Chapter 449
Chapter 449
Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Lian Jue, and said, "It seems that you really have a deep affection for Ling Yue'er, and you were rejected by her in public. Before you leave here, you still don't forget to intercede for her."

"..." Lian Jue was noncommittal, nodded again, and said earnestly, "But please forgive the Eleventh Princess, Your Majesty."

"That's all, that's all! Seeing how many times you have repeated, unyielding, and pleading for Ling Yue'er at the expense of offending me several times, I have agreed to your request, and it can be regarded as a reward before you leave, let Changchun Let the palace resume the service of the slaves, and the eleventh princess can live as before." Finally, Emperor Zhou Cheng let go of his mouth, and opened up to the eleventh princess.

Lian Jue was overjoyed immediately, "Thank you for His Majesty's grace, Lian Jue will definitely live up to His Majesty and make contributions as soon as possible."

"Go, the imperial decree will come to Xiangfu later." Zhou Chengdi raised his hand and said.

"Yes, Lian Jue obeys." Lian Jue got up, turned and walked out of Rong Yuan Hall, with a relieved expression on his face.

Emperor Zhou Cheng stood in the hall, quietly watching the back of Lian Jue's departure, and murmured, "It's strange, there are so many noble nephews, why do I have a feeling for this child that I can't even explain myself."

Changchun Palace.

"Princess! Princess!" Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue was struggling up the steps with a bucket of water when suddenly there was a burst of crying and shouting behind her.

She froze for a moment, turned around, and saw Zhili running over, took the bucket from her hand, quickly carried it up the steps, and ran back again, seeing Princess Eleven wearing a coarse shirt and her hair not braided She couldn't help having a sore nose, knelt on the ground, and said, "I will pay my respects to the princess."

"Zhili, you, why are you here?" Eleventh Princess didn't react for a while.

"The servant girl is in the Huanyi Bureau, and just received the order from Eunuch Feng, saying that the emperor has given her permission to let the servant girl return to Changchun Palace to serve the princess." Zhili cried.

" could..." Why did the emperor suddenly change his mind?
"Princess, my good princess, you have suffered so much, and the slaves are dying of heartache." Zhili saw Eleven's hands were torn and fleshy, and his fingertips were thick and hard, so distressed that he burst into tears. To do it, the princess must be pampered and raised."

"It's good to be back, Zhili, it's good for you to come back." The Eleventh Princess only said that it was the emperor's kindness, and she was very happy in her heart. She took the hand of the maid who was close to her and jumped up.
After a while, not only Zhili, but also two nuns came back to help serve, Changchun Palace finally became a bit popular, and it was no longer as deserted as before.

After Lian Jue returned to Xiangfu, the imperial decree arrived, and the imperial decree said that he would send Lian Jue to the Shanhaiguan camp and set off the next day.

When the Lian Mansion received this imperial decree, everyone was shocked. They never thought that the only son of the Lian family would join the army, and it came so suddenly.

Especially Lian Yanqing, holding the imperial decree, he had mixed feelings in his heart. After receiving the decree to thank him and sending away the eunuch who came to deliver the decree, he immediately changed his expression, made Lian Jue kneel down, and said:

"What's going on here? It's so good, why did the emperor let you join the army? You left in such a hurry! You will leave tomorrow, and you don't even have time to accept it as a father."

Lian Jue nodded and said, "Father calm down."

"Is it because Shiya slandered you and your eldest sister that you couldn't hold your head up, so you begged the emperor to let you join the army? This is just a misunderstanding, and it has been officially clarified. This is something the emperor knows. Why bother?" ..."

"That's not the case, father." Lian Jue looked up at the middle-aged man in front of him. As the only "di son" of the Lian family, he didn't listen to this father. He used this method to ask the emperor to issue an order to violate his will. , he must be very disappointed and angry.

"My dear grandson, you are what grandma loves the most, and she always wants to hold you in her hands and pamper you, why are you so disobedient?

... Our family has been civil servants for generations, but your fourth uncle is stubborn and wants to join the army. Look, he hasn't been home for several years. Hui Tong is twelve, and she has only met her father a few times ..." Lian's mother came over with tears in her eyes, looked at Lian Jue helplessly, and sighed, "Why are you like your fourth uncle now?Once you go, grandma will miss you day and night, no matter how she sleeps and eats well. "

Lian Jue suddenly felt sad——

He knew that Lian's mother really loved his grandson, but it was a pity - he was not really a descendant of the Lian family.

He slowly moved the corners of his lips, a smile appeared on his face, raised his eyes, and first said to Lian Yanqing——

"Father, just because the child is the only legitimate son of the Lian family, the child wants to build up his own career, make contributions to the Lian family, and make the father proud of the child. The child envied those who rode horses and fought wars when they were young. Leading the soldiers to Shanhaiguan, the majestic appearance is unforgettable to this day, father rest assured, since the child has made such a decision, you will definitely not let you down, please help the child."

With that said, Lian Jue bent over and solemnly kowtowed three times to Lian Yanqing.

"Hey!" Lian Yanqing sighed, and said, "You child, you are so stubborn, I don't know who you are like? As a father, you always only want to be safe, but you refuse to do so."

Lian Jue was slightly taken aback.

"Forget it, the emperor's imperial decree has already frightened me. As a father, I don't want to, and I can't disobey the emperor's order!" Lian Yanqing said helplessly, his heart seemed to be blocked by a stone. This is his only son. Nalian's family...

"Father, the doctor Rong said that the mother's womb is a boy. In the future, if my father trains him well, he will definitely be better than Jue'er." Lian Jue saw Lian Yanqing's thoughts and comforted him.

After speaking, Lian Jue looked at Lian Mu again, and said coquettishly, "Grandmother, it's important that you take care of yourself, don't worry too much. Jue'er is going to make meritorious deeds, which is a good thing. Besides, isn't fourth uncle here? Don't you Have you always been worried about Uncle Four? This time Jueer went to Shanhaiguan, he can still be with Uncle Fourth and help Uncle Fourth, don’t you think?”

Mother Lian sighed, tears welled up in her eyes, she wiped away the old tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, stepped forward, brushed the Lianjue, and looked at the tall and big grandson heartily, Said, "This is what you want to do, and you are a dignified man. Grandma can't tie you up, but you must promise grandma that you must take care of yourself when you go. Your fourth uncle came back safely together, and grandma is waiting for you at home."

"Grandmother, don't worry, Jue'er is now highly skilled in martial arts, and she will be fine." Lian Jue said with a trace of sourness in his eyes, but a smile on his face.

"Hey, if your mother knows that you are going to leave, you don't know how sad you will be. You go to Fu'an Yuan and say goodbye to her." Lian Mu patted his body and entrusted her.

"Je'er is going to mother's side."

(End of this chapter)

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