First-class daughter

Chapter 440 Emotional

Chapter 440 Emotional
Chapter 440 Emotional
Feng Yunzheng's eyes fell on her with deep tenderness. His expectations for her, from the past life to the present life, had gone through many bloody and tribulations, and only then did he look forward to meeting her under the peach blossom tree.

In fact, the reborn Feng Yunzheng is not a warm person, on the contrary, where she can't see, he is extremely ruthless, merciless, has no eyes on anyone, and his methods are no less than Lian Siyue.

He plotted against his father, he secretly executed many of Feng Qianyue's subordinates, and used tactics to consolidate his power invisibly. Now he has secretly cultivated many reliable cronies, and he has silently surpassed Feng Qianyue by a lot, and he is gradually getting better. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Eighth Prince Feng Ye, and gradually surpassing him.

He has already made a plan. In the future, even if he cannot be established as the crown prince and ascend to a high position, he will be a powerful force that the new king fears, and no one can easily move him.

All of these require extraordinary means and courage beyond ordinary people.

However, every time he faces Lian Siyue, he can't help but show the most tender side. Even if he just killed a person just a moment ago, and turns to face her, he still has a charming smile. He can't bear to be in front of this child at all. Show any bad things.

"Yue'er, you're here." He put the flute in his palm and said softly, with a spring-like smile on his face.

Lian Siyue stood still in front of him. Today, she was wearing a water-blue skirt with golden gowns all over the place, a moon-white thread skirt, a crane cloak in a feather gauze and white fox fur, and a simple bun on her hair. An exquisite hairpin made of jasper and seven treasures looks elegant and noble, exuding the romantic atmosphere of a girl.

She said, "I came here following the sound of the flute. I didn't expect the sound of His Highness's flute to be so beautiful. I've never heard it before."

"I didn't have the chance to play it for you in the past. If you like it, I can play it for you often in the future." Feng Yunzheng looked at her, his eyes couldn't leave her.

"You might as well teach me, Your Highness." Lian Siyue suddenly thought, "What's the tune you just played?"

"It was the story of Genjun Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun who compiled the Guqin song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix". I changed it a bit and played it with the sound of the flute, and the charm is different. If you want to learn, I will teach you now. Come and sit here, it's not good for you to stand for a long time."

Feng Yunzheng pointed to the front under the peach blossom tree, where there were tables and chairs, with fragrant tea and small snacks on the table. Ye Feng and Leng Mei nodded slightly when they saw the two coming.

"Come on." Feng Yunzheng let Lian Siyue go ahead, and he followed behind. For some reason, Lian Siyue's heartbeat quickened a little this time, who was always calm and indifferent.

Probably, it's because the beautiful scenery of peach blossoms and the sound of flute are so moving.

She stepped on a stone, slipped, and made a sound. Feng Yunzheng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he grabbed her back, and her back just leaned against his hard and strong chest.

Even Siyue was startled, although the two had contact when she fell to the bottom of the cliff last time, this was the first time that she almost fell into his arms, and she was immediately surrounded by a strong breath. Both unfamiliar, but familiar.

She was about to stand up straight, but Feng Yunzheng had already supported her shoulders, brought her firmly to the chair and sat down.

"Thank you, Your Highness." She blushed slightly, hiding her embarrassment by lowering her head for a moment.

It's strange, but nowadays——she even Siyue can be said to be ruthless, and she never relents in executing her enemies. Whenever she appears in front of everyone, she is always calm and cold. Even now, many people in the Xiangfu are very afraid of her. , Hearing her footsteps, my heart trembled three times, as this situation of tripping over a stone like this will never happen.

But when she was with Feng Yunzheng, she seemed to relax involuntarily, showing another side that was unknown.

"Is your foot okay?" Feng Yunzheng sat down beside her and asked.

"Fortunately, I just slipped and didn't get sprained." She stood up and said, "Teach me, I want to learn, the song just now is so nice."

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng put the jade flute into her hand, "Put it on the fingertips like this, close the lips, retract the lower jaw later, put the tongue flat on the bottom of the mouth, retract the cheeks, hold the qi in the corners of the mouth, and use the breath on the lips A concentrated and small damper blows out from the center of the lip..."

While he was teaching, Lian Siyue put the jade flute to his lips according to his method, and indeed made a sound, but, compared to his flute sound like weeping, complaining, musing, flowing clouds and flowing water , she is too far behind.

After blowing it a few times, her brows frowned slightly. She knew how to play the guqin, but she knew nothing about the flute. He played it so beautifully that she almost cried when she heard it, but what she played was like a duck. Call, it's really ugly——

"I'd better not show my timidity..." she said.

"Don't worry, let it go like this..." Feng Yunzheng saw that she was a little discouraged, and couldn't help but feel that she was a little more cute than usual, so he suddenly walked behind her and hugged her waist with his hands from behind. With both shoulders, hold her little hands that half clenched into fists, hold the jade flute with her, and teach her how to play it correctly.

Such a posture undoubtedly brought her into his arms. Although she is calm and decisive, she kills enemies with her hands, and she has lived two lives in her heart, but the body in this arms is clearly just a child's body, but 14 Only a few years old, in the arms of the tall man, she is so petite and clingy, making him want to do everything possible to protect her.

Feng Yunzheng's hand holding her was suddenly clenched, he couldn't help tightening his arms, hugged her tightly, and called out in her ear——


Lian Siyue felt the hot body behind her, and suddenly felt very stiff all over, standing straight, motionless, the blood in her body seemed to be coagulated for a moment, her ears were hot, and it was so red that she was about to bleed ——

In her previous life, she loved Feng Qianyue so much that she became obsessed and crazy, and was willing to sacrifice everything for him, even disfiguring her face. However, in my impression, he had never hugged her like this.

This is the first time she has experienced the feeling of being hugged like this, the embrace is solid, warm, and powerful——

And Feng Yunzheng also trembled slightly - after thinking about it a thousand times, he finally did it once.

Hugging her like this feels like hugging the whole country.

"Your Highness..." Her voice trembled a little, and she struggled slightly.

"Don't move." Feng Yunzheng slowly closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and then slowly opened his eyes before letting go of her. Against the background of the peach blossoms, his face turned red.

Lian Siyue panicked for no reason, turned around, and said, "I won't study anymore." Saying that, he walked forward.

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment, quickly picked up the jade flute and quickly followed her, walking beside her, looked up at her face cautiously, and asked, "Are you angry? "

(End of this chapter)

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