First-class daughter

Chapter 434 Never Change

Chapter 434 Never Change
Chapter 434 Never Change
"Fortunately, my father has already figured out the emperor's temper and took the initiative to plead guilty. This saved the title, but the plan to save the Fourth Highness came to naught. I got a first-rank county head for nothing. I prayed to the Queen Mother for the first time. I gave your cousin a third rank! Not only that, but tomorrow morning you and I will personally go to the Prime Minister’s Mansion to plead guilty to Lian Siyue, under the watchful eyes of everyone, how can you make me face Xiao Zhenhai? And at this time, you still have the heart to think about a woman , Xiao He, you really don't deserve to be a descendant of my Xiao family!" The more Xiao Zhenhai said, the more angry he became.

Xiao He knelt on the spot, pursed his lips and said nothing, Mrs. Xiao hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Master, today is finally safe and sound, forget it, stop training, He'er You know your temper better than anyone else, so let's train it slowly in another day."

Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly, and said, "No matter what, I won't let you marry Eleventh Princess. During this period of time, you are shutting yourself up in the mansion and thinking about your mistakes. You can't go anywhere except the court, and you will die for her completely." Take it easy!" He said, striding out, his face full of anger.

"He'er, how are you, does it hurt? Go back to your room, and mother will call Dr. Lin for you." Mrs. Xiao looked at the bloodstains under the robe on Xiao He's back, feeling very distressed.

But Xiao He shook his head, comforting Mrs. Xiao and said, "Mother, there is no need for a doctor, this little injury is nothing serious, just let the slave apply the medicine for me, mother don't worry."

Mrs. Xiao sighed, and said, "Now is the time when the Xiao family is troubled, so you must not get angry with your father any more, you have to keep talking to the outside world, understand?"

Xiao He nodded silently.

"Second Brother, Second Brother..." At this time, Xiao Rou, supported by the servant, bumped over on crutches, threw herself in front of Xiao He, grabbed his arm, and said, "What Third Brother said is true Is it? In order to save the Fourth Highness, Lian Siyue was conferred the title of first-rank county lord?"

"..." Xiao He nodded.

Xiao Rou felt her eyes darkened, she fell to the ground, and said, "How could this happen? Even father and second elder brother can't fight even this bitch like Yue? Does she have some magic tricks?"

"Little sister, Lian Siyue doesn't have black magic, we really lost this time." Although Xiao He was very unwilling to admit his failure, he had to face the reality.

"Then what should the Fourth Highness do? What should I do? No, no, Second Brother, you can't just admit defeat like this, you should think of a way to help my sister." Xiao Rou vigorously shook Xiao He's hand , crying.

Mrs. Xiao's face darkened, and she reprimanded displeasedly, "Didn't you see that your second brother was beaten and injured by your father? Why do you only care about your own affairs, but you don't care about your brother at all."

"Mother..." Xiao Rou was reprimanded by Xiao Shi, and she closed her mouth a little aggrieved.

Mrs. Xiao gave her a cold look, and said, "In order to save His Royal Highness, the whole family almost put their future into it today. This matter is not as simple as you think. Go back to your room and don't disturb your second brother."

"...Mother..." Xiao Rou still wanted to say something, but when she saw the blood on Xiao He's back, she closed her mouth silently.

A birthday banquet that was supposed to be joyous ended in a thrilling end. Except for Lian Siyue, the members of Lian's family were still in shock and went back to their rooms quickly.

And when Feng Yunzheng was about to step out of the gate of Xiangfu, a voice came from behind, saying, "His Royal Highness, please stay."

Feng Yunzheng turned around and saw Leng Mei walking over.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Miss said that it's late today, and there are still things left to be done in the house. Please meet your Highness tomorrow. This is a token." Leng Mei presented a neatly folded cloak.

This cloak is dark blue in color, with cloud brocade and satin surface, wrapped with gold thread and python pattern, surrounded by black and white auspicious cloud patterns, luxurious and low-key, if you look closely, there is a word "cloud" woven with gold thread on the edge of the cloak, which is unique everywhere .

This is the cloak that Lian Siyue asked Mo Liniang to ask for fabric and thread at the Jingxi shop that day.

Feng Yunzheng felt an indescribable joy in his heart, hugged the cloak, and said, "Tell her, I'll wait for her, see you soon."

"Yes." Leng Mei nodded, said, then raised his head, glanced at Ye Feng, who was startled, and hurriedly leaned behind Feng Yunzheng, Leng Mei withdrew his gaze, turned back to the moon-like fairy lotus hospital went.

"What did you do to her?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Humble job... I didn't do anything, and besides, I didn't dare to do it..." Night Breeze glanced in Lengmei's direction, and saw her cold figure disappear around the corner.

"Let's go, I really wish it would be dawn soon." Feng Yunzheng unfolded this exquisite and luxurious cloak and put it on his body, with a smile on his face.

After walking a few steps, he seemed to have remembered something, stopped, and said, "Stay here and see if she needs help. Tonight, the Prime Minister's Mansion may still have a battle to fight."

"Yes, Your Highness." Ye Feng listened to the order and hid in the dark outside the gate of Xiangfu.

When Lian Siyue returned to Xianheyuan, she saw Lian Jue standing under the lantern, the orange light enveloped his whole body, flickering on and off, giving him a feeling of trance.

She opened her mouth, shouted, and said, "Lian Jue." Normally, she would call Jue'er, but at this moment, it was Lian Jue for a lifetime, and her tone was no longer just about the elder sister's love for her younger brother, but rather indifferent .

Lian Jue was startled when he heard this familiar voice, turned around abruptly, saw this person in front of him, opened his mouth, and said, "You're back."

This time, instead of calling his sister, he used "you".

The two seem to be facing each other for the first time in a relationship other than siblings.
"Go in." Lian Siyue lifted his foot and walked into the yard, Lian Jue paused for a moment, and then walked in.

Walking inside, I saw the pot of crabapple that Lian Jue sent last year under the window, blooming, the wind blowing, the flower branches floating, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Miss, master, servants are going to prepare food." Qing Dai said aside, in the past, at times like this, Lian Siyue and Lian Jue would always have to have a delicious meal together to be satisfied.

"No need, Qingdai, you go in first." However, Lian Siyue said.

"Yes." Qing Dai lowered her head and walked sideways into the room.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. If it wasn't for me, today..." Lian Jue's face was full of apology.

"If it wasn't for you, Princess Eleven wouldn't have forced herself to marry Xiao He today, she made a sacrifice for us!" Lian Siyue suddenly raised her hand, looked at Lian Jue, and said.

"...I am sorry for her, and I will always owe her."

"..." Lian Siyue sighed, and said, "Lian Jue, listen carefully, I only say once, in this life, I will never look at you with eyes other than a sister, let alone give birth to siblings for you." No matter the past, present, or future, in my mind, you will always be my younger brother, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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