First-class daughter

Chapter 409 Do You Like Him

Chapter 409 Do You Like Him
Chapter 409 Do You Like Him
"The more you are exhausted, the more tricky you will be." Lian Siyue said indifferently.

"Sister, don't worry about this, go back and rest first." Lian Jue said.

"Well, Jue'er, you can come back too."

The two separated and went to their own yards, but Lian Siyue happened to meet Mrs. Xiao on the way. It seemed that they had settled with the old lady and were about to leave.

"Madam Xiao." Lian Siyue saluted and said.

"You guys go first, Madam Ben will arrive later." Madam Xiao said to the servants on the left and right.

"Mommy Tai, you should lead everyone back first." Lian Siyue knew that Mrs. Xiao had something to say to her.

After all the servants left, Mrs. Xiao looked at Lian Siyue and said, "Xiaoshan has been destroyed by you, and now its future is lost. In our Xiao family, women don't care, as long as you don't touch Xiaohe and Xiao I won't make a move, but if you touch Xiaohe and Xiaohu's head, I, Lu Xi, will definitely not sit idly by!"

"Mrs. Xiao, I am a person who repays revenge, repays injustice, and repays kindness. I don't care what I do. The most important thing is what the three young masters in your family will do." Lian Siyue had a faint smile on her face. I mean, said.

"After all, you are a person who has never been a mother. You still can't understand the meaning of a sentence. A mother is strong, and a mother is strong. I can do anything for my children. Today's words are advice and warnings. It's up to you whether you listen or not. Not every one of your opponents will be as stupid as Xiao Xianmin." After speaking, Mrs. Xiao turned around with a cold expression.

"Mrs. Xiao, since you reminded me, in return, I will also remind you." Lian Siyue's words successfully prevented Mrs. Xiao from continuing to move forward. She turned her head and asked:
"Back then, when the Great Zhou entered the customs, in order to quickly eliminate the power of the former dynasty, the emperor adopted a soft policy to recruit and surrender widely. Wang Limao and the three were stationed in Pingzhou, Qingnan and Guangping respectively.

Today, these three vassal kings are still governing themselves in their respective fiefs, and they still have a tendency to expand. They have already formed a considerable threat to the imperial court, and the imperial court has just defeated Daliao, and its strength is already stronger than when it entered the customs Many, in a year or two, the industry, commerce, agriculture and weaving will all develop and the national treasury will be full. Then it will be time for the emperor to put down the three vassals.Among the three kings, your father, King Anping, is the most powerful, so at that time, King Anping will be the most important thing that the emperor will suppress and recover.

Xiao Guogong and Xiao Houye have outstanding military exploits, they are the most powerful generals in the imperial court, and they must be the main choices of the emperor to sell the vassal. I wonder how the Xiao Guogui will choose at that time?The emperor and the father-in-law, oh no, not only the father-in-law, but also the benefactor, Bole, which one will he choose? "

"You, who are you?" Mrs. Xiao's originally calm expression finally collapsed after hearing Lian Siyue's words. She turned around abruptly and asked,
With a slight smile on Lian Siyue's lips, she said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that Mrs. Xiao can think carefully about whether what I said is true." In fact, there is another fact that even Siyue did not say that in the previous life, Xiao Zhenhai knew that the emperor had made up his mind to eradicate King Anping, so he chose to be loyal to Emperor Zhou Cheng without hesitation, killed his wife, and became the leader of the vassal reduction. Power has reached its peak.

Seeing Mrs. Xiao's pale face, Lian Siyue knew that the effect had been initially achieved, so she turned around and went back to Xianheyuan.

Mrs. Xiao stood where she was, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time. She was not an ignorant woman in the backyard. Before she married Xiao Zhenhai, she also went to war with her father. Regarding state affairs, her father did not shy away from her being a daughter. Therefore, she Knows about the affairs of the court——

And the most frightening thing was that she knew that what Lian Siyue said was the truth.

"Ma'am, ma'am..." The maid on the side yelled several times before she came back to her senses and said——

"It's okay, go back."

She walked out of Xiang's mansion step by step, feeling a chill down her spine.

Lian Siyue went back to Xianheyuan to wash up, then lay down and rested, and fell asleep until the sun was high, and when she got up to eat, Lian Shiya came to her in a hurry.

Seeing her eager and angry expression, and her lameness, Lian Siyue asked, "Third sister, what happened, so anxious?"

"Elder Sister, to be honest, is it related to you that His Royal Highness was arrested by the emperor?" Lian Shiya stared at her closely, with a cluster of anger burning in her eyes. If it was usual, she would have jumped up and bit her. , but today is different from the past, when my mother left, she also reminded her to never confront Lian Siyue head-on, wait for the opportunity, and kill her with one bite.

However, as soon as she heard what happened to His Royal Highness Fourth Highness and Lian Siyue in the palace yesterday, she couldn't sit still, and ran to question directly regardless of Nanny Sun's obstruction.

"Third sister, first of all, this is the emperor's decision, and the one who is closed is the prince. Am I so powerful? Secondly, this is a matter in the palace. Although the emperor didn't say it, he will not allow people to go around bluffing." Shout, you'd better pay attention." Lian Siyue glanced at her and said coolly.

"..." Seeing her indifferent look, Lian Shiya really wanted to slap her in the face and tear off that noble and arrogant face, "Eldest sister, others don't know, but I know for sure. I fell into your trap, didn't I? Why are you so cruel to him? Where did he offend you? What good does it do you?"

Lian Siyue looked Lian Shiya up and down with her eyes, and asked, "Third Sister, I am not mistaken, you are so anxious for the Fourth Highness, isn't the Fourth Highness Xiao Rou's fiancé-in-law?"

Lian Shiya was taken aback when she heard this, with an embarrassing expression on her face, she said in embarrassment, "I just think that you always have conflicts with those relatives of the emperor, which will have a bad influence on the Prime Minister's house, although the Fourth Prince Now he is only the king of the county, but at least he is the emperor's own son, and the emperor will never want his own son."

Seeing Lian Shiya's expression of red and white, white and red, Lian Siyue couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.
In the past, Lian Shiya was such a lofty and arrogant person. Her goal was the queen. Not to mention a county king, even the eighth prince, the ninth prince, etc. would not look down on her. She only stared at the queen who ascended the throne That person, the rest are not good enough for her, and now that the Fourth Highness is in such a state of desperation, she is actually anxious to become like this.

"Hehe..." She couldn't help chuckling.

Lian Shiya's face darkened, and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Third sister has fallen in love with His Highness Fourth?" Lian Siyue blinked and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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