First-class daughter

Chapter 438 2 consecutive 3

Chapter 438 One after another
Chapter 438 One after another
"That's how it is, there's no need to clean up, Liantian, you are responsible for sending this evil animal to the barn in the suburbs of Beijing immediately, let her stay there for the rest of her life to raise livestock, and never enter Lianfu again! The rest is up to Yue Let's deal with it." Lian's mother gave the order in public.

"Yes, old lady." Everyone said.

After Lian's mother left, Dong Shen went to Qing'an Hospital to treat her, and the others also left one by one, Lian Yanqing said before leaving, don't let the little beast go.

After everyone left, Lian Siyue walked up to Lian Shiya step by step, and sighed deeply.

Lian Shiya shrank all over, her face was covered with blood, her hair was messed up like a ghost, and her skin and tender flesh were torn apart from the beatings.

"Sister, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

"Bring the scissors." Lian Siyue said indifferently, with no expression on her face.

"No..." Lian Shiya looked at the shining scissors that appeared in Lian Siyue's hands, and kept shaking her head, "Sun, Nanny Sun..."

But where did Grandma Sun dare to go forward, she knelt on the ground long ago, with her head bowed, not daring to make a sound.

Leng Mei stepped forward a few steps, restraining Lian Shiya.

Lian Siyue picked up her waist-length hair, clicked her tongue twice, and sighed, "What a beautiful hair, it would be a pity if all of it was cut off..."

"No, Eldest Sister, Eldest Sister..." Lian Shiya's eyes showed panic, but before she had time to intercede, the scissors in Lian Siyue's hand had already fallen, and there was only a click, and the black hair fell to the ground— —

"Ah!" Lian Shiya looked at the piles of hair falling on her body continuously. On the ground, she screamed, with an expression on her face that was more terrifying than seeing a ghost...

As soon as Leng Mei let go of her hand, she couldn't wait to touch her hair. The long hair she was so proud of was all broken off, and the top of her head was cut like a mangy, with bumps and holes, one piece of white, one piece of black, It's really ugly--

"My hair, my hair..." Lian Shiya stared at her black hair with wide eyes.

Lian Siyue touched her left cheek, there used to be a slap-sized scar here, Feng Qianyue was determined to let her go through the thorns and thorns for him, saying that she didn't mind her appearance at all, this was once Lian Shiya looked down on her in every possible way , mocking her place.

"Third sister, your face is really pretty." Lian Siyue bent over, and the cold and sharp scissors pressed against Lian Shiya's face.

"No, no..." Lian Shiya shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Sister, I am willing to be your cow and horse, and I will serve you every day from now on, don't scratch my face, don't..."

Such a familiar conversation.

At the beginning, when she begged this bitch to let go of her immature fetus, she begged in the same way, but——

"Ah!" Lian Shiya only felt a long and sharp pain on her left cheek, and puff, bright red hot blood gushed out from the wound under her skin, and she let out a horrified and sharp scream.

"Clang..." There was only a sound, and the scissors slipped from Lian Siyue's palm, which was stained with bright red blood, shining a strange luster in the dark night.

"Ah! Ah!" Lian Shiya tightly covered her face, a long gash stretched from the corner of her eyes to her mouth, and blood continuously overflowed from between her white and tender fingers.

"Send her to the barn immediately, and keep her alive." Lian Siyue had no expression on her face, her voice was as cold as the winter wind, without the slightest warmth, and after she finished speaking, she turned around indifferently, with With blood on his hands, he walked out of Qingquanyuan.

Lian Shiya, now, it's time for you to taste what it means to live a life worse than death.

"Give me, call me a doctor, my face, my face needs to be smeared with medicine, no scars, no, no..." Lian Shiya suddenly recovered from the huge pain, lay on the ground and begged But Leng Mei immediately stuffed a rag into her mouth, picked her up from the ground, pushed her down in front of Lian Tian, ​​looked at him coldly and calmly as before, and said:

"Miss San's face was cut by the sharp wire on the fence when she accidentally fell down while feeding in the barn."

Lian Tian glanced at her, grabbed Lian Shiya, and said, "I am just following the orders of the Prime Minister to arrest Miss San and take her to the barn." Then, he turned around and escorted Lian Shiya, who was almost dying, with the other guards. After leaving Qingquanyuan, he was noncommittal to Leng Mei's words.

Inside a separate courtyard in Kyoto.

"What..." After hearing Nanny Sun's words, Mrs. Xiao's body went limp, and she fell to the ground, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, completely cold, "Failed... Ya'er was shaved and sent to The barn in Kyoto has gone to raise cattle..."

"This, this young lady's methods are really powerful..." Sun Nanny still felt terrified when she remembered the moment when Lian Siyue cut Lian Shiya's face with scissors.

"No, no, a cut on the face will leave scars. I want to ask Dr. Lin to go to the barn to treat her immediately." With the help of the maid, Xiao stood up with difficulty, hurried outside, and ordered Nanny Sun said, "Quickly, go find Dr. Lin."

"Yes, yes." Nanny Sun hurried out with Xiao Shi.

However, when the door opened and saw the person standing at the door, Xiao Shi screamed as if seeing a ghost, took a step back, and his face turned pale for a while.

Lian Siyue was sitting in the carriage, looked at Xiao's protruding belly, and asked, "Where is Aunt Xiao going?" She had long thought that Xiao would do everything possible to rescue Lian Shiya, but she did not. Guess wrong.

"You, you are so vicious, you actually ruined Ya'er like this, Lian Siyue, you are so vicious, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Xiao Shi pointed at Lian Siyue, fingertips trembling.

Lian Siyue sneered undisguisedly, and said, "You are not afraid, what am I afraid of."

" will not always be so smooth. One day, you will fall off the cliff and fall into the abyss that will never be restored! Your hands are covered with our blood, God will not let you go, you wait Let's go!" Xiao stared at Lian Siyue fiercely, with a pair of eyes full of hatred.

"We'll talk about the future, but right now..." Lian Siyue paused, and said to the servant next to her, "Mother Tai, please Aunt Xiao go back home."

When Xiao heard this, she suddenly raised her head, "Are you here to take me back to Xiangfu? What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? If you don't tell me, I won't go!"

"I'll take you back home to raise your baby, Aunt Xiao." Lian Siyue said lightly.

"You are so kind? Don't lie to me, you want to cut off Ya'er's escape and prevent me from saving her."

Nanny Tai walked up to Mrs. Xiao in a few steps, raised her chin, and said with a cold and proud expression, "Aunt Xiao should go by herself, or the old slave will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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