Chapter 435
Chapter 435
"But I'm not your younger brother, you already knew it!" Lian Jue said earnestly with red eye circles. Under the moonlight, his eyes looked sad and lonely. , can't take a step closer to her.

At this moment, he is not a descendant of the Lian family, but the prince living outside. Perhaps, he should be called Feng Jue.

"But, in my heart, you can only be a younger brother." Lian Siyue looked at him calmly and said.

"Did you never..."

"No, never." Lian Siyue didn't wait for Lian Jue to say anything, and interrupted his questioning, "We won't become another relationship, if you have other ideas, then in the future..." She paused, looked at the red crabapple flowers under the window sill, and said, "Let's try not to meet again."

As Lian Siyue said, she raised her foot and approached the room, and said to Qing Dai, "Close the door!"

The door closed slowly and heavily, and Lian Jue was shut out.

He stood alone in the yard, under the moonlight, his lonely shadow was printed on the wall, and the wind blew, and he felt a bone-chilling cold all over his body.

He took two steps forward, leaned against the door for a while, tried his best to pull a smile on his face, knocked on the door, and said, "Sister, you only ate two pieces of pastries at the birthday banquet just now." , you must be hungry now, ask the servants to cook you something to eat, eat while it’s hot, Jue’er… Jue’er is gone.”

He called her sister and called himself Jue'er.

As he said that, he turned around, stepped on his own shadow, and left Xianheyuan step by step. He closed his eyes deeply, and buried the heartbroken feeling deep in his heart——

Inside the door, Lian Siyue stood there, listening to Lian Jue's steps slowly walking away, her body softened, and she sat down against the door.

"Miss... what's wrong with you?" Qing Dai hurried over.

Lian Siyue raised her head slowly and asked, "Je'er likes me, Qingdai, did you know that before?"

Qing Dai shook her head and said, "This servant just always thinks that the young master is very kind to the young lady, and always thinks of the young lady first in everything, even if the master and wife are far less important than the young lady in his mind, the servant thinks that they are siblings I never thought about it elsewhere.”

"..." Lian Siyue slowly closed her eyes.

"Miss, did you...was it too cruel to the young master just now, do you want the servant to send some to the young master when the food is cooked?" Qing Dai asked softly.

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "No need, I have no possibility with him, don't do anything to misunderstand him again."

"Yes." Qing Dai nodded, although she felt that Young Master Jue was pitiful, one can change what the eldest lady decided, and I believe this is also a good decision for Young Master Jue.

"Now, it's time to find another person." Lian Siyue suddenly opened his eyes, with a flash of coldness in those eyes, said.

"Miss, do you mean Miss San? Just now, the servant saw that the master and the old lady had already gone to Qingquanyuan." Qing Dai helped Lian Siyue to stand up and said.

"Go!" Lian Siyue asked Qingdai to open the door and walked in.


"The Duke and the Young Master were fined three years of salary, and tomorrow they will go to the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion to plead guilty to the eldest lady. In addition..." Sun Nanny took a look at the pale Lian Shiya, and said, "The eldest lady has been punished. Seal Yipin Rong and the county head."

"What..." After Lian Shiya heard this, her body softened and she became dizzy for a while, "She, she is the head of Yipin County now? Yipin?"

"Yes." Sun Nanny saw with her own eyes today how powerful this young lady, who was described by Xiao as a scourge, had the ability to defeat their majestic Duke, and she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Looking at the scenery in the courtyard, Lian Shiya trembled all over for no reason, her feet suddenly became weak from fear, and she fell to the ground.

"Miss San!" Nanny Sun walked over quickly.

"Nurse Sun, Grandma Sun, do you think there is a monster here, is that monster sent by Lian Siyue?" Lian Shiya opened her terrified eyes and looked at the shadow in the courtyard.

"Miss Three..."

"Crack!" Suddenly, Lian Shiya became angry again, slapped Nanny Sun hard on the face, and cursed, "Old man, what did you tell me earlier, you said that as long as I listen to you If you do what you say, Lian Siyue will reveal her true form today, and I will be able to return to the former Lian Shiya, but... But, I have nothing now..."

"Miss San..." Nanny Sun tightly covered her beaten face, her face flushed red.

"Go, go, kill Lian Siyue for me, go!" Lian Shiya tugged at Nanny Sun's clothes and pushed her out of the room.

"Damn it, it's you!" At this moment, the door of Qingquanyuan was slammed, and an angry voice sounded at the door. Lian Shiya was shocked, and when she turned around, she saw Lian Mu He Lian Yanqing walked in, followed by the Lian family's second master, third master, second wife, third wife, and a group of women and maidservants, walking towards her one by one.

"Father, father, forgive me, father, please forgive me, my daughter knows she was wrong!" Lian Shiya was so frightened that her face turned pale, she knelt on the ground, begging for mercy, the only jewelry on her head fell off, her hair was messed up, and she was in a panic.

"Hmph! You know what's wrong?" Lian Yanqing walked over quickly, gave her a hard look, raised his foot, and kicked her hard in the face, with such force that he kicked Lian Shiya away. She groaned and fell to the ground, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, with a painful expression on her face, "Father, father..."

"..." Nanny Sun had never seen Lian Yanqing with such an angry expression before, she knelt on the ground in fright.

"Grandma, grandma..." Lian Shiya looked at Lian's mother with horrified eyes, "Granddaughter, granddaughter really knows that she is wrong."

But Lian's mother just stood at the door, looked at her coldly, pursed her lips tightly, with an angry look on her face, and didn't say a word.

But Lian Yanqing was still angry, and said angrily, "Lian Tian, ​​bring the whip, the truth is that today I will use the family law to punish this scourge myself!"

"No, don't, don't..." Lian Shiya endured the pain on her face, watching Lian Yanqing approaching her step by step with a whip as thick as her arm in her hand, her eyes widened, and her face showed panic With an expression on his face, he put his hands on the ground and stepped back step by step.

"Crack!" Lian Yanqing raised his whip high, as if venting, and slapped Lian Shiya fiercely——

"Ah!" Lian Shiya let out a horrific cry when the whip went down, and saw that the skin on her hands and face was torn off, and a deep bloodstain appeared on her skin.

However, Lian Yanqing did not let go of his hatred, and continued to raise the whip, hitting her body hard, and she rolled on the ground, howling, screaming, and soon her body was drenched with blood——

"Help, help... Mom, save me, save me, I'm going to be beaten to death..." She screamed, trying to hide, but Lian Yanqing's eyes turned red, and she couldn't understand it.

The surrounding uncles and aunts all looked at the person who almost ruined Lian's family with cold eyes, and no one, including the maidservant, stepped forward to say a word for her.

(End of this chapter)

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