Chapter 441
Chapter 441
Lian Siyue pursed her lips without saying a word, and just walked forward quickly. In fact, at this moment, she was a little flustered, and there was a feeling of constant cutting and chaos in her heart that was bothering her.

This is something that has never happened since she was reborn, and she seems to need to calm down quickly.

Feng Yunzheng thought she was angry, and suddenly became very nervous. He stretched out his hand to touch her shoulder, but retracted it again.

That's right, let's not talk about rebirth, just say that she is the daughter of the dignified prime minister's mansion, she has never issued a letter of appointment, and she has no status. , that would ruin her reputation!

"Yue'er, let me marry you."

Such a voice suddenly came from behind, Lian Siyue trembled violently, her footsteps stopped, and she stood where she was!

what did he say?
Did she hear something wrong?
Step by step, Feng Yunzheng walked in front of her, his chest heaved slightly, and it was the same in his previous life, Feng Yunzheng was not afraid of anything, only afraid of her——

Afraid of being rude to her, afraid of making her unhappy, afraid of her being unhappy, afraid of her crying, afraid of her being sad...

"Yue'er..." His voice was trembling, "I waited all my life, but I didn't tell you my heart until I died.

I once had another chance to propose to you, but I missed it and was snatched away by a villain. In this life, I don't want to wait any longer, Yue'er, let me marry you. . "

Yes, I don't want to wait any longer, I can't wait any longer, especially after the matter that the father had moved his mind on Yue'er, he felt a huge crisis, so he has been looking for a suitable opportunity to explain this matter to her——

After Lian Siyue listened, she slowly raised her eyes, with some doubts in her eyes——

"In my previous life..." If I remember correctly, the first official meeting between her and him was at her wedding ceremony with Feng Qianyue.

"No, Yue'er." From the doubt in her eyes, he saw what she was thinking, and a long-distance and lost look flashed across her face, "The first time I saw you was at Liu Shangshu's residence. That year, you were eight years old, and you were wearing a water-blue tangle-patterned beige and a silver thread-stitched skirt. You had a round, innocent face, and a warm smile in your eyes.

You are so stupid, because you got into a fight with the concubine's daughter who harbored evil intentions towards you, and you were punished by Mrs. Lian. At that time, I stood not far from you and watched you. "

Lian Siyue looked at his face and listened to his narration, some images vaguely appeared in her mind, this was too long a memory, so long ago that if he hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten it.

Moreover, even Shiya treated her so hard later that she didn't pay attention to this little intrigue.

But now through his eyes that can see past and present lives, listening to what he said, the memory picture in her mind gradually became clear——

That's right, there is such a thing, that day, after she fought Liu Xiren to complain about Lian Shiya's injustice, Lian's mother was trembling with anger, and before she left Liu's house, she was punished to stand by the pool and reflect .

At that time, when she was standing by the pool, she was very unconvinced. She thought that Liu Xiren insulted her weak and poor third sister first, and she did nothing wrong in standing up for her younger sister, so she puffed her cheeks, blushed, and was angry. Dudu looked at the fish swimming in the pond, and said:
"See that bitch Liu Xiren again, and I'll beat her up."

"If you want to help, you have to see who you are helping." At this time, a gentle voice sounded above her head. She was taken aback, and when she raised her head, she saw a handsome young man in white robe standing beside her. in front of—

He is so tall, she is young, and she grows slower than Lian Shiya, so I am afraid that I only know how high his waist is at his current height.

"Who are you?" She asked curiously.

The young man remained silent, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand, and wiped off her dirty face bit by bit until the white skin was exposed.

"Okay, it's clean, it looks so pretty." The boy looked at her with a smile and said.

Xiao Siyue came back to her senses, took two steps back, looked at him defensively, and said, "A man and a woman can't kiss each other, you touch my face and someone sees you, you have to marry me."

"Okay, I'll marry you. I'll marry you when you grow up." Unexpectedly, the young man didn't mind her childish words. Instead, he bent down and kept at eye level with her, seriously Said that she was too short, he had to do this to let her see his eyes.

Xiao Siyue was stunned, staring at him blankly, her eyes were puzzled, she was young, she naturally didn't understand these things about love and marriage, just now she said you want to marry me, she often listened to the principles of the three cardinal principles and five constant principles.

The boy straightened up, patted her head, and said, "Then you have to wait for me."

Xiao Siyue stood fixedly by the pond, staring blankly at the handsome and elegant young man walking away, when he walked to the door, he looked back and smiled at her.

Soon afterwards, Feng Yunzheng was sent by Emperor Zhou Cheng to practice, and later, Lian Siyue gradually forgot about it, after all, she was still young.

By the time she met Feng Qianyue, she had completely forgotten that there was a handsome young man in white who said that he would marry her when she grew up, and she had also forgotten the appearance of this young man——

Until later, when he appeared at the ceremony between her and Feng Qianyue and picked up the falling hijab for her, she couldn't remember who he was.

However, she never knew that the former person was actually His Highness Ninth Prince—Feng Yunzheng.


Feng Yunzheng looked at the tearful woman in front of her with heartbreaking eyes——

"Your Highness, it's you." Yes, even Siyue remembered——

She remembered that year, that day, beside the pond where the catkins were fluttering, a young man in white brocade clothes stood bent over in front of her, wiped her face, looked at her with extremely serious eyes, and said that when she grows up, Come and marry her when you grow up.

It's just that she didn't wait for him, and she completely forgot about him, and she married another person.

Then, began her tragic life, until her corpse was exposed in the wilderness after her death, and he also died tragically together.

"It's me, Yue'er. It was too late in the previous life, let me marry you in this life."

Lian Siyue stood in front of him for a long time, without saying a word, letting the tears fall down his cheeks, he stood in front of her, just like in his previous life, standing in front of her like this.

The wind picked up, and the pink petals fell one by one, like a grand and poignant rain of peach blossoms, falling around them, in their hair, on their skirts, in their hands...

Like weeping like complaints, like dreams and illusions.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, I forgot..." Her heart constricted in pain, she raised her tearful eyes and stared deeply at the man in front of her, finally knowing why he sacrificed his life for her in the previous life——

"I never say love to a woman. If I do, I want her for the rest of my life." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, wiped away the crystal clear tears on Lian Siyue's face with his sleeve, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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