First-class daughter

Chapter 431 A good show

Chapter 431 A good show

Chapter 431 A good show

"Miss, she, her face was torn, torn off by the slave, slave... how could the slave have such great strength." Nanny Tai slumped on the ground, her face was as pale as wax, her hands kept shaking, she I can't believe I tore off a person's face.

Qing Dai on the side was also trembling, looking at the human skin, at a loss.

His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng looked at the guards on both sides. The guards were slightly stunned and let go of their hands. He strolled up to Hui Zhi and stretched out his hands——

"Ah!" Before the hair was lifted, the onlookers screamed in fright, for fear that what they saw under the hair was a bloody and skinless face.

"No, don't!" Huizhi tightly covered her face, moving her body back.

"No, there is no blood on this human skin." Lian Jue suddenly bent down, picked up the skin, and put it in his hand.

Feng Yunzheng motioned to Night Breeze who was beside him, and Night Breeze quickly stepped forward, easily restrained Huizhi, lifted her hair, and exposed her face to everyone.

"..." Huizhi shrunk her head vigorously, but it was useless. Night Breeze had a way to immobilize her.

And when this face was completely exposed, Xiao Zhenhai and the three sons of the Xiao family were taken aback for a moment, and the doubts on their faces turned into astonishment——


"She is……"

"This is not Huizhi, this is not Huizhi! Your Majesty." Lian Zhaoyi looked at the perfect but completely unfamiliar face in front of her, and said in surprise, "Well, what is going on? Who is she? ?”

A trace of doubt appeared on Zhou Chengdi's face, and his brows slowly wrinkled.

"How could this happen?" Xiao He walked quickly in front of "Hui Zhi", pinched her chin with one hand, raised her face, moved closer, and carefully sized up the person he had captured with his own hands——

This person is indeed not the Huizhi he captured!
He just felt a shock, his head turned black for a while, and he couldn't help shaking the hand holding "Huizhi" chin. He turned his head suddenly and looked at Lian Siyue, only to see a flash of panic on Lian Siyue's panic-looking face. A sarcastic smile.

Being tricked by Lian Siyue!

Suddenly, a feeling of being teased surged into Xiao He's heart, he forcefully let go of "Huizhi", and walked towards Lian Siyue.

"Xiao He." However, just as he got up, a folding fan pressed against his heart. He raised his eyes and saw the face of His Highness Ninth Prince. Obviously it sounds calm and breezy, but the coldness in his eyes is enough to make people flinch, and the tone exudes a force that makes one hard to surrender——

"Your Highness Ninth Prince." Xiao He finally stepped back, bowed, and said respectfully.

Feng Yunzheng turned around, faced Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "Father, it turns out that this person is not the court lady Huizhi that day, but a disguised person. From my son's point of view, this is arranged for the purpose of framing my son and Lian Siyue." Good pawn."

Xiao Zhenhai looked at that strange face almost in astonishment, unable to recover for a long time, he blinked vigorously, then looked at "Huizhi"——

No, impossible?Huizhi was imprisoned in Xiao's dungeon for a few days. They subdued her, and they didn't see anything abnormal when they conspired with her. How could they... tear off a piece of human skin and become another person?

"Father, if this 'Huizhi' pretends to be successful, who will be the biggest beneficiary? It seems that Brother Siwang and Xiao Guogong really don't give up." Feng Yunzheng slowly looked at Xiao Zhenhai with cold and indifferent eyes Rao, even Xiao Zhenhai, who has been on the battlefield for many years and killed countless enemies, is still shocked by His Ninth Prince's gaze.

In fact, Feng Yunzheng had long thought that Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He were not ordinary people, and Feng Qianyue in the prison would give them some pointers, and would eventually doubt Huizhi's line. As expected, Xiao He secretly searched for Huizhi He had investigated Zhi's whereabouts very closely, but in the end he couldn't escape Feng Yunzheng's eyes of rebirth.

Therefore, he and Yue'er decided that day, if the Xiao family wanted to find Huizhi, then they would come and do the trick, once and for all!
Xiao Zhenhai was startled, and immediately knelt down, saying, "Your Majesty, my heart is also full of doubts, I don't know why this happened, I am at a loss..."

"Hehe, is Xiao Qing's family full of doubts? I'm afraid the doubts in my heart are even greater." Zhou Chengdi looked at Xiao Zhenhai expressionlessly with a majestic expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, there must be something wrong with this matter..."

"Who are you, and why are you pretending to be a court lady Huizhi? What is your purpose, and who are you instigated by?" Feng Yunzheng ignored Xiao Zhenhai, and asked the woman kneeling on the ground directly. Even if it was an interrogation, he was still calm Light, wearing a silver robe, exuding a noble and elegant demeanor in his clank and arrogance, making people look up at him involuntarily.

"The emperor spares your life, Your Highness the Ninth Prince spares your life, little girl, the little girl is Ban Yanxia from Qingcheng..."

"Qingcheng class Yanxia?"

When Lian Yantao heard the name, his ears immediately perked up. He walked over a few steps and stared at the woman named Yanxia, ​​his eyes lit up immediately, and said:
"Your Majesty, I have seen this person in a lowly position. He should be the pillar of the Qingcheng class. He was still singing a few days ago, but he disappeared a while ago. It turns out that he came here to pretend to be a court lady."

"Third Lord..." Yanxia couldn't help calling out when she saw Lian Yantao.

"It's really Yanxia from the Qingcheng class, Your Majesty, this humble Yanxia knows a little bit. Apart from singing, she is best at disguise. As long as she has a glimpse of people, she can disguise herself, and she can reach the point where she can't tell the truth from the fake." Lian Yantao said with certainty.

And the third wife, Mrs. Liu, saw Lian Yantao's stupid look of complacency because he recognized an actor, her face turned red and then turned pale.

Lian Siyue smiled quietly——

Recently, she has gotten close to her third aunt, and she has obtained a lot of "information" from outside, such as "Yanxia" who spit out the name "Yanxia" from Mrs. Liu's teeth, and she said indignantly in front of Lian Siyue that this person is good at Disguise, she often disguises herself into different appearances to please different guests. It is said that she once disguised herself as a beauty according to a portrait. Lian Yantao was fascinated by her scenes for a while, she is really a shameless little bitch.

But Lian Siyue quietly found this "shameless little bastard" in Liu's mouth...

"Hehe, hehehe..." Lian Siyue suddenly smiled, but with grief and indignation on his face, he said, "Your Majesty, Xiao Guogong came here to save His Royal Highness, and deliberately found this disguised Yanxia to pretend to be dead. The court lady Huizhi then wronged the reputation of my court lady and His Highness the Ninth Prince, I implore the emperor to rectify my name."

Saying that, Lian Siyue straightened her back, with a firm face, and looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng unyieldingly, with tears in her scarlet eyes, as if she had been wronged by the sky——

Even Siyue feels that her acting skills are becoming more and more perfect!

The anger in Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes slowly condensed together, and his majestic and sharp eyes suddenly looked at the people of the Xiao family——

"You guys really put on a good show in front of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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