First-class daughter

Chapter 414 I suspect fake

Chapter 414 I suspect fake
Chapter 414 I suspect fake
Lian Siyue finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, she was not afraid of what Emperor Zhou Cheng could do to her, but the emperor had never looked at her a few times in the previous life, and in this life——

This matter is really beyond her imagination, and it is also a tricky matter, which will hinder her path of revenge to a certain extent, but now His Royal Highness has resolved this matter once and for all, and it will be much more convenient for her to act in the future .

She looked at Feng Yunzheng, with gratitude in her eyes, and said, "I would like to thank Your Highness the Ninth Prince for this matter. After removing this obstacle, it will be much more convenient in the future."

"Hey..." Feng Yunzheng sighed suddenly, staring quietly at Lian Siyue, and said, "On the one hand, I am relieved, but on the other hand, I am even more worried."

She is becoming more and more refined. Today, she is wearing a light green long dress with elegant orchids embroidered on the cuffs and a row of auspicious clouds patterned with silver thread on the hem. Her skin is as soft as warm jade, and her slightly parted lips are as plump as cherries. Fresh and tender, every frown and smile is touching, and her natural and cool temperament makes her so different.

At this time, Mo Liniang came in, holding a tray in her hand, and there was a cloak in it, and said, "Miss, the cloak you embroidered last time has been processed for you, please take a look."

I saw that this bird gold cloak was made of high-quality materials, exquisite and luxurious, and the workmanship was fine, but at first glance, it was a man's thing. Feng Yunzheng had a silent smile on his face, with a trace of expectation in his heart.

Lian Siyue took it over and said with satisfaction, "The processed part is well done, Jue'er must like it."

Ah, it turned out to be for Lian Jue, the look of anticipation on Feng Yunzheng's face receded, and when Lian Siyue looked at the details on the cloak so seriously, he coughed lightly and held his breath slightly. He lifted his chin, looked elsewhere, and said, "I seem to need a new cloak too."

"This time, there is a new batch of cloaks. Let His Highness choose them first and then sell them. I will let people bring all the cloaks." Mo Liniang said hastily.

"Tsk..." Feng Yunzheng let out a dissatisfied voice, and Mo Liniang was taken aback for a moment.

"Let me sew, you go and give me some fine brocade, the color is more plain, and the embroidery thread is mainly blue and white." At this time, even Siyue said lightly, she did not look at Feng Yunzheng, her eyes Still staying on the cloak of Lianjue.

"..." Feng Yunzheng laughed immediately after hearing this.

It was only then that Mo Liniang realized that her negligence just now had almost ruined His Highness the Ninth Prince's event. It was the first time she had seen His Highness the Ninth Prince's appearance like this. It was far from that indifferent and unfathomable image. He suddenly found that he was a warm man when he was with the eldest lady.

She pursed her lips, held back the smile on her face, and said, "Yes, miss, I will prepare the materials and embroidery threads you need right now."

"Yue'er, in fact, I don't just need a new cloak, shoes, boots, robes, oh, and a cloak...all need new ones." Feng Yunzheng said deliberately.

"There are so many, let Mo Liniang take them directly from the shop." Lian Siyue said this on purpose.

"Hehe, hahaha..." Feng Yunzheng was in a good mood, and couldn't help laughing, "A big cloak is enough."

In fact, how could he be willing to let her work as these female workers every day. This female worker hurts her eyes and is afraid of accidentally pricking her fingers.

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at our master..." Night Breeze whispered, "I succeeded, my heart is full of joy."

Leng Mei was different from him. He just waited outside wholeheartedly, without saying a word, not even showing any expression on his face, and didn't respond to Night Breeze talking nonsense.

Night Breeze turned his head, looked at her, turned his head, and looked at her again. He noticed his gaze with cold eyebrows, gave him a cold look, and said in a cold tone, "Why do you look at me so often?"

"Wait." Night Breeze said, and walked downstairs quickly. When he came up again, he had an extra apricot-yellow gold thread gauze dress in his hand, and handed it to Leng Mei, saying, "You either It's men's clothes, or it's the clothes of a servant girl in the Xiangfu, this one is for you, as Mammy Ru said, all girls like beautiful clothes, and you are no exception."

In his impression, Leng Mei was the same as him, growing up like a man, the training he had received, the scars on his body, Leng Mei was no less than her, even, she almost died once.

Leng Mei frowned slowly, and did not reach out to touch the gauze skirt.

"I didn't take it in His Highness's name, I bought it with my own money." Night Breeze said, raising his eggplant bag (money bag).

"Shua." A sharp dagger suddenly slid out of Leng Mei's sleeve, and it was pressed against his neck. His eyes were cold, his eyes were slightly squinted, and a cold breath overflowed, and he said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Hey, you, swords don't have eyes, be careful, I didn't want to do anything." Night Breeze was startled, and the gauze skirt in his hand slipped to the ground.

"Say!" Leng Mei took a step forward, and the dagger pressed closer to his neck, and asked.

"...I, I just wanted to buy you a dress, so His Highness bought one..."

"Shua" sounded again, Leng Mei retracted the dagger, without even looking at the gauze skirt, said coldly, "I don't need it, I'm a killer, don't do this kind of thing again in the future."

"..." Night Breeze swallowed, looked at the gauze skirt on the ground, a chill rose up his back, and said, "I know, I know."

Leng Mei turned around, leaving him with a cold... lonely back.

After Lian Siyue came back from the Jingxi shop, she took back the beautiful and luxurious spring clothes as usual, and asked Mother Tai to lead the people, and sent them to each room. Everyone was very happy to get them.

Mrs. Liu also specially came to Xianheyuan, caught Lian Siyue who was about to go in to rest, and said, "Siyue, your spring clothes are really good, and it will be Uncle (Lian Yanqing's) birthday in a few days." , your grandmother is going to make a big fuss in the mansion, and I am worried that I have no clothes to wear, and you just sent it here, it is like sending charcoal in the middle of the snow."

Lian Siyue said, "As long as Third Aunt likes it."

"It's just that I still lack a pair of shoes that can match. I looked at the Jingxi store a few days ago, but it is said that there is a buyer for that pair of shoes. Although I can afford money to buy them, I dare not buy them. Last time, Lian Shiya, that unlucky ghost, provoked someone who can't be offended." Liu Shi said, laughing out loud.

"It's easy, I'll ask Qingdai to come and choose a more suitable and better-looking pair for my third aunt." Lian Siyue always had a faint smile in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liu was overjoyed, and said a little embarrassedly, "That's really... really embarrassing."

"Third Aunt, you don't need to be polite. We are all a family, just a pair of shoes. It is more important that Third Aunt is happy."

Liu Shi heard what Lian Siyue said, as if she wanted to repay her, she sneaked close to her ear and said, "Siyue, there is something I have to tell you..." She said, looked around, lowered her The voice said, "I suspect that Mrs. Xiao is a fake pregnancy."

(End of this chapter)

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