Chapter 450
Chapter 450
Fu'an Hospital.

"What..." The lady had just finished drinking a bowl of anti-fetal medicine, and when she heard Lian Jue explaining that she was going to leave for Shanhaiguan in the morning, she was taken aback, "Je'er, really have to leave."

"Yes, mother." Lian Jue nodded and said.

Although not her own, but all these years, she has regarded Lian Jue as her own son, and now she suddenly said that she was going to go to Shanhaiguan, she was reluctant to part with it for a while, so she felt sad and couldn't help crying.

"Je'er, if you go like this, when will you come back?"

Lian Jue smiled, held the eldest lady's hand, and said, "Mother, don't worry too much, Jue'er won't be gone for long, and will be back soon."

"When a child grows up, he always has his own ideas. As a mother, he can't keep it." The lady turned around and took out an amulet, which was hung around Lianjue's neck. The temple begged for two, one for you and one for your sister, I thought I would give it to you in a few days, but now you are leaving, you take it, wear it on your body, don't take it off."

Lian Jue looked down at the amulet hanging on his chest, his heart moved, he stuffed it into the skirt of his clothes, nodded, and said, "Yes, mother, Jue'er will wear it all the way and will not take it off. I will leave tomorrow morning , when the time comes, I won’t disturb my mother’s rest, so I will bid farewell to my mother.”

The eldest lady looked at the child in front of her, gently hugged him into her arms, and said, "It's been a long time, please take care of yourself."

"Mother, I have to go. I haven't packed my bags yet." Lian Jue walked to the door and stopped suddenly. His back looked a little lonely under the candlelight. face, said, "Mom, thank you."

After hearing this, the lady suddenly felt her heart tremble——

And Lian Jue turned around gracefully and left in a hurry.

"Nurse Zhou, Nurse Zhou..." The eldest lady was a little nervous, clutching the embroidered handkerchief in her hand and asked, "Je'er, does he know something?"

Nanny Zhou hurriedly ran over to close the door, and said in a low voice, "Madam, don't think wildly, no, how could the young master know."

"No." The lady shook her head resolutely, and said, "Do you still remember that one day when we were talking about that child back then, a black shadow ran away from under the window, and I felt more and more about that child People are Jue'er, he heard what the two of us said."

Nanny Zhou was taken aback, "When Madam said it, she really looked like the young master."

"Also, at the old man's birthday banquet that day, Shiya said that he liked Yue'er and wrote poems to her, but Princess Eleven came out and said that 'Yue' was her, but I, but I always felt that it was not, 'Yue' was ours. My own Yue'er, although Jue'er is not my own, but I raised him, his eyes can't fool me..." The eldest lady said, her voice trembling.

"Could it be that the young master wanted to join the army because of this?" Mother Zhou asked with her heart tightening.

The eldest lady sat down on the chair slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "If that's the case, Jue'er is too pitiful, she likes someone, but she can't like someone openly, and she can't even express her heart. I'm sorry for him, I'm sorry for him."

After Lian Jue left Fu'an Yuan, he walked slowly along the winding corridor.

The sky was already dark, and on the tip of the moon, unknown insects chirped, and the moonlight enveloped his tall and tall body. He unknowingly walked to the bridge opposite the Xianheyuan, separated by a pond, lost in ecstasy. Looking at the yard—

The red lantern at the gate of the courtyard was flickering in the night. Many times, he held delicious food in his hand, sat under the red lantern and waited for that person, watching her happily prepare him. The food is eaten, so happy to eat.

He watched for a long time, and suddenly there was an unexplained pain in his chest, as if someone had squeezed his heart tightly. The pain caused him to stagger, he hurriedly supported the bridge pier, and bent down——

"It hurts..."

With his back against the bridge, he slowly slid down, and finally sat on the ground with his back against the bridge, tightly covering his heart, and then turned his head to look——

The lantern at the entrance of Xianheyuan has been extinguished, and nothing can be seen.

At dawn on the second day, Lian Jue didn't inform anyone, so he put his bags on his back, hurried out of the gate of Xiangfu, and arrived at the academy unknowingly all the way, Sijiu followed behind him, looking at him sadly back.

The jujubes on the jujube tree in the academy are ripe again. Lian Jue stands under the jujube tree, looking up at the green dates above. He and his sister beat dates to eat here——

"Sister, I have made up my mind. I don't want to be willing to be the son of the prime minister. I want to make contributions, I want to be famous all over the world, and I want to be a person who can't be hurt by anyone. I can do my best to protect my sister in this life. I don't want my sister to be alone. Fighting alone, I want no one to threaten my sister, no matter who it is, there is only one end for hurting my sister, and that is death." Under the jujube tree, the boy's eyes were clear and determined.

"Jue'er..." My sister stopped eating jujubes after hearing this...

"No, Jue'er, sister has never fought alone, she has you." Lian Siyue raised her hand with misty eyes, stroked Lian Jue's face, and said softly.

Lian Jue's lips trembled, and he raised his hand to cover Lian Siyue's, and said, "Sister, I'm not joking, just wait, Jue'er will definitely become a person you can be proud of."

Lian Siyue nodded: "Of course I believe Jue'er."

Here, the young man made the most important promise in his life, and it will be engraved in his heart from then on, for the rest of his life, so it is still vivid in his mind today.

When walking out of the academy, Lian Jue suddenly stopped and asked, "Sister, will you come here to play dates with me next year?"

Lian Siyue smiled brightly: "Of course I will, Jue'er."

"Then... what about the next year, will you still come?"

"Of course, I come here every year to play jujube with Jue'er. Even if Jue'er forgets, I won't forget, okay?"

"No, I will never forget, I will never forget this jujube tree."



Yes, I will never forget this jujube tree, sister.

"Master..." Sijiu understood what Lian Jue was thinking, and he called softly.

Lian Jue came back from the memory, he climbed up the jujube tree neatly, quickly picked a basket of fresh dates, then jumped down from the tree, hung the basket on the branch, and the basket was dangling on it.

"I'm leaving, Sijiu!" Lian Jue no longer hesitated, turned around resolutely, and walked out of the academy. There were a group of strong white horses waiting for him outside, and he jumped on the horse quickly.

"Master, take me with you!" Sijiu ran over quickly, stood under the horse, looked up at his young master tearfully, "Sijiu can take care of the young master along the way."

Lian Jue smiled, untied an eggplant bag from his waist, threw it into Sijiu's arms, and said, "Go back."

As he spoke, he raised his whip high and lashed it on the whip. The horse raised its front hooves high and ran forward like a gust of wind. It ran farther and farther, farther and farther, and soon it would be invisible up.

"Young master, young master, be careful, Sijiu waits for you to return triumphantly, and waits for you to become a mighty general..." Sijiu cried and chased after him, but he couldn't catch up after all. He stood on the spot, lowered his head slowly, Opening the eggplant bag that Lian Jue gave him, there was a stack of banknotes inside, and he immediately sat on the ground, crying like a child, "Master, you are the best person in the world."

"..." At this time, a figure appeared in front of him. He was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head. When he saw the person in front of him, he was overjoyed, wiped away his tears, and stood up——

"Miss, miss, are you here? Young master, he just left, he has been waiting for you, he thought you would not come, he thought you forgot the promise, so, so left very disappointed, miss, wait, I'm going to chase the young master...Young master, the eldest lady is here!"

Sijiu yelled loudly towards the direction Lian Jue left.

"There's no need to shout." However, Lian Siyue stopped him.

"..." Sijiu froze for a moment, then slowly turned around.

"I've been here a long time ago, but I just didn't meet him." Lian Siyue said, his face was still as deserted as before, with no expression on his face.

Sijiu suddenly remembered something, he quickly turned around and ran into the academy, took down the basket that Lian Jue had hung on the tree, brought it to Lian Siyue, and said:

"Miss, this is just picked by the young master. It's big and fresh. Try it."

Lian Siyue looked at the basket full of dates, picked up one of them, wiped it with a handkerchief, put it in her mouth, and took a bite——

The jujube juice flowed into the mouth, it was very fragrant and sweet, but for some reason, it tasted a bit bitter.

She finished eating a jujube, and said to Sijiu, "Do you want to leave Xiangfu, or stay?"

After hearing this, Sijiu quickly put down the basket, knelt in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "Miss, Sijiu will stay at the mansion until the young master comes back."

"Okay then, you can stay and guard the Wenhua Academy." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"Miss Xie!" Sijiu hurriedly kowtowed.

Lian Siyue bent down, picked up a basket of dates, turned around and walked towards Xiangfu, the dates were heavy in her hand, just like her mood.

"Miss, according to your instructions, we have arranged reliable killers to protect Young Master Jue all the way until he arrived at Shanhaiguan safely and joined Fourth Master (the fourth son of the Lian family). , Miss can rest assured."

Leng Mei came over and said.

Lian Siyue nodded, and said, "Well, I'm afraid Concubine Xu Xian will not let him go, and will take advantage of the long journey to kill him, so I asked His Highness Ninth Prince to send someone to protect him."

"Miss is really painstaking towards young master." Qing Dai said, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Lian Siyue pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Lian Jue is very ambitious. It seems that the Lian family is going to have a strong general." At this time, a cold voice came from the front.

Lian Siyue was startled slightly, looked up, and saw Feng Qianyue standing in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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