Chapter 439
Chapter 439
Mrs. Xiao shivered when she saw the size of Nanny Tai and the slender face, then turned her head and glanced at Lian Siyue. Beside her was her mysterious maid, Lu Zhi (Leng Mei), who stretched out her hands with great skill. There were several Kong Wu powerful guards, and there was even a man in black with an even more arrogant face. She recognized this man as His Royal Highness's personal bodyguard, and he also came and went without a trace.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "What if I don't want to go?"

"Slap!" Mother Tai raised her hand and slapped her hand, and said, "Don't be shameless for giving you face. It's your good fortune and your honor that our eldest lady personally picks you up. If you don't knelt on the ground to thank you How dare you show our young lady face, to see if I can't beat you to death."

Xiao Shi was staggered two steps by the tiger's slap, she suddenly raised her head——

"Why, the beating is not enough or what?" Mother Tai said with rounded eyes.

"You..." Seeing Lian Siyue's ruthless and cold-blooded face, Xiao knew that he had to go today, or he had to go if he didn't.


"Let's go, Aunt Xiao." Mother Tai stretched out her hand and pushed, and Xiao Shi had to be driven to follow behind Lian Siyue's carriage.

"Mommy Tai, take it easy, don't let her get pregnant." There was a moonlike voice from the carriage in front.

Mrs. Xiao returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but she didn't go through the front door, she went through the back door. As soon as she entered, a row of maids prepared a brazier and moxa leaf water, and asked her to put down the brazier and spray moxa leaf water. Same as coming back.

And it is also clearly stated that even if you are a house-filler in the future, you can't even be called an aunt, but you can be called an aunt.

Then, Mother Tai led her to the west courtyard, pushed open a narrow door, and said, "This is a place arranged for you, and you will raise your baby here from now on."

Mrs. Xiao looked at the dilapidated, gloomy and cold place, and said, "I am pregnant with a child, and if you let me live in this kind of place, are you not afraid of harming my fetus? Since you let me come back, I am afraid that the old lady will Recognize the child in my womb."

"Heh!" Mother Tai sneered, and said, "Missy said that Aunt Xiao's child is very strong, so there will be no problems, Aunt Xiao should rest well."

Nanny Tai gave Nanny Sun a cold look, and said, "Take care of me well, if something goes wrong, you will be buried in the Lian family for the rest of your life."

Looking at the back of Taimao leaving domineeringly, Sunmaid stomped her feet, looked at this shabby place, and began to regret that she hadn't resigned from the job to the Duke of the country, but waded into this muddy water, and now she wants to Get away, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Xiao Shi sat on the edge of the bed, clenched his hands tightly, his teeth itching with hatred.

"Oh, who am I? It turned out to be Ma'am. Why, I'm so reluctant to come here, have you come back?" At this time, I saw a woman in bright red standing at the door, leaning on the door frame.

Xiao Shi gave this old enemy Aunt Zhao a cold look, pursed her lips and remained silent.

Aunt Zhao's complexion immediately sank, she pushed away Nanny Sun who was trying to stop her, and said, "Oh, I'm afraid you don't know your identity, but I know you're just a shameful housekeeper. Being divorced by the master, it was because of the pity of the eldest lady that she begged the old lady to let you return home to have a baby, you are much lower than me now."

After speaking, Aunt Zhao pushed Aunt Xiao and said, "Quickly get up and stand, let me sit down."

"Aunt Zhao, don't be too complacent, Feng Shui takes turns." Xiao Shi gritted her teeth and stood up.

Aunt Zhao folded her arms around her chest, shaking the big red gold bracelet on her wrist, blew on the bright red Dan Kou, and said, "Shouldn't I just transfer you here again..."

"You!" Xiao's face turned pale with anger.

"Go, pour me some tea." Aunt Zhao kicked Xiao Shi's calf with her toe.

"Auntie, let the slaves come." Nanny Sun came over and said, licking her face.

"Slap!" Aunt Zhao raised her hand and slapped her across the face, saying, "Who are you? Did I ask you?"

"..." Nanny Sun covered her face, her chest heaved. She was an old slave who had served two generations in Xiao Guofu, and she was considered highly respected. She had never been wronged like this before, but now she could only endure it. Nodding his head, he retreated silently.

In the fairy lotus courtyard.

Lian Siyue finally washed up and was about to rest on the couch. Leng Mei and Qing Dai came to report to her respectively:

"Liantian has already sent the third lady to the barn, and removed all the slaves. Only the third lady and two nurses are left. The nurses are all their own people, there is no problem." Leng Mei said The most important thing is Lian Shiya's situation.

"Aunt Xiao's side, she just went into the west courtyard, and Aunt Zhao couldn't wait to go to her to settle the score. Don't worry, Miss, Aunt Zhao didn't like her at first, and now that she has accepted the gold bracelet, she will definitely spare no effort to trouble her Yes." Qing Dai talked about the situation on Aunt Xiao's side.

Lian Siyue yawned leisurely and said, "I'm sleepy."

"Miss, please rest. The servant girl and Lengmei are watching you outside. You should have a good sleep and don't have to worry about anything."

Turning off the oil lamp, after Qing Dai covered her with the quilt, she and Leng Mei tiptoed out of the room door, Lian Siyue closed her eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

That night, there were a few horrible crying sounds from the west courtyard, and then nothing could be heard.

Early the next morning, Lian Siyue asked Lian's mother for instructions, and Dao and her third aunt Liu went to Jiuhua Temple to pray for her grandmother. Lian's mother agreed, and she set off for Jiuhua Temple with Liu.

When they arrived at the temple, they first went to offer incense and pray, and Lian Siyue donated a lot of incense money. Mrs. Liu said that she finally came out and wanted to sit in the temple for half a day. Anyway, the old lady has allowed her to go out, so it doesn't matter if she goes back later.

Therefore, Lian Siyue separated from Liu Shi, and Liu Shi went to find her natal family whom she saw.

"Miss, Your Highness has been here for a long time and is in the Peach Blossom Forest, please come over." Leng Mei came over and said to Lian Siyue.

"Let's go." Lian Siyue walked to the peach blossom forest in the temple.

The peach blossom forest in Jiuhua Temple is a beautiful scenery in spring in Kyoto. There are clusters of pink peach blossoms, and when the wind blows, the petals flutter, and there is a grand peach blossom rain. It is so beautiful that it always attracts pilgrims.

But today, Lian Siyue walked all the way, but didn't see anyone in the peach blossom forest. When he was looking up, he heard a long flute sound coming from the front——

Her heart trembled, facing the sound of the flute, stepping on the petals that fell to the ground, she walked forward step by step.

Following the sound of the flute, she seemed to pass through a period of time.

Although she didn't say anything, she had a strong feeling that the sound of the flute belonged to her alone, like a ray of light in the dark night, passing through the cold, touching her soul to the depths.

Finally, when she reached the depths of the peach blossom forest, she saw the man standing under the peach blossom tree at a glance——

Holding a jade flute in his hand, he stood in the wind, his black hair fluttering, and he was dressed in a silver robe, pouring all over the world.

Seeing her, the flute sound stopped abruptly——

(End of this chapter)

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