Chapter 408
Chapter 408
Master Xuanwei saw Xiao Zhenhai, bowed slightly, and said respectfully, "The Duke is well, and the little Marquis is well."

"Hmph." Then, Xiao Zhenhai didn't pay attention to him, hummed lightly, and walked over to his side high-spiritedly, and said something contemptuously, "Little Taoist priest, pretend to be a ghost."

These words really reached Master Xuanwei's ears, but he didn't get angry, instead, with a look of indifferent smile on his face, he walked out along the corridor with a whisk in his hand.

After entering the palace, Xiao He secretly went to look for the two slaves who executed Huizhi for the Queen Mother, while Xiao Zhenhai went straight to Yuqing Palace. When he arrived at Yuqing Palace, he saw Lian Yanqing outside the palace waiting to be received.

The two looked at each other, then Feng Degui came out and said:
"The emperor invites the two adults to go in."


The two walked in side by side. When they saw Emperor Zhou Cheng sitting on the dragon couch with white gauze wrapped around his head and left calf, they both knelt down and said:

"The minister is late, the minister deserves death, the emperor please punish him."

Emperor Zhou Cheng glanced at the two men, and said, "You two lovers, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The two stood up.

Xiao Zhenhai had a pained and regretful expression on his face, with a line of tears flowing from his eyes, he choked up and said, "I'm so damned, the emperor's pain can't be shared half of it, the emperor should not work hard in the near future, take good rest and take care of the dragon's body."

"It's nothing serious, Ai Qing doesn't need to worry too much." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"The emperor's body is what I miss the most. If the emperor is suffering, I will not be able to eat well or sleep well. The emperor must take care of the dragon's body." Xiao Zhenhai said affectionately.

Lian Yanqing gave Xiao Zhenhai a silent look, and said sarcastically in his heart, "Well, you poisonous scorpion, you really know how to act, a big man, tears will come as soon as you say it."

"Lian Xiang, Lian Xiang, you really gave birth to a good daughter!" At this time, Xiao Zhenhai suddenly changed the subject, and pointed the finger at Lian Siyue, showing a sad and angry smile.

Lian Yanqing's complexion darkened, and he said displeasedly, "The emperor has already found out what Xiao Guogong meant by this. This matter has nothing to do with my Yue'er, so be careful if you talk nonsense."

"But because of her, it is a fact that His Highness the Fourth Highness was imprisoned in the Ministry of Punishment. Isn't it the credit of your good daughter Lian Siyue to disturb the discord between the emperor and his son?" Xiao Zhenhai said with a cold snort.

Even Yanqing retorted, not to be outdone, "Duke Xiao said this to excuse His Highness the Fourth Highness. Everyone knows that His Royal Highness is the Duke's son-in-law riding a dragon. This time, Duke Xiao entered the palace probably not because he was thinking about the dragon body of the Emperor. It's for saving His Highness the Fourth Highness."

"The Prime Minister's remarks are biased. I'm just seeking truth from facts."

"Whether it is to seek truth from facts or to fabricate facts, Xiao Guogong knows it in his heart."

The two important officials of the court just quarreled in front of the emperor. No one would back down when you said something to each other. They all used the pretense of quarreling to clear up the suspicion for their daughter and son-in-law in front of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, according to my opinion, Lian Siyue is not an easy matter. Every major event is related to her. I implore the emperor to detain Lian Siyue immediately and interrogate this matter again."

"Your Majesty, Xiao Guogong has ulterior motives. In the name of caring for the Emperor, he actually seeks his own benefit. Your Majesty has learned from you!"

"Okay!" Emperor Zhou Cheng finally spoke, looked at the two courtiers in front of him, and said, "The two most important ministers of civil and military affairs in the imperial court, my most important right-hand man and right-hand man, are at this moment sitting on my bed like ordinary common people. What a shame to keep arguing in front of you!"

"..." The two stopped their quarrel and stood in front of the emperor with their heads bowed.

Lian Yanqing knelt on the ground and said, "My minister is terrified. Although this matter has nothing to do with my daughter, she was on the same boat as the emperor at that time, but she failed to do her best to protect the emperor. It is a serious crime to let the emperor fall into the water. I ask the emperor to punish you."

Emperor Zhou Cheng laughed when he heard this, "She's only so old, she's still a girl."

"Seeing that the emperor has been injured, my minister... I feel really uncomfortable." Lian Yanqing lowered his head, panicking.

"The matter has come to this point, you two don't need to worry too much, and you must not publicize my injuries to the outside world. I only interviewed you two, and I am still in good health to the outside world." Zhou Chengdi confessed.

"I understand." The two replied at the same time.

"As for the daughter of the Lian family, it really has nothing to do with this matter. Don't mention it again in the future." Zhou Chengdi ordered again.


"Your Majesty, Your Highness Fourth..." Xiao Zhenhai said.

"Don't mention that traitor!" Speaking of Emperor Feng Qianyue, he lost his temper, interrupted Xiao Zhenhai, and said, "The analysis of the matter of my falling into the water is convincing and convincing, but in order to find evidence to frame Lian's daughter, unexpectedly Watching me fall into the water and not go to the lake to save people, in his mind, the evidence is more important than me, how can I get close to such a cold-hearted person."

"After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai quickly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Fourth Highness has always been filial. This time there must be a misunderstanding. Your Majesty clearly learned..."

"Okay! Don't say any more, I'm tired, you all go down, I'm going to rest for a few days, let the eighth son and the ninth son manage the political affairs hall together, and you two will help." Zhou Chengdi raised his hand, signaling them to leave. go.

"Yes, the emperor wants to rest and recuperate, and I will retire." Xiao Lian and the two couldn't say anything more forcefully, and bowed and retreated.

Emperor Zhou Cheng leaned on the dragon couch, and suddenly recalled some past events in his mind. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Feng Degui, at what age did the fourth son return to Huayang Palace from the maid's house?"

Feng Degui twirled his fingers to calculate, and said, "Back to the emperor, I remember that when the fourth highness was five years old, the empress empress came forward to pick him up, and passed under the empress's name, but because the prince and the eleventh princess are not yet adults, the empress The empress doesn't care about that much, the Fourth Highness lived in Huayang Palace by himself when he was six years old, watched by the nanny and maids, and left the palace at the age of 12."

"I lived in the servant room with that court lady until I was five years old, and guarded a palace by myself since I was six years old, and then left the palace at the age of 12. Feng Degui, this must be a very cold and cruel person, so I have not been able to do it all these years. Get close to him." Zhou Chengdi recalled in a trance the first time he saw Feng Qianyue's son, when he first left the lower part and came to the inner palace, the five-year-old child's eyes did not show any curiosity, calm and quiet unlike this age people.

Lian Jue and Lian Siyue went back to Xiangfu all the way, just after entering the door, the Thai Nanny who came to greet her said, "Miss, there is a new Nanny Sun in Miss San's room, it was sent by the wife of Xiao's family Yes, it is said that Mrs. Xiao has left, and everyone who can take care of the third lady sent this grandma here, and she will be in the old lady's room."

"Heh, there are quite a lot of tricks. If I can't come back, I will send a nanny." Lian Jue snorted coldly, "I'm exhausted, and I can't play tricks even if I play around."

(End of this chapter)

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