First-class daughter

Chapter 432 Not Like This

Chapter 432 Not Like This
Chapter 432 Not Like This
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty forgives the crime, the old minister deserves to die, the old minister really deserves to die!" Xiao Zhenhai suddenly bent his knees and knelt heavily on the ground, tears streaming down his face, with a look of regret.

Seeing this, the three sons of the Xiao family immediately knelt down together with Xiao Zhenhai. The father and son knelt in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng together.

"Your Majesty, this is the old minister's idea. All this is the old minister's idea. The old minister really deserves death. The emperor will punish the old minister!"

Just when everyone thought that for the sake of the Xiao family's innocence, Xiao Guogong would argue for himself in every possible way to clear up the suspicion, but he brought his three sons to kneel in front of the emperor and confessed honestly.

"Your Majesty, this fake court lady was actually arranged by the old minister, and the purpose of doing this is only to rescue the Fourth Highness.

Since the emperor bestowed the marriage, the youngest daughter Xiao Rou has regarded the Fourth Highness as her lifelong support for the future. Since the Fourth Highness had an accident, she has been crying all day to wash her face.

The veteran has been fighting abroad for many years, but he failed to take good care of his daughter, causing her to lose a leg at such a beautiful age, which has ruined more than half of her life.The old minister really couldn't bear to see her losing weight day by day because of the Fourth Highness in prison, so he decided to take the risk.The old minister is confused, but because of his eagerness to love his daughter, he deceived the emperor. The old minister was in vain, ah, your majesty, it's too late to say it now, the old minister is really ashamed! "He said, sighed deeply, touched the old tears again, he looked like a father who was worried about his daughter.

"Your Majesty, no, it's not my father's idea, it's all the idea of ​​the last general, Xiao He is willing to bear it all, please punish him." Seeing this, Xiao He immediately presented the sword he was carrying with both hands, and acknowledged it. guilt.

After hearing these words, Emperor Zhou Cheng's originally tense face gradually eased, but his face still did not relax.

"Your Majesty, the Xiao family has failed the Emperor's trust, and the Xiao family has committed a heinous crime." At this time, Mrs. Xiao hurried over, knelt in front of the emperor, wiped the tears from her face, and said with a choked voice, "Rou'er is the only one we have. Seeing her suffer, we wanted to make up for her, thinking that the emperor had married Rou'er and the Fourth Highness, and the Fourth Highness would not dislike Rou'er's legs and feet, and bad behavior. If the Fourth Highness has something good or bad, Rou'er can only be a widow in this life. If we grow old and die in the future, Rou'er will be left alone. Thinking of this, I really can't bear it, and I can't help Rou'er's tears every day, so I do such stupid things, Please punish the emperor."

Seeing the members of the Xiao family pleading guilty one by one, Feng Yunzheng had a mocking smile on his lips, and Lian Siyue had the same smile on his face——

Xiao Zhenhai is worthy of being an old fox, he knew early on that he would not be able to escape punishment today, so he figured out what Emperor Zhou Cheng was thinking, and simply stopped defending himself, and directly and voluntarily confessed his crime today.

In this case, the emperor's anger could not help but lighten a little, and then, he cleverly attributed the reason for doing this to his love for his daughter. In addition, Mrs. Xiao, the daughter of King Anping, Lu Xi, cried bitterly at the right time. At this time, the emperor even No matter how great the anger was, it was nearly half calmed down.

"Hmph..." Lian Yanqing chuckled, cursing in his heart, this poisonous scorpion really knows how to act, yet that old tear comes when he says it.

"Your Majesty, this old minister knows that his crime cannot be pardoned. This old minister asks His Majesty to remove him from the position of Duke of our country, and then remove his second son, Xiao He, from the position of Lord Marquis, as a punishment, and let all the officials set an example to others."

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhenhai solemnly took off the hat that symbolized the title of knighthood, and put it on the ground. Xiao He also immediately took off the crown that symbolized the Marquis, and put it next to Xiao Zhenhai's hat.

Everyone was stunned, the Duke actually asked for an order to lower his title?One must know that the positions of Lord Duke and Lord Hou were fought desperately at the beginning. If the title of Lord Duke was taken away, the Xiao family would be inferior to the Lian family.

As expected by Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, seeing that Emperor Zhou Cheng sighed slightly, the anger in his heart almost subsided, he opened his mouth and said:
"Duke Xiao and his son Xiao He deceived others and tried to frame the nine sons and the concubine daughter of the Lian family. It is an unforgivable crime, but thinking of Duke Xiao's love for daughters, I will open the net and punish Duke Xiao." Three years of salary, three years of fine for Xiaohe's salary."

"Thank the emperor for your grace!" The Xiao family was overjoyed, knowing that they had escaped, they knelt down to thank them.

Emperor Zhou Cheng still had a preference for Xiao Zhenhai, and Mrs. Xiao was pleading for mercy as the daughter of a vassal king, so he planned to let it go.

"Your majesty, my courtiers are not convinced." However, Lian Siyue said suddenly at this time, her voice was loud and reached everyone's ears. .

"Yue'er..." Seeing this, Lian Yanqing hurriedly stopped in a low voice, "Stop talking!"

"No!" Lian Siyue raised her head, and said with an expression of unwillingness to give in, "Father, my daughter has repeatedly suffered unfair injustice because of the Xiao family, if it wasn't for her servants who beat up Yanxia because of her daughter's grievances, If this piece of human skin is found, my daughter will already be in prison!
If your daughter is wronged, she can bear it for the sake of the overall situation. However, father, you are the prime minister of the court, and you have dedicated yourself to the court, but your father's children are treated like this. The daughter really feels cold for her father.Your Majesty, if this news gets out, will anyone say that the Emperor is unfair to his ministers? "

Everyone was taken aback, and they all sweated for Lian Siyue, who was so courageous that she questioned the emperor's decision in public.

"Yue'er!" A trace of cold sweat broke out on Lian Yanqing's forehead, but he was moved by Lian Siyue's words in his heart. Yes, the Xiao family did something wrong at his birthday banquet. Where to put it in the future?What do civil and military officials think of him?It's just that he was afraid of the emperor and didn't dare to speak out.

"Royal Father." At this time, Feng Yunzheng took a step forward and said, "Even what Siyue said is reasonable, but my son is fine. The person who suffered the most grievance today is her. The Xiao family must give her an explanation." .”

Emperor Zhou Cheng was stunned, and suddenly realized that if today was not the last fierce fight, Lian Siyue would indeed be imprisoned again. He would then recall what Master Xuanwei said, Lian Siyue can make a dead tree spring again, She is a strange woman.

He thought for a moment, and said, "It makes sense. Even Siyue suffered injustice twice, and even Xiangyue's birthday was disturbed. I have to make up for it. How about this? County Lord."


"Your Majesty, this time, my daughter is not willing to give up. It's not because she wants to win the title of title. My daughter just wants to get back a reasonable justice for being framed by the Xiao family again and again." Lian Yanqing was about to thank her, but Lian Siyue was still She didn't mean to give up, she looked at Zhou Chengdi steadfastly, and there was no retreat in her eyes.

What she wants is not the position of county head!
(End of this chapter)

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