Chapter 448

Chapter 448

The queen's gaze became far away, as if caught in a distant memory.

Lian Jue and Princess Eleven looked at each other, they didn't expect that they would have the fate of being born in the same year, the same month, and the same day.

"Queen, it took you so long to give birth to me." Princess Eleven said.

The queen didn't speak to her, she turned around and took out a longevity lock from under the pillow, put it into Lian Jue's hands, and said, "Give it to you."

Eleventh Princess looked at the Longevity Lock and said, "This belongs to a baby. Queen Mother, did it belong to me when I was a child? Why did you give the lock?"

The queen shook her head and said, "This is not yours, it is another person's."

"Whose one?" Eleventh Princess chased after her.

"Don't ask any more, you won't understand if you tell me." The queen seemed a little tired and said.

Lian Jue looked at the small longevity lock in his hand, thanked the empress for the reward, the empress closed her eyes, and said, "Okay, you all go out, I am going to rest."

Out of the Changchun Palace, Princess Eleven was at a loss, and said, "Lian Jue, my mother's illness has not recovered, and these days she always says things I don't understand, and even said that if I don't enter the palace, I don't have to suffer so much." , I was born in the palace, but she still said something about not entering the palace. If you don't want this longevity lock, just give it to me."

Lian Jue looked at the longevity lock in his hand, and said, "Since it was a gift from the Empress, I'll take it."

"Then... alright." Princess Eleven nodded and said.

"Princess, I'm leaving." Lian Jue said suddenly.

Princess Eleven's hands froze, her smile froze on her face, she turned her head slowly, with doubts on her face, "Lian Jue, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Shanhaiguan to find my fourth uncle. He guards the frontier. Shanhaiguan is not peaceful recently. I'm going to help him in the army. Princess, please take care of yourself." Lian Jue was the first to tell his decision. Feng Lingyue.

"Have you...already decided?" The Eleventh Princess knew why he was leaving, but she felt reluctant in her heart. With such a far distance, she felt that she would really be apart from each other from now on.

"Yes, I've already made up my mind that I'm going to bid farewell to the princess when I come to the palace." Lian Jue looked at the innocent girl in front of her, feeling a little sour in her heart.

"Then will you come back?" Princess Eleven couldn't help but see mist in her eyes, and asked with a sob, with a little expectation in her heart that she didn't dare to reveal.

"I don't know." Lian Jue shook his head, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly smiled again, and said, "However, I will be fine and won't die."

"Don't say that word, Lian Jue!" The Eleventh Princess felt her heart skip a beat when she heard the word "death", she stood on tiptoe and covered his mouth with her hands, "Whether you will come back or not, you will Well, I believe that because you are a good person, God will treat you kindly."

Lian Jue smiled, "Yes, you are right, princess, I will be fine."

He raised his hand hesitantly, and slowly landed on Princess Eleven's head, patted it lightly, then turned around abruptly, and left the Changchun Palace quickly, Feng Lingyue watched him walk away The back of the far, the nose is sore, the tears fall down, I have said goodbye so many times, this time I really want to say goodbye.

Lianjue, I hope someone with fresh clothes and angry horses will accompany you to fight the sword to the end of the world.

Lianjue, I hope that when we meet again, you and I will be well.

In the Rongyuan Hall, Emperor Zhou Cheng sat on the dragon chair, looked at the young man in front of him, with a bit of surprise in his eyes, and asked, "You entered the palace on purpose to beg the imperial decree to send you to Shanhaiguan to fight with the army? "

Lian Jue's eyes were extremely serious, he nodded, and said, "Yes, please allow the emperor."

"Why do you have the idea of ​​joining the army? Your family has been civil servants for generations, and your fourth uncle, Lian Yanlang, has only produced a general. You are the only son of the prime minister, and it is said that even the prime minister has no idea of ​​letting you join the army." Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

"A life in the army shows the true qualities of a man! Lian Jue wants to go to the army to practice and become a man who can stand upright and protect his family and country. This is Lian Jue's wish." The boy's eyes were full of persistence.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "Then, why did I agree to your request?"

"Nowadays, Duke Xiao has the highest status among generals, and among the younger generation, General Tianbao Xiao He is the most prosperous, and most of the other generals are under Xiao Guogong. Will, the imperial court will be even more powerful.

According to Lian Jue's visual observation, the San Francisco has been secretly planning to move in recent years. The Anping King in the San Francisco is Xiao Guogong's father-in-law. He still doesn't know what the Xiao family wants. "

In fact, after this time the emperor only punished Xiao Guogong and Xiao He for their salaries, and punished them for pleading guilty, but did not cut off their titles and failed to really shake the Xiao family, Lian Jue did not understand——

Right now, unless the Xiao family is collaborating with the enemy and traitorous to the country, otherwise, it will not be so easy to collapse. The emperor will at best suppress it with small punishments, because for so many years, Xiao Zhenhai's roots are too deep, and his hands are too long. To shake the Xiao family, It's not something that happens overnight.

But if one day, the emperor no longer relies on the Xiao family so much, will my sister be able to tear the poisonous scorpion Xiao Zhenhai in two without any scruples?
After hearing Lian Jue's words, Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't help but look at the young man with admiration again, at such a young age, he actually considered this aspect.Today, the relationship between the vassal king and the court is not as stable as it seems on the surface. There is indeed a lack of generals in his court, and the trick in front of him——

Definitely not the best candidate.

"Okay!" Zhou Chengdi said, "Lian Jue, I ordered you to go to Shanhaiguan to practice in the army, but I will not grant you any official position, and you must conceal your identity and not meet your fourth uncle face-to-face. , starting from the most ordinary soldier, I want you to prove that you are a person who can compete with Xiao He. If not, you will stay in the army from now on, and you will never return to Beijing as an official. It can only be a commoner."

"Lian Jue obeys!" Lian Jue agreed to the emperor's request without hesitation.

"I hope I didn't misread you." Zhou Chengdi stood up, walked in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said.

"Your Majesty, Lian Jue has something to ask." Lian Jue said, clenched his fist in his sleeve.

"You said."

Lian Jue knelt down on both knees and begged:

"It's still about the Eleventh Princess. Lian Jue can't interfere with the Emperor's harem. Lian Jue just wants to beg the Emperor to restore the position of the Eleventh Princess, and let her intimate servant return to her side to serve her. If the Eleventh Princess is wrong, Then her fault is only that she is the daughter of the emperor and the younger sister of the deposed prince. If she said that she contradicted the emperor and pleaded with the queen to the death, it was because she had a pure heart. Your majesty, isn't this very precious? ? Lian Jue begged the emperor to show mercy to the princess, and be lenient to the princess."

(End of this chapter)

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