First-class daughter

Chapter 451 It's been a long time

Chapter 451 It's been a long time
Chapter 451 It's been a long time
He was wearing a navy blue flowing cloud python robe, inlaid with golden brocade velvet trim, and a snow-white fur fox cloak over his head. Looking at her eyes full of predatory intent, he pursed his lips and said:
"It's been a long time, it's like a moon."

Leng Mei secretly clenched his fists, standing behind Lian Siyue and watching Feng Qianyue closely.

Lian Siyue remained calm, she still had a calm expression on her face, she bent slightly, and said, "I pay my respects to Fourth Highness."

Feng Qianyue frowned slightly, with a hint of anger floating in his eyes, he said, "I heard that you have been promoted to first-rank Rong and county head, this king came here to congratulate you specially."

"Thank you, Fourth Highness, this is the great love of the emperor, and I am extremely frightened." Lian Siyue's face remained calm, as if he was talking to a stranger, with a hint of indifference in his eyes all the time.

Feng Qianyue came to her, already full of anger, but now her innocuous expression irritated him even more, he suddenly took a step forward, stepped back and leaned against the wall like a moon, her eyes instantly Show a touch of resistance!

Leng Mei immediately stepped forward, pulling out his weapon from his waist, but Ying Kong also pulled out his long sword, and pressed it against Leng Mei's eyebrows, with a sneer on Leng Mei's face, how could she be afraid of an ordinary trained guard——

"Go down, the king wants to have a few words with Miss Lian." Feng Qianyue kept watching Lian Siyue closely, not letting go for a moment, and ordered in a deep voice.

Lian Siyue glanced at Leng Mei and nodded, Leng Mei slowly withdrew her weapon and walked away with Ying Kong.

"I don't know what the Fourth Highness wants to say to me?" Lian Siyue had an obvious impatient expression on his face.

And Feng Qianyue stared at this demonic woman, her palms slowly bent, even Siyue felt a bit of joy in her heart when she saw his aggrieved look, she suddenly realized, "I almost forgot to congratulate the Fourth Highness , gained precious freedom."

"Freedom?" Feng Qianyue chewed these two words fiercely, and said, "Do you know what price I paid for these two words?"

"I don't know what price the Fourth Highness paid for freedom, but I know that since the Fourth Highness is willing to pay this price, it means that the Fourth Highness has also got what he wants, otherwise, the Fourth Highness will never make this deal. Yes, am I right?" She knows Feng Qianyue too well, no matter what she does, she must be calculating, and only plan for her own benefit.

"..." Feng Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Sometimes, I have a strange feeling towards you, as if you are the person who knows me best in the world, but you are the one who hates me the most people."

"Really? His Highness Fourth Highness actually has such a feeling?" Lian Siyue seemed surprised.

"Lian Siyue, don't play around with me anymore, tell me, what are you thinking in your heart?" Feng Qianyue took another step forward, approaching her, his eyes trying to see through her mind, "I, Feng Qianyue, , starting from living with the court ladies and eunuchs, and finally becoming a prince after bearing the burden of humiliation, and now becoming the king of the county, I have met countless people of all kinds, I dig their secrets, I take advantage of their weaknesses, but no one can As unpredictable as you are, I never knew who you really were, I couldn't see your heart.

Every time you deal with anyone who offends you, you don't hesitate to deal a cruel hand, even your aunt who is closely related to your family, even Zhaoyi, you will not let go, but you can show mercy to the queen for my eleventh sister .

You are the most vicious person, but you are also the most soft-hearted person.

You made me toss and turn, and I couldn't sleep at night. I found that when I was in the dungeon, the most I thought about was not how to regain the trust of my father. The most I thought about was you. As soon as I closed my eyes, your beautiful face A cold-blooded face appeared in front of me.

So, tell me, Lian Siyue, who are you? "

His tone slowly softened, the fiery breath lingered beside Lian Siyue, and the surrounding temperature became a little tense.

Lian Siyue slowly raised her eyelids, looked into his eyes, and said, "I don't know who I am. I have never thought about this problem. I just do what I think I should do."

"Hehe..." Feng Qianyue smiled lightly, raised her hands, and pressed them against Lian Siyue's side, saying, "You have always refused to confide anything in your heart to me, and you have always been on guard against me, so you can't blame me !"

Suddenly, Feng Qianyue's eyes sank, he grabbed Lian Siyue, jumped to the side of the horse, hugged her tightly by his side, and rode away.

"Let me go!" Lian Siyue ordered in a cold voice, struggling to break free several times.

"Until I can't find the answer, I won't let go!" Feng Qianyue's voice came from the wind.

"Miss!" Seeing this, Leng Mei immediately chased after her, but she was stopped by Ying Kong. She immediately drew out her sword and looked at Ying Kong. Although ordinary trained guards like Ying Kong have strong martial arts skills, of course Not as cold as this!

Seeing Feng Qianyue's horse ran away, and Ying Kong was entangled with her again, she turned around, caught a gap, and threw the hidden weapon in her sleeve at Feng Qianyue without hesitation——

Her goal is only one - to protect the young lady!This is the order of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, so even if the other party is a prince, she will not hesitate to use a sharp weapon to hurt him.

"Your Highness, get out of here!" Ying Kong shouted.

He only heard a "poof", although Feng Qianyue turned his body sideways when he heard Ying Kong's words, but a piece of the hidden weapon was still inserted into his shoulder blade, he only heard a muffled grunt, and his figure shook violently , but there is still no intention of stopping.

Leng Mei was about to launch the second hidden weapon, at this time Ying Kong had rushed over, stopped in front, and took out his sword to fight her——

His cold eyebrows froze, no, this person must be dealt with quickly!
She no longer thought about her eldest lady, but concentrated all her strength, used her highest level of martial arts, and fought with Ying Kong quickly, and finally stabbed him with a knife. When he fell to the ground, she immediately separated Putting the black horse on his body, he ran towards the direction where Feng Qianyue had kidnapped the eldest lady just now.

She stabbed Feng Qianyue just now, and the air was still filled with the smell of his blood. She followed the direction and sent a distress signal into the air——

Night Breeze can receive this signal!

If only he arrived in time!
After Feng Qianyue ran for a while, he felt a severe pain in his shoulder. The maid obviously didn't give him any room. If Ying Kong hadn't reminded him, he might have died under her hidden weapon!
She really deserves to be Lian Siyue's maid!
He finally tightened his grip on the horse's belly, and the horse slowed down. He clenched his teeth and slid off the horse's back. He raised his hand and brushed his shoulder blades. When he saw it, his palm was stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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