First-class daughter

Chapter 421 You Forgot

Chapter 421 You Forgot
Chapter 421 You Forgot
Xiao Zhenhai smiled, today he would personally go out and let her know what the word Xiao Zhenhai means.

"Uncle, cousin..." Lian Shiya gracefully walked in front of Xiao Zhenhai, nodded and said respectfully.

Xiao Zhenhai looked up at her, nodded, with a satisfied expression on his face, and said, "En." At the end, he took another look at her, and asked, "Are you ready?"

"En." Lian Shiya understood.

"Master, old madam..." At this time, the family member of the Lianfu hurried in and said, "Ahead, the people in front have said, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is here with Lady Zhaoyi and the Princess."

What?The emperor is here?

Immediately, everyone was shocked, the emperor came to attend Lianxiang's birthday banquet in person, this Lianxiang's status in the court seemed to surpass Xiao Guogong!
Lian Yanqing was both surprised and delighted, he hurriedly said to Lian's nephew, hurry up, get ready, go to the gate and kneel down to meet him.

So he and Lian's mother hurried back to the inner room and changed their clothes. Lian's mother changed into a first-grade imperial lady's crown dress, and with the support of Nanny Song and Huang Cen, she hurried to the door and knelt at the door with her sons. Ready to meet.

Lian Jue and Lian Siyue, the legitimate son and daughter, knelt at the back, all the officials, big and small, in the banquet hall knelt to greet them, and all the princes and princesses went to the gate to greet them, kneeling on the ground one by one——

"The Emperor is here!"

About two quarters later, a carriage with a bright yellow roof appeared in everyone's eyes. In front of it was the imperial guards led by Jiang Keji, the leader of the imperial guards in the palace. The emperor probably didn't want to be too high-profile, so there were not many people accompanying him.

After a while, the car curtain was lifted, and Zhou Chengdi, who was dressed in a crimson-purple gown with a collar and narrow sleeves, came out with a pleasing expression on his face. Unique majesty.

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

Everyone knelt down angrily and shouted loudly. Suddenly, the high-pitched voice resounded throughout the Xiangfu.

"Pingshen." Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."

Lian Yanqing bowed forward, prostrated himself on the ground, his eyes were red, and he said with gratitude, "Your Majesty, I am really terrified. With such great love, I, I can only report it if I am so heartbroken."

"Lian Xiang has devoted all his energy to the court. It is only right for me to come here to celebrate your birthday, hahaha." The emperor took a step forward, lifted Lian Yanqing up with one hand, and said to Lian's mother——

"Madam please get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Lian's mother's voice trembled a little. This was the first time that the emperor was present to celebrate a subject's birthday in person. This was a great honor for the Lian family.

Lian Siyue lowered her head and raised her eyes slightly to wait and see. I have to say that although Emperor Zhou Cheng was not a wise emperor, he was very good at using the art of emperor balance.

Immediately afterwards, even Zhaoyi and the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao also appeared in the eyes of everyone, and got out of the carriage with the help of the mother.

Surprisingly, the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, who was thrown into the cold palace with the abolished queen, also appeared in the eyes of everyone. Her dress was much simpler than that of the thirteenth princess.

"Ling Yue'er..." Xiao He was taken aback, why is she here?His brows were slightly frowned. Unimaginable and uncontrollable things will happen today. He will personally participate in these things. He doesn't want her to see his cruel side at all.

The moment Lian Jue saw the Eleventh Princess, after being surprised, he showed her a bright smile. Seeing this smile in the eyes of the Eleventh Princess, her heart trembled slightly, and she couldn't help twisting the handkerchief in her hand, and then But she turned her face away slightly, not looking at him anymore, Lian Jue froze for a moment, the smile on her face froze.

"Lian Jue!" At this moment, the emperor suddenly looked at Lian Jue in front of everyone and shouted.

"Jue'er, why don't you kneel down and worship the emperor!" Seeing that Lian Jue was in a daze, Lian Yanqing reprimanded softly.

Lian Jue came back to his senses, bowed, nodded and said, "Lian Jue pays homage to the emperor." This man is his biological father, and perhaps, they will never recognize each other in their lifetime. Thinking of this, the fist in Lian Jue's sleeve Hold it secretly.

"Hahaha, get up, Lianxiang, your son, the future is going to be great." The emperor actually praised this young man who has no fame in front of everyone, which made Lian Yanqing overjoyed, but Xiao Zhenhai's face darkened. Shen, in the entire capital, his son is the most dazzling, and it's no one else's turn, let alone the brat in front of him!

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng looked at each other involuntarily, and a message that only each other could understand flashed in their eyes.

After the emperor took his seat, the banquet officially began.

Lian Mu has temporarily asked the troupe to change the repertoire of the opera to "The Queen Mother's Peach Banquet" and "Mu Guiying in Command" to express her gratitude and loyalty to the queen mother and the emperor.

Those delicate maids in water red satin dresses and stone blue cotton skirts shuttled back and forth between the banquet in an orderly manner, serving food one by one according to each person's level and taste.

Everyone talked and laughed at Yan Yan, having fun.

Lian Zhaoyi was sitting beside the emperor, with a slight smile on her face. She seemed to be the concubine Shu, who sat beside the emperor contentedly. The emperor said a few words, which made the emperor smile again and again.

Lian Siyue looked at Lian Zhaoyi indifferently, with a trace of sarcasm overflowing from the corner of her eyes, she far surpassed the original Xiao Shi in her family with this patience.

After Lian Jue was seated, he couldn't help but look at Princess Eleven again, and saw her sitting beside her elder sister Lian Siyue talking to her, and then saw her saying a few words to the maid beside her, and then got up walked out.

"Master..." Sijiu called out when he noticed that the young master was distracted, but Lian Jue had already left his seat and walked out.

Princess Eleven's state of mind was no longer the same as before. She was in the hall for a while, but she felt out of breath. After walking around for a while, she was ready to go back.

"Princess!" However, as soon as she turned around, she saw the icy blue figure, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Lian Jue's picturesque face. She was taken aback, turned around and left.

"Hey, princess!" Lian Jue walked over quickly with his slender legs, walked up to her, and said, "Why do you run away when you see me?"

Princess Eleven's face was a little hot. She turned her face away, but there was a hint of pride on her face, and she said, "I said, I will never see you again, did you forget?"

"Pfft..." Lian Jue couldn't help laughing.

Princess Eleven was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, stared dissatisfiedly at the person in front of her, and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Hey!" Lian Jue sighed, and said, "What a child-like person, so firmly remember what he said when he was angry, princess, I have forgotten those words, princess, you should forget too, we They are still so young, and they won’t die, so how could we never see each other again.”

(End of this chapter)

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