Chapter 413
Chapter 413
Night Breeze approached Feng Yunzheng and whispered, "Your Highness, it seems that it's time to divide the income of Jingxi Shop again."

Feng Yunzheng stopped immediately, his eyes lit up, and the smile in his eyes was so sweet that it was about to overflow. He patted Night Breeze on the shoulder and said, "It's useful to keep you."

"..." Night Breeze was silent, and he couldn't help mourning for himself. Dare to say that his current role is only to find a way for his master to meet his sweetheart. idea.

He's a killer, a killer, a killer!It's still the kind that kills people without blinking an eye.

"Immediately notify the second shopkeeper to come to Jingxi shop to settle last winter's account, oh no, the big shopkeeper, she is the big shopkeeper." Feng Yunzheng quickly jumped into the carriage and ordered Ye Feng to say.

"Yes, my lord." Night Breeze folded his arms around his chest, seeing that his master was happy like a child again, and he no longer had to frown because the eldest lady was missed by the emperor, he felt very happy in his heart.

Jingxi shop.

The first floor displays pieces of expensive tailor-made clothes for distinguished customers. Occasionally, customers come into the store to look at the clothes and inquire about the price. The second floor is a place where only very expensive customers can enter. Enter the secret room.

Lian Siyue was sitting in front of the table, with account books, abacus, etc. in front of her. Mo Liniang, the nominal owner of the store, stood aside quietly, opened these account books, and introduced them to her in detail, saying:

"Miss, this is the account book of Dongyue of the Jingxi shop, this is from the rice shop, this is from the silk shop, and this is from the salt shop..."

Lian Siyue looked down at the thick account books in front of her. Such a thick account book seemed to be a large sum of money.

That's right, now her property is not only this Jingxi shop, on the contrary, the harvest of Jingxi shop is only a very small part of it, and most of the income comes from the rice, silk, and salt that Feng Yunzheng has gradually dabbled in for more than half a year. And other industries, and with the experience of the previous life, every industry he dabbled in was successful in the end. Now this Jingxi shop is just a cover, and the huge profit chain behind him has already had unimaginable influence.

With these wealth, he can let go to do many things.

And a large part of these industries was intercepted by Feng Yunzheng from Feng Qianyue as a businessman. Every time he invested in a new industry, he would pull Lian Siyue together to share the money with her.

According to him, he used the joint profit of the two people in Jingxi Shop as the capital to start other industries. Naturally, the new industry also has her part, and every time it comes to settle the accounts, Mo Liniang will put all the books in Let her have a look first.

She is not greedy for the money in her heart, but by reading the account books, she can understand and learn a lot, and even gain a deeper understanding of the court's policies. This is very important to her, so every time it is time to look at the accounts, she will She would go to ask Lian's mother for instructions, and the Jingxi shop used it as an excuse to buy new season clothes for the aunts and sisters in the house. Lian's mother trusted her, and usually her request for instructions would be approved.

While looking at the accounts, Lian Siyue calculated the expenses and income with Mo Liniang, and finally she suddenly discovered——

"In the past few months, the income from silk has quadrupled, and the price of silk has already reached such a high price?" She asked in surprise.

"Because the channel for selling silk by sea was opened in the second half of last year, our silk was introduced to Persia, Korea, and Japan via sea ships. These countries were impressed by the charm of our silk, and silk sold well there. So their Merchants traveled thousands of miles to the land of Wuyue (now Jiangsu and Zhejiang) to buy silk, which resulted in rare goods. Therefore, the price of silk quadrupled in a short period of time, and the price of silk, such as brocade, quadrupled at most. .”

At the moment when Lian Siyue was full of doubts, a clear and pleasant voice came from the door, Lian Siyue raised her head from the account book, and saw Feng Yunzheng, dressed in a white brocade robe, walking in like a gentleman, Said.

"Your Highness..." Seeing the master, Mo Liniang took a step back and bowed to pay her respects.

"If the profit of silk is so high, wouldn't many people flock to it? The supply of brocade silk will be in short supply, and the fields for growing mulberry trees will not be enough." Lian Siyue put down the account book in his hand, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, said.

Feng Yunzheng showed an expression of extreme admiration on his face, and said, "You always hit the nail on the head when you think about problems, and I have to admire it. You are right. Two days ago, the ministers in the political affairs hall devoted themselves to the issue of silk. It's been a whole day."

When Mo Liniang saw that His Highness Ninth Prince and Missy were discussing formalities, she quietly retreated without disturbing the two of them.

Feng Yunzheng continued, "Most of the officials believe that the common people should change their farmland into mulberry fields and vigorously plant mulberry trees to raise silkworms. Your father also very much agrees with this move and has put forward many practical suggestions for this."

"What about you, Your Highness, do you agree?" Lian Siyue asked.

"The price of silk is so high, which means that the income of the imperial court will also increase accordingly, so the ministers came up with this suggestion, which is very in line with the expectations of the emperor.

Only in this way, the farmland will be reduced, and the food will be reduced. The common people will have to buy food to eat, and the price of food will also rise. Therefore, although the income of the imperial court has increased, it is still the common people who suffer. "

Lian Siyue nodded, "His Highness's analysis is extremely accurate, and I'm afraid that someone will take the opportunity to enrich their own pockets and exploit the common people."

"Wu Shimian, who was sent by my father to be in charge of silk in the Wuyue area, is Xiao Zhenhai's man." Feng Yunzheng said with a faint smile on his face.

"Your Highness means that this is Xiao Zhenhai's strategy? He purposely seeks out what he likes in front of the emperor, and uses this method to increase the court's income?" Lian Siyue finally understood the deep meaning.

"Xiao Zhenhai, a poisonous scorpion, naturally won't let go of such a good opportunity. Not only does he want to please his father, but he might even do some tricks in it." Feng Yunzheng said with a smile, with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"His foundation is too deep, and it is not a matter of a day or two to shake the foundation."

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng said, "Every time I see you, you are surrounded by conspiratorial weapons. Now that we have met for a while so easily, I won't talk about it. Leave this kind of thing to me. I came here to tell you good news." He blinked his warm eyes lightly, and said with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, what is the good news?" The good news that can make Feng Yunzheng so comfortable is worth hearing.

"Father will never have the idea of ​​letting you enter the palace again." Feng Yunzheng briefly talked about Xuanwei Daoist and Qilin, and said, "From now on, you can grow up with confidence. "

(End of this chapter)

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