First-class daughter

Chapter 422 No Playing the Piano

Chapter 422 No Playing the Piano
Chapter 422 No Playing the Piano
"You really think so? Don't you think I'm a person who doesn't mean anything?"

"Yeah!" Lian Jue nodded seriously, and said, "The words of never seeing each other again don't need to be taken as an oath, it's just something you say when you're angry, are you right?"

The Eleventh Princess paused for a moment after hearing this, and then slowly revealed a little joy on her face, then coughed lightly, put on a serious look, and said, "Hey, since you said that, the princess will take it back to life." Well, the phrase 'we will never see each other again' is invalid from now on." After she finished speaking, she laughed.

"Okay, that's the deal, haha." Lian Jue laughed together with her when she saw that she was showing the proud look of a princess as before.

She is still so optimistic. The life in the cold palace has not smoothed her edges and corners. She is like a thriving palm of fire, living unyieldingly. The environment in the palace is complicated. She has not been knocked down, but she has not learned to intrigue.

Eleventh Princess's smile slowly froze, her heart trembled slightly, her wind-like eyes fell leisurely on Lian Jue's bright face, he was smiling, his smile was as bright as a spring flower, and as bright as an autumn moon Passionate, but she saw it in her eyes, but felt pain in her heart.

"Lian Jue, you...have a hard time every day." She asked suddenly.

I like my own sister——

Carrying such unbearable feelings, yet unable to escape, and seeing that person every day, hiding such sweet and painful feelings, how hard it must be in my heart.

She spoke right to his heart!The smile on Lian Jue's face slowly froze on his face, and a trace of deep loneliness was released from his eyes. Only with her, he could unabashedly release his feelings for his sister.

"Princess..." Lian Jue's voice was trembling.

There were tears in Princess Eleven's eyes, but a smile appeared on her face, "I know, you can't tell anyone, it must be very painful to hide in your heart, you can tell me, I said before that I was afraid I would I can't help but tell others your secret, but now I know that I'm grown up and mature, and I will keep this secret for you, and I won't tell anyone."

Poor princess, in fact, you only know half of the secret, and I can't tell you the other half.

"Princess, thank you." He stood in front of her, and when the breeze blew, he said to her, his voice dissipated in the air with the wind.

"The banquet has begun, let's go in." The eleventh princess lowered her head and walked in front of him.

"Princess..." Seeing her leaving back, Lian Jue called out.

"Lianjue..." Princess Eleven turned around, and she happened to be standing under a peach blossom tree. The bright red flowers reflected her face, making her more delicate than flowers.

"Then you must have worked hard too." She used to be such a proud person.

A vain smile appeared on Princess Eleven's face, she shook her head, and said, "I don't work hard, I'm fine, I'm used to it, I like doing things very much now, carrying water, washing clothes, washing dishes, I like them all , Lian Jue, don't feel guilty, as I said, you can't change anything, so don't feel sorry, this has nothing to do with you, it's a matter between my father and queen, and I am their daughter. "

With that said, Princess Eleven turned around, stopped staying, and entered the banquet hall.

Xiao He watched Feng Lingyue and Lian Jue coming in one after the other, and he found that Ling Yue'er's face seemed to be a little strange, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

In the hall, the banquet continued and the music played. Everyone left their seats one by one and congratulated Lian Yanqing on his birthday. Lian Yanqing stood up and toasted with everyone. The whole banquet was full of joy and harmony.

Lian Shiya watched the banquet gradually come to a climax, and felt that the time had come. She hadn't been in the limelight at the banquet for a long time, so how could she let go of this excellent opportunity today? The song she practiced for so long must be Have a go today.

Thinking of this, she stood up and quietly walked out of the hall, where Grandma Sun was waiting outside, Qiu Jing and Bai Wei were holding a guqin in their hands.

"Miss San." Nanny Sun stepped forward, "Are you ready?"

"It's alright, this time, I'm going to overwhelm everyone with skill, and make Lian Siyue unable to lift her head up in shame!" Lian Shiya's eyes showed a hint of undisguised ambition, as well as a little wishful thinking in her heart——

Today, although Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue did not come, her performance today will always reach his ears.

"You two, take the guqin in for Miss San. Miss San, you have practiced hard for more than a month. Tonight, everyone will impress you. This old slave has heard the sound of Miss San's piano before. Yes." Nanny Sun said encouragingly to Lian Shiya.

"You're right, Nanny Sun." Lian Shiya nodded vigorously, "It's time to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while."

"Stop!" However, when she turned around and was about to walk into the hall with Guqin, there was a voice of order behind her.

Looking back, I saw that Mrs. Liu of the third bedroom came over in luxurious clothes, surrounded by maidservants and mother-in-law.

"Third Aunt." Lian Shiya called out politely.

Liu stopped in front of her, looked Lian Shiya up and down, and finally landed on the guqin, and asked indifferently, "What are you doing?"

Lian Shiya frowned slightly, and said, "Third Aunt, today is my father's birthday party. To show my filial piety, although my piano skills are excellent, I still practiced hard for a month. Now this song "Ping An "Sha Luoyan" has reached a state of perfection, and my father will definitely enjoy it very much, it used to be his favorite song."

"Put the piano away, there's no need to go, there is no time for you to play the piano and perform." Unexpectedly, Liu said coldly.

Lian Shiya's expression darkened immediately, and she said displeasedly, "What does Aunt San mean by this? Could it be that I, as a daughter, play a song for my father at the banquet, so that I can't make him happy?"

"Hehe, do you really think he will be happy?" Liu looked at Lian Shiya sarcastically, and said, "Shiyaer, why do you think you are so blind? Tsk tsk tsk, what should I say about you? Well, your mother was dismissed with a letter of divorce, and then she wanted to come back with a shy face, but she was driven away again. Everyone in Kyoto knows about it. Do you know how much outsiders say about your mother and daughter? ugly?

On such an important day today, you said that you made yourself shine like a lump of gold, and the old lady was already very upset, telling us that you don't know how to restrain yourself, don't know how to keep a low profile, and don't know how to be ashamed.You are going to perform in public at this meeting. You are making everyone in the hall think of your mother, embarrassing your father, and embarrassing the entire Xiangfu. Do you think the old lady will agree? "

"You!" Lian Shiya's face paled suddenly, and she almost fainted with anger, "Third aunt, don't forget, I am the county head of the third rank, why am I ashamed? You mean that the county head bestowed by the emperor is a shameful person. person?"

"Okay, you, don't use the county magistrate to oppress me, our old lady is still a first-rank madam! Can't the first-rank madam talk to the third-rank magistrate?" Liu sneered.

"Third Aunt, don't bully people too much!" Lian Shiya was a little ashamed by her words.

"Hey, this is none of my business. This is what the old lady meant. I hope you can either go back to Qingquanyuan, or stay at the banquet honestly, and don't think about what you have." Liu said.

"Grandmother really said that?" Lian Shiya asked, feeling extremely humiliated, with tears in her eyes.

Mrs. Liu paused, and said, "Of course, I'm just here to pass on a message, but after thinking about it, the old lady's concerns are very reasonable, Shi Ya'er, just obey me, ah."

"Is this what the old lady meant, or what was meant by you, the third lady?" At this moment, Nanny Sun asked suddenly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu's eyes widened, she was furious, stepped forward a few steps, raised her hand and slapped Nanny Sun hard on the face, and said, "You old bitch, what are you? Things? How dare you speak to me in such a tone? Kneel down!"

"Third aunt, this is someone sent by my uncle, you dare to beat her!" Lian Shiya couldn't bear it when she saw that Liu Shi beat her servant in front of her.

"It doesn't matter who sent her, she is a member of the Lian family when she arrives at the Lian family. As a servant of the Lian family, she dares to disrespect the master. Slapping her is considered light, so that she will dare to shout at the master in the future. Without showing any sign of weakness, Mrs. Liu stared fiercely at Nanny Sun, and then ordered decisively, "Unload the piano and take it away."

Several nuns and maids came over and snatched the guqin from Qiu Jing and Bai Wei's hands.

Grandma Sun had a slap mark on her face, red and white at times, but this was the third wife of the Lian family after all, so she couldn't conflict with her, so she could only bear it temporarily by being dumb and eating Huang Lian.

"Third aunt, don't use chicken feathers as arrows, Lian Siyue asked you to come." Lian Shiya clenched her fists and said coldly.

Liu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Shi Ya'er, you, you have to recognize the form in front of you. Today is different from the past. No one cares about your playing. It's useless for you to go up, and you also provoked your grandmother and father. Not happy, why bother, right?" Liu Shi said, motioning the maid to take the Guqin away, then stepped forward, patted Lian Shiya on the shoulder, and said mockingly, "Okay, let's go in, Don't get confused, accept your fate, you are just as bad as Siyue, you will never take her position away, and, your feet, don't you wear shoes with one high and one low all your life, and you will still be crippled if you take off your shoes .”

Lian Shiya watched her guqin being taken away, unable to snatch it back, and was insulted by Liu's words, clenched her fists tightly, trembling all over, clenched her teeth, the hatred in her eyes was almost burning.

"Miss Three..."

"..." Lian Shiya didn't wait for Nanny Sun to say anything, turned around abruptly, walked into the birthday banquet hall, and returned to her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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