said, "I have been going to Yixiu Palace to teach the thirteen princesses how to practice swords, secretly observing and inquiring. Although the emperor never mentioned it in court, but according to the empress dowager, the emperor will soon appoint a new crown prince. Well, at present, it seems that the eighth and ninth princes have the best chance of winning, and the fourth prince has lost consecutive battles, which is no longer within the emperor's consideration."

A gloomy sneer appeared on Xiao Zhenhai's face, "Until the last moment, no one knows what will happen."

The carriage continued to move forward on the corridor, and the wheels made a sound.

At this moment, Yuqing Palace.

Emperor Zhou Cheng drank the medicine and lay down to rest, but the injury on his calf made him a little uncomfortable. He recruited Feng Degui, lost his temper, and said, "Immediately pass on my order to fill up the Quehu Lake! Suffering such injuries in your own palace."

Feng Degui wiped his forehead with sweat, and said, "Your Majesty, the late emperor once said that this sparrow lake is the foundation of the palace, and we must keep a corner to keep the four palaces safe."

"Keep the safety of the fourth palace? What happened to me today is really a shame and a shame! How can you be safe?"

"Your Majesty, Master Xuanwei is here!" At this moment, a voice came from outside the hall, and then a loud voice was heard, shouting——

"The Buddha of Infinite Life."

Then I saw a Taoist with immortal demeanor, wearing a white Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand.

When Emperor Zhou Cheng saw Master Xuanwei, he quickly sat up and said, "Why are you here, Master?"

The emperor believed in Taoism. A few years ago, he became obsessed with Taoism. He even invited Taoist priests into the palace. Together with Xiao Zhenhai and others, they planned to disintegrate Taoism.

Fearing that the emperor would be controlled by Taoist priests, the ministers of the court proposed to dismantle Taoist temples across the country and drive away all Taoist priests in Kyoto.

But at that time, some people, headed by His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, believed that the complete extermination of Taoism would be against the heavenly relationship and would make Buddhism dominant, so they proposed to keep some Taoist temples, and Buddhism and Taoism would develop together and check and balance each other. A bloody expulsion.

Master Xuanwei saluted Zhou Chengdi, saw that the emperor was injured, shook his head, and sighed, "Your Majesty, I didn't expect that the poor Taoist would be late. It seems that the emperor is destined to be in such a catastrophe, and it is really inevitable."

"Is there such a calamity in fate? What does the real person say?" Zhou Chengdi asked with his heart tightening.

"Don't worry, your majesty, this is the elixir that Pindao spent seven to 49 days refining, please take it first, your majesty." Daoist Xuanwei took out a blue medicine bottle from his bosom, and presented it with both hands.

"I just finished taking the elixir, and the real person sent it over. It just so happened that I was injured and needed this elixir urgently. Feng Degui, water." The emperor showed a happy expression on his face. After eating a elixir, he felt The throat is lubricated, and after a while, there is a sense of comfort throughout the body.

"How does the emperor feel?" Master Xuanwei asked.

"Very good! The real person has made merits in refining the elixir for me, and I will definitely reward you." The emperor's mood finally improved.

"Being able to concoct alchemy for the emperor came from several lifetimes of cultivation. The poor dare not ask for rewards from the emperor. Your majesty, in fact, the poor came here today, and the gift of pills is second. The most important thing is to relieve the emperor's disasters." .” Master Xuanwei’s expression was a little heavy.

"Eliminate disasters and solve difficulties? How do you say this?" Zhou Chengdi asked immediately when he thought of the sinking of the floating boat today, with a bit of urgency in his tone.

"Does your majesty still remember Lian Siyue, the concubine of the Lianxiang Mansion?" Daoist Xuanwei said with his eyes slightly closed, counting with his fingers.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, "Is my injury related to her?"

"Exactly." Master Xuanwei nodded.

"She did it to me! Could it be that the fourth son's analysis is correct?"

"No and no." Daoist Xuan Wei flicked the whisk in his hand, and said, "Your Majesty, do you still remember the miracle that she made the dead tree spring again? The hundred-year-old dead tree was born in spring because of her. When she left the prison for two days, The old tree had its foundation rotted because of this, and it collapsed."

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, "I am deeply impressed by this matter. I feel that she is extraordinary in both manner and appearance. I intend to bring her into the harem, but it is not yet ready, and I have to wait for a while."

Daoist Xuanwei sighed heavily, and said in a heavy tone, "Your Majesty, you absolutely must not do it! This woman is not an ordinary person, and the poor way has told her her fate, and her fate is not compatible with your Majesty's. If you think about it too much, you will definitely suffer disaster, what happened today is a warning from heaven to the emperor, the disaster can only be resolved if the emperor dispels this thought."

"Is there such a thing?" Zhou Chengdi's eyes showed a look of surprise, "Could it be that she is a disaster star? If she gets close to me, something will happen to me?"

"No, no, she is a lucky star. If it is a disaster star, how can a dead tree be rejuvenated? The poor man has calculated carefully, and there will be another person in the same fate, but this person is indeed not the emperor."

Zhou Chengdi pursed his lips tightly, thinking about it.

Master Xuanwei continued, "If the emperor refuses to let go, disasters will happen within ten days, and then there will be nothing the poor can do."

After a long time, Emperor Zhou Cheng finally sighed, and said, "That's all, since that's the case, I won't move this idea anymore, she's just a woman, and I'm not a king who makes me faint. Bring it up again."

"Your Majesty is wise and powerful, this is the blessing of the Great Zhou Dynasty, long live long live long live!" Daoist Xuanwei was overjoyed, knelt on the ground and shouted.

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He got off the carriage, crossed the Zhengyang Gate, and went straight to the Yuqing Palace, but on the way, they ran into Master Xuanwei head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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