Chapter 452 You Go Home
Chapter 452 You Go Home
Lian Siyue gave him a cold look, and said, "It seems that His Highness has been locked in prison for too long, and his mind tends to get dizzy."

Feng Qianyue gritted her teeth, fine sweat dripped from her forehead, this woman was brought here by him, she didn't have any fear on her face, she was still laughing at him!
"Aren't you afraid?" He looked up at her on the horse and asked.

"As long as you have nothing to fear, you will not be afraid of anything." Lian Siyue slid off the horse and said, looking at the surrounding environment by the way, it is obvious that this is a forest in the suburbs of Beijing, and there are no people around.

"I just killed a woman who looks very similar to you in Yuejun Palace." Feng Qianyue said coldly.

Lian Siyue didn't say a word, his eyes turned to one side, he gathered his attention, and his ears listened to the movements around him.

"If I kill you here, or..." Feng Qianyue endured the pain from his shoulder blade, "make you truly my woman, then you will never turn back, I promise."

"If this is the case, then I also guarantee that the power and status that the Fourth Highness has endured for so many years will all be turned into clouds!" Lian Siyue looked at him coldly, Feng Qianyue kept looking at him from the bottom of her eyes. Without any fear.

How could he understand that in the world of Lian Siyue, he once personally gave her the most painful torture in the world, that's why she was so fearless, she would die, so what's there to be afraid of?

"You are just a little daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and now you are just a little first-rank county head. Do you think who will really make sacrifices for you?"

"I will." At this time, a stern voice came from behind Feng Qianyue, he was startled, and looked back——

Then I saw Feng Yunzheng standing behind him, wearing a plain robe, with a bottomless murderous look in his eyes!
Night Breeze and Leng Mei stood behind him.

He came so fast?

Feng Yunzheng withdrew his cold eyes from Feng Qianyue's body, walked up to Lian Siyue, took off the cloak on his body, tied it around her body, and tied the belt for her, his movements were so gentle , In order to accommodate her height, he even deliberately bent his knees.

"You came so fast." Lian Siyue smiled, with deep trust in her eyes.

"En." Feng Yunzheng seemed to be very familiar with her, and replied lightly, fastened the belt for her, and asked again, "Is there anything wrong?"

"No." Lian Siyue shook her head.

Feng Qianyue's shoulder was bleeding, and watching the interaction between the two, he suddenly realized that Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were already so close, especially Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng. When talking, there is a smile on his face, this flowery smile has no burden, it is something he has never seen before!
A deep jealousy was born in Feng Qianyue's heart, he forgot the pain in his shoulder blades, and the blood all over his body was surging——

Do not!
He couldn't just watch them together like this!
Feng Yunzheng turned around, skillfully blocked Lian Siyue behind him, looked at Feng Qianyue, and said expressionlessly, "Brother Si Wang took Yue'er away, what do you want to do?"

"Yue'er?" When Feng Qianyue heard this address, the acid in her heart seemed to overflow, "Lian Siyue is an unmarried person, and her future marriage will be decided by the emperor. It's so affectionate, and if it spreads, aren't you afraid of ruining her reputation and preventing her from getting married?"


"Haha!" Feng Yunzheng just wanted to refute Feng Qianyue, but Lian Siyue couldn't help it, haha ​​sneered twice, and said, "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness is really high-sounding, you will not be able to spread the word about my kidnapping here. Will it ruin my reputation?"

"...Lian Siyue, why do you always help Brother Nine Emperors? This makes people suspect that you have an affair." Feng Qianyue looked at the two people who were fighting against each other, and deliberately said harsh words.

"Brother Siwang, it's not a personal relationship, it's an affectionate relationship, I have it for her." But Feng Yunzheng was not provoked by him, but turned to look at Lian Siyue's blushing face, and said.

Even Siyue's heart trembled slightly, she didn't expect that Feng Yunzheng, a majestic Ninth Prince, was also a high-ranking person, and he didn't shy away from saying these words at all.

She remembered again that he said he wanted to marry her.

"..." Feng Qianyue's heart was hit violently.

"Let's go, the carriage is over there." Feng Yunzheng nodded to Lian Siyue and said.

"En." Lian Siyue stopped looking at Feng Qianyue, walked past him, and walked to the carriage with Feng Yunzheng.

When she got into the carriage, Feng Yunzheng turned around, looked at Feng Qianyue, and said, "Brother Siwang, I want to marry her. If you mess with her, don't blame my brother for not giving him any face."

There was a dangerous arc on the corner of his lips, then he turned around, no longer entangled with Feng Qianyue, and quickly got into the carriage.

The carriage galloped away, and Feng Qianyue stood firmly in place, letting the pain in the shoulder blades, and letting the blood flow out stain the brocade robe on his chest.

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong rushed over injured, he knelt on the ground, "The last general is useless, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Feng Qianyue pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. He turned around with a cold face, and suddenly his figure shook, and he held the horse with his hands.

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong hurriedly got up and supported him.

"Go home and heal the wound!" Feng Qianyue got on the horse, covered the wound, and ordered.

On Lian Siyue's carriage, Leng Mei knelt on the ground with one knee, lowered his head, and said, "Your Highness, it's not good for me to protect the eldest lady. Your Highness, please punish me."

"You have tried your best. When you meet a lunatic like Feng Qianyue, it is understandable that you were not prepared enough. Besides, I am not injured." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng's brows were always tightly locked, his face was always displeased, and he said, "It seems that we must increase our precautions. Lengmei alone is not enough, and we need to send more people to protect you. Things like today , I will never allow it to happen again!"

"Don't worry, Feng Qianyue still doesn't dare to do anything to me, he is now in an alliance with Xiao Zhenhai, and he is going to marry his daughter, Xiao Zhenhai will definitely handle him well." Lian Siyue said.

"That won't work either! I want you to be unscathed." Feng Yunzheng refused to take any risks with Siyue, he would rather be more careful than take any chances.

He thought for a moment in his mind, and then ordered, "Night Breeze, make arrangements as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze's voice came from outside the carriage.

Seeing him being so cautious, Lian Siyue couldn't help feeling that he was exaggerating, but seeing that he wanted to do this, she didn't say much.

When approaching the Prime Minister's Mansion, Feng Yunzheng got out of the carriage first, and said to Lian Siyue, "Father ordered me, Brother Six, Brother Eight, and Ten Emperors to accompany Lu Jingyao to play in the capital. He and Xiaohu are also present, I'll go there first, you can go home."

(End of this chapter)

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